

Sitting quietly, I watched Ten take a small plate of food, adding a little more every time Martha nudged him. He must have been eating enough, as she nudged him several times.

"You know, you have to eat Doctor. I know you don't want to, but you're underweight, very unhealthily so." Martha cautioned, placing a hand on her shoulder. "So can you take one more thing?"

"Fine," Ten sighed, grabbing a piece of watermelon. "Happy?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you." She responded with a gentle smile before quickly turning to me. "You, fruit now. You. need to eat more, and it can not just be meat."

"Alright, you're in charge," I responded shaking my head, grabbing some grapes and orange. "You are really bossy you know."

"I have to be, I want respect and sometimes people like the Doctor don't like taking care of themselves, so I have to make them," Martha responded, placing a little more on my plate. "Hower I may have to."

Chuckling I shrugged, sitting at a nearby table across from her. She herself had a good amount of food, eating quietly.

"So, am I good to head back with him?" Ten asked, nibbling at his toast. He was stalling, that much was clear. Why was a different story, one I had a feeling I knew but didn't want to believe.

"Perhaps, if you eat that. would help," Martha responded, sighing as she glanced at me.

Now I had finished by thee pieces of bacon just fine, but the fruit was untouched and I was hoping it would be alowed to stay that way. The look she was giving me told me otherwise.

"I like limes, I like several fruits that don't exist in the earth, and I don't mind Mellon. I just don't eat it with breakfast." I said with a shrug, bitting off a piece of watermelon. "I'll eat it, sure. But that's never how I used to do it."

"Nope, normally I had porridge and he had bread. Well, it wasn't just bread it was like, a breakfast loaf thing. It was good, but I couldn't stomach it and it normally had a nut I hated." The Doctor added nibbling on some bacon. "I know a recipe, I could probably make some one day."

"That would be nice, but Martha's right. You should eat a bit more. If you do I'll treat you back in the room alright? But you have to eat everything." I suggested quietly, shrugging as Martha glared half-heartedly at me. It had worked, of course, Ten was eating a lot more willingly than before.

"So Martha, how did meet him? I mean we knew each other as kids, but I don't know about you two." I said with a small smile.

"He saved my life when the hospital I worked at was transported to the moon." She admitted, "I've been travelling with him on and off since."

"Alright, that is strange. But I can respect that." I responded with a small smile, "But really, when do you think I can steel Ten?"

"And do what with him?" Asked the Brigadier as he walked up, a piece of toast in hand. Glancing at Martha he backed towards the food, grabbing more before returning.

"He's going to make sweet optional love to me, and fuck me so hard I can't walk. Then we are going to play video games." At this me, the Brigadier and Martha all choked.

Forcing myself to take a deep breath I tipped my juice -minding not to spill it- I nodded quickly and took a small sip. I could feel the heat in my ears as he simply smiled and finished his food.

"You can go now if you would like." Martha sighed, slowly gathering her bearings. "I'm putting a lot of trust in you two right now, so don't try and escape."

True its filler, but its also a bridge between two chapters. Of course that much is necessary, and I think I did right.

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