

Ivy's pov

The traffic on the road was getting hectic as I paused to make a call across the office but seemed I didn't have a signal in my phone

I looked forward and there was no sign of improvement,seems I'll be late to the office

Soon the coast was clear and I could now now move,I looked at the time ,8:36,shit I'm already late,I accelerated the car and I drove as fast as I could


I looked forward and I saw that I had hit a car,I just couldn't comprehend how the hell that happened,I quickly went down from the car and went down towards the car I just hit,I knocked on the window and the window slide down,a card fell off  and the car sped off

  I picked up the card and it read

Jordan Miller

Skyrise enterprise

Shit I was in double trouble now,I quickly went into my car and drove off,while driving I tried calling my best friend eva who worked in the company and luckily she picked

Hey ivy,Eva said

I'm in deep trouble,I told eva worriedly

What happened,she asked in concern

I just hit a car,and guess who owns it

Who,she asked with anticipation

Jordan Miller,I cried out

What,she shouted,you must be joking

Do I sound like I'm joking Eva,I'm dead serious

Anyways I'll have to hang up I don't want to have another accident,I said

Sure, better drive safely,Eva spoke

With that I hung up the phone and continued driving