
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime et bandes dessinées
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154 Chs

Chapter 15: Still raining~

Sinfully Delicious Café....

Ashiya was currently reading the report given to him by his "underling" and couldn't help but frown.

"What do you think of this?" He asked the young man in front of him.

The young man, with blonde hair with bags under his eyes gulped and said, "Manager, I actually went to that place and their foods is not even that delicious, but for some reason, our regulars are starting to go there, causing our sales to drop."

"Is that so? So there's nothing out of ordinary? Like ripping their clothes off after eating? Or even moaning while blushing? None at all?"

The young man shook his head, "No sir. The people there are just acting like normal, eating, talking, laughing, just an ordinary hanging out time with friends. But even so, they just keep on going back there."

Ashiya frowned, 'Is it perhaps magic? Minor Hypnosis? Or Spiritual Power? There's no way any sane person would keep returning on an ordinary place after they tasted ours. I will investigate it later.'

"Um, sir." The young man spoke, "About my request—"

Ashiya sighed, this young man is quite good. He's diligent, capable, and efficient. But he's just an ordinary Human, there's no way he could allow him to work at night.

"I told you, Shirogane-kun, I can't allow you to have a night shift."

"But manager....I can do it! I will even stop doing my other part time jobs! Just please give me a chance! This place offers me a pay more than several of my part time combined! I need money for my family! So please!"

Ashiya sighed, he can't possibly involve an ordinary human like him to the matters of supernatural side.

It would different story if this young man is living alone as Ashiya can still protect him, but he has family and if Shirogane got involved into the Supernatural, then surely, his family might be in danger.

"Sir please! My family is currently facing a financial crisis! I really need money! Please manager!" Shirogane did a ninety degree bow.

"Is your money from other part time jobs not enough?"

"No sir! You're the only one who is giving us part timer a high pay of ¥8000 per hour! If I can work for a few more hours, my pay will be even higher than my part time jobs combined!"

Ashiya sighed, 'Well, I can just erase his memories.' "Fine, but if you showed any signs of backing out I won't give you another chance."

Shirogane's eyes widened before a wide smile appeared on his face, "I won't disappoint! Thank you very much for this sir!"

Ashiya waved his hand as the young man bowed and left the office. Ashiya sighed as he looked at the reports on his hands.

"....SFC huh. I better tell this to his highness later."


"So this is....the other world?" A young girl muttered in shock and amazement as she looked around the towering buildings.

This young girl, who is wearing a kimono and carrying a luggage bag is none other than the Chief Inquisitor who was tasked on eleminating the Demon King and the Hero.

"This place...is completely different from the one I read." She had read several books containing the history of this new world, but this place is completely different!

'Did I perhaps studied the wrong one?' However, she shook her head, those books were provided to her by the kind librarian herself, so it should not be wrong.

'Are those carriages?! They can run even without horses!?' She stared at the "carriage" of this other world in amazement.

She looked at the map on her hand, provided to her by a fat but kind landlady who owned an inn.

"Yuragi Inn....But is it really okay if I stay there without paying for a month?" She wondered.

She wanted to give some gold coins to the landlady but she refused her, so she could only reluctantly agree and thought of this as charity.

'Besides, the currency here is completely different.' She grumbled. She even brought with her hundreds of gold coins but in the end, she couldn't even use it.

'How do I get the currency though?' She wondered, but decided to think about those stuff later and continue to follow the map.

It took her half an hour to finally find the place and she was amazed by its size. Though she also felt an incredibly malicious presence residing on the inn.

'..this presence...as a thanks for the kind landlady, I will purify this inn.' She thought.

She knocked at the door before opening it, "Excuse me for the intrusion."

She said, and immediately noticed a kind looking young girl smiling at her.

"Ah, you must be Suzuno Kamazuki-san yes? Please come on in, the landlady has informed me about you." The girl smiled, "I'm Chitose Nakai, the caretaker of the Inn."

The Chief Inquisitor, now identified as Suzuno Kamazuki, bowed her head, "Yes indeed. I am Suzuno Kamazuki, the landlady has been kind enough to let me stay here for a month."

