
The Demon King's Villain System

Hello, my fellow demons disguised as readers, It's your king talking. I was a Demon King, and I still am…kinda… I am talking to you through a villain system God gave me. Yes, you heard me right…A God…I made a deal with a God and am being forced to do some heroic shits I normally wouldn’t do. But I didn't become a Demon King by doing easy things. So Your Majesty is on his mission to break the system and find a way to kill The GOD….Because no one…Not even God can control me… Join me on my journey, little demons, in this magical fantasy world where I plan to become an absolute ruler while having fun with lovely ladies because why not?

don_offl · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

The Heroic System

Lucifer found himself standing amidst a golden wheat field, the vibrant colors starkly contrasting with the dark, red-tinted skies of his domain. Above him stretched a bright blue sky, so unfamiliar and intense that he instinctively closed his eyes, his hands shielding them from the unaccustomed brightness. Around him, the peaceful chirping of birds filled the air, a serene soundtrack to this unexpected setting.

As he adjusted to the light, a bright ball of light descended gracefully from the sky, slowly taking the form of a golden-haired young woman of breathtaking beauty. Her presence seemed to radiate purity and power, an aura that was both comforting and intimidating.

Lucifer clicked his tongue, a hint of his characteristic sarcasm lacing his voice. 

"If I weren't the Demon King, I might've thought I died and went to heaven," he remarked, his gaze taking in the surreal tranquility of the scene before him.

The woman, her gaze steady and penetrating, looked Lucifer over from head to toe. Her voice, when she spoke, was clear and resolute. 

"You are dead, Lucifer. And I am the one who ended your life in your world."

Lucifer, ever the master of composure, hid his surprise well. His gaze swept over the young woman, taking in her ethereal beauty. Her golden dress draped around her elegantly, enhancing her otherworldly charm. Yet, despite her captivating appearance, Lucifer was not in the mood to appreciate her beauty. He sensed an overwhelming power radiating from her, a power that far exceeded anything he had encountered before.

"That bright beam of light... it was you, I assume?" Lucifer inquired, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity amidst his usual nonchalance.

The young woman's expression remained cold as she nodded in affirmation. 

"Your atrocities have come to an end, Demon King," she declared. "Now it's your time to make amends for your sins or spend an eternity in the deepest depths of hell."

Lucifer's brow furrowed slightly at her words, but his tone remained defiant. 

"This doesn't look like hell, beautiful," he retorted, his gaze sweeping over the idyllic landscape.

The woman snickered, a sound that seemed to carry both mockery and a strange kind of warmth. 

"Even the darkest soul has performed some measure of good in their lifetime, granting them a fleeting taste of heaven. This is your heaven, Lucifer. Savor it, for it is but a brief reprieve before your judgment."

As Lucifer gazed at the young woman, he felt a profound absence within him – his powers were no longer with him. It was a disconcerting realization, leaving him feeling strangely vulnerable.

"Who are you?" Lucifer finally asked, his curiosity piqued. "I don't think you're just a beautiful tour guide here to guide me to hell."

After hearing Lucifer's question, the young woman's demeanor shifted subtly, a hint of divine authority emerging as she snickered. Golden wings, composed of ethereal flames, unfurled behind her, their brilliance casting a heavenly glow. Her eyes transformed, now glowing a radiant gold, as she released her aura. It descended upon Lucifer like a celestial tide, an invisible force compelling him to kneel.

Defiant as ever, Lucifer resisted the overwhelming pressure. His pride unyielding, he gritted his teeth, even as a trickle of blood escaped his nose. 

"I don't kneel," he managed to say, his voice strained under the weight of her power.

Her laughter, light yet commanding, filled the air again. "You will kneel before your Goddess," she proclaimed, her voice resonating with an undeniable command.

Abruptly, the pressure intensified, an invisible force crushing down upon him. Lucifer's knees, despite his formidable strength, shattered under the strain, forcing him to drop to the ground. The pain was sharp, a stark reminder of his newfound vulnerability.

"I am the creator of the world you once ruled," the young woman declared, her tone laced with both authority and a hint of compassion. 

"And I am the one who will offer you a chance at redemption or exile you to eternal damnation."

Realizing the futility of resistance and recognizing that he was thoroughly overpowered, Lucifer shifted his approach. Smiling through his bloodied mouth, he consented. 

"I'm listening." Though spoken in defeat, his words carried a cunning undertone, an indication that the Demon King was ready to engage in this new game, albeit on vastly different terms.

In response to Lucifer, the goddess's voice resonated with a mixture of irony and gravity. 

"You, who have nearly destroyed the world I created with your insatiable lust for power, are now tasked with saving another world, spiraling towards a similar doom. Isn't it ironic, Demon King? The destroyer now a savior, the villain now a hero. Every evil deed you've performed, every soul you've tormented, now leads you to this moment of redemption."

Despite the excruciating pain from his shattered knees, Lucifer managed a chuckle. 

"Why don't you just snap your fingers and fix everything, Goddess?" he asked, his words laced with a touch of bitter sarcasm.

"And if I was the big bad villain all this time in your world, where were you when I rose to power as the Demon King? Where were you when I slaughtered the people you claim to love?"

With each defiant question, the goddess's expression grew stern. A golden lash materialized in her hand, and with every word of challenge from Lucifer, it came down upon him with a painful crack. Yet, she answered calmly, her voice unwavering.

"My absence was a test of free will, a lesson in consequences. Your rise and fall, every choice made, was a part of a greater design. Not every lesson is taught through direct intervention. Sometimes, the hardest lessons are learned through the deepest pain and loss."

The lashes continued, each strike a stark reminder of Lucifer's transgressions, yet also a symbol of the divine justice being meted out. The goddess looked down at him, her eyes