
A Lv6 Slime Author's Thoughts

*This was written between chapter 21 and hopefully 22*

*This covers questions about the harem tag (MIGHT BE UPDATED IN THE FUTURE)*

You: *unware of what this chapter is about*


That's right, It's about that time!

Why now you might ask?

Well, that's because we've passed 100 collections, and we actually did this quite a while ago but I forgot to mention it so uhh... THANK YOU!

This novel is actually at around 180 at the time this is being written, sooo wow. 180 of you thought my novel was good enough for your library collection (•̀ᴗ•́)و

If you like the novel, consider giving it a review so that we can help even MORE people find it and add it to their collections. This way we can have more humorous interactions and creative suggestions for future chapters.

Now onto more important things.

As you might've noticed this novel does indeed have the harem tag.

No this was not a mistake, nor were the voices in my head telling me to pick it (this time at least).

I fully intend on making our MC have fleshed out and well-developed (or at least I hope) relationships with more than one female character. Now I know what you may be thinking.

You: Author-san does this mean that the MC will drown in p*ssy like we're in some sort of biblical storm

The short answer is no. The longer answer would involve me bitch smacking you across the face for even suggesting such a thing.

Will there be lots of girls?


Will I have to write a 20 page single space thesis paper on how many of them there are?


Unless you want me too 0.o

I'm kidding, please don't take that seriously.

I want for the relationships to have a more logical development. This means that at times I may need to dedicate several chapters to interactions between the MC and the heroine, and so I have to be picky sometimes about who I chose.

If I don't do this, then the plot will move along really slowly, or other characters won't get any time at all, or I would have to cut their interactions short and just make their feelings spontaneously blossom.

Which as I've learned from real life does not work at all, unless you are that guy from the show, Lucifer.

Let's pick up the pace a little.

Q: Will Kanao be in the harem?

A: Yeah that seem possible, would you guys like to see it? Following that topic, would you guys also like to see Nezuko, although that would be the very last one for this world. Any other female characters introduced would either be enemies or the relationship would be platonic. I'm trying to have an adventure story that's complemented by a harem, not the other way around.

Q: Will Fey take his harem with him when he goes to other worlds?

A: This is a bit of a difficult one. On one hand, I don't want to just throw away the characters that I've spent so long integrating into the story. On the other hand, If I were to bring them with the MC to another world, then they would take up screen time and the original characters from that world would get less time because of that. Ultimately I will probably end up doing both.

For the record, this won't be an issue until a very long time. As of right now, I estimate the current arc to be finished at around chapter 60-80.

Some characters might follow our MC to another world for an adventure, but they won't get as much focus as I want to mainly center the arc around the world he is in and the characters in them. Other characters might not follow our MC, and what I will do for those characters is that I will have our MC return to those worlds and maybe finish the story or have them go through the next arc from that story.

It's when the story in that world is finished that I start running into a bit of a problem. Some characters might not want to leave their world, Idk maybe they like it there or they have a family there. At this point, I might have to make a supplementary chapter or two where the MC goes back to that world because he misses them or wants to go on a date. I could also have to create new events or a mini-plot.

Q: Will Fey get an ability that will stop him and his harem members from aging?

A: I was planning to implement the concept that different worlds run at different times. So two months spent here might mean a day spent there, something like that. It sounds very convenient and a little cheap, but if you take a closer look at the section that you found this novel in, you might realize that it says fiction, so hey it's free real estate :)

As for the issue of aging, I wouldn't really worry about that. If it comes down to it then yes, I will give him an ability that does something like that, but since the pacing of the novel will be relatively slow, as in there are no 10 year time skips or anything of that sort, then I won't really have to address aging.

Q: Will there be *** scenes later on? (just asking out of curiosity)

A: Judging by your asterisks I can only assume you mean stargazing, and your concern is most valid. Stargazing is an adult activity that is very often seen in fanfics, especially those that feature a harem.

I thought about this long and hard (you see what I did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), ultimately I decide that this novel specifically, will not feature such content. Now whether I will make another novel that goes into the raunchy details of what our characters do when they are stargazing, that's a separate issue, and it will depend entirely on your support.

I'll be writing erotica for Pete's sake, If not enough people want it, then I'll just spare myself the many boners I'll have while writing it. I'll also have to research how to even write one which is another, let's say difficult, task.

I'll also like to point out that for now our MC is 14 so this won't be a thing until later when he grows up a little.

5. Will Fey get his harem pregnant and have kids with them as the story goes on? (I always hate it if they have tons of *** with they harem and never get pregnant or get some bullshit contraception skill)

A: This one also very difficult to answer. You make a good point, but having children is a great responsibility and it can sometimes encumber the author. He has to make the MC seem like a responsible father but also make him continue his journey, and he can't exactly bring them along.

So to answer your question.

Will our MC be having sex?

Yes. How detailed that will be depends on you guys or girls, I won't judge.

Will I add in some bullshit contraceptive skills?

Probably not.

Will I add in some very real contraceptive techniques?

You betcha! Although there will always be a chance for something.

Will someone get pregnant?

Probably not. As a relatively new author and a father of literally zero children, I have no experience in this area and am more likely to mess it up or just make it an afterthought. This isn't to say that this topic is off the table, but it's more like I tied it up in a little bag and I've left it hanging off the edge. Which is probably also not something you want to do to children, but hey I'm not a father so why are you taking advice from me. In all seriousness do not do that.

6. Have you already decided about the next world or will you let your readers decide?


Let's all be honest here, I baited some of you with the female nudity, didn't I?

You pervs >.>

There's none of that here, so turn back while you still can.

After this world, our MC will return to the world in which he died. There he will interact with the people there and find his place in the world again (SO GIVE ME SOME MODERN DAY ANIME RECOMENDATIONS!!!) After that he will then go on to another world as a mini-arc, which is still very important for the future, and those two events will constitute volume 2. Volume three should be a relatively shorter one with him going back to the world of demon slayers and finishing the plot.


7. How old need the girls to be for Fay to have *** with them?

In order to stargaze, participants must be a minimum of 16 years old. Actions taken prior to stargazing are allowed as long as the age difference is reasonable.



Let's say our MC is 16 and he has a 14-year-old love interest. I am not going to let them gaze upon the start lovingly, but I will allow them to kiss, (the first time I typed this I typed in kill instead of kiss. Thank god I went back and changed it) hug, and hold hands.

Innocent little things that are befitting of someone who is not 16, which is the age of consent where I live.


I think that's all for today, In the future, I might do another one of these if I need to. I know I wrote a lot, but I tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for all of you.


TimeWalkercreators' thoughts
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