"Yes, yes, she has informed me about me. Please come in." Chitose smiled, though now it seems to lose its brilliance, 'That old lady, what is she thinking letting someone in the Inn without pay.'

Suzuno seems to not notice anything though and just smiled as she walked in.

"Chitose-san!" A voice called out.

Suzuno turned her head and saw a girl floating on air towards Chitose, and narrowed her eyes.

"Chitose-san! This is bad! We ran out of meats and spices! What do we do?!"

"My, my, then Yuuna-chan, can you accompany me for shopping later? I still need to show our new resident around the Inn you see."

"Oh?" Yuuna turned towards Suzuno, who also happens to be looking at her. It took her a few moments to realize that Suzuno can see her. "Ah! Can you see me?"

As she floated in front of Suzuno and waved her hand.

Suzuno and nodded, "Indeed, It is pleasure to meet you Spirit-san, I'm Suzuno Kamazuki."

"R-Really?! Y-You can see me?! I-I'm Yuuna Yunohana! Y-You really really can see me right?!"

Suzuno showed a smile and nodded, "Yes. I can see Yuuna-san very clearly. Yuuna-san is a very beautiful young woman I might say."

"R-Really? Hehe." Yuuna blushed and covered her face with her hand. "S-Suzuno-san is very beautiful as well!"

At that moment, the door of the Inn suddenly opened, as Sagiri walked in. She looked surprised seeing a new face but only for a moment.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sagiri Ameno," she introduced herself as she gave a bow, "Are you perhaps going to stay here?"

Suzuno nodded, "Indeed. I'm Suzuno Kamazuki, its a pleasure to meet you. And as you've said, I will be staying in Yuragi for awhile, please take care of me."

"Un, me too." Sagiri smiled.

Chitose smiled, "Well then, let's get going ne?"

With that, the group first walked towards the dining room, where they saw Lucifer lying on the ground, twitching.

"Uwaaa~! Hanzo-san?! Are you okay?!" Yuuna cried out in shock as she floated above Lucifer, and trying to help him, but she couldn't move him no matter what.

"Ara~?" Chitose tilted her head with a smile, "Hanzo-kun, are you perhaps still being punished by Alex-kun?"

Sagiri raised an eyebrow, "I really wondered what you did to anger Alexander, it seems like you wouldn't be moving for awhile."

"Mmphff!" Lucifer's face was flat on the floor, even if he tried to use his magic he couldn't move.

That bastard king of his is enjoying a drink with a beauty while he, as a general, was punished to move in 10x the gravity, and if that's not enough he was also thrown out of the room as if he was an annoying third wheel.

However, Suzuno's gaze hardened as she glared at Lucifer but quickly calmed down. 'Lucifer, general of the Demon King. If he's getting punished by this Alexander guy, there's a chance that he is Satan. There's no way Lucifer would just accept punishments from someone aside from the Ruler of Demons.'

"Anyway, let's continue the tour Suzuno-san." Chitose ignored the writhing Lucifer and continue to walk.

Sagiri scoffed at Lucifer before following after Chitose. Only Yuuna seemed to hesitate on leaving him but in the end, followed after the girls after giving Lucifer one last look.

"Have any of you seen Yaya and Nonko?" Sagiri asked.

"Hmm? I think I heard her say something like she smelled something very delicious coming from Alex-kun's room, she's probably there. As for Nonko, she's probably drinking in Alex-kun's room too."

Sagiri hummed, "I see.....well I still have some things I needed to do. Please excuse me." With that, she stop following them and went....somewhere.

Suzuno narrowed her eyes, "This Alexander guy....who is he?"

It was Yuuna who answered, "He's a kind person. He mostly stayed in the Inn so sometimes we talked a lot, and he also adore his daughter very much! I do too! She's very cute!"

"Hmm." Suzuno smiled, 'Alexander...kind? It could be because he's acting, or maybe my assumption is wrong. I shall observe for now.'

'I don't believe that they have lost their power just like the Church said. There's no way.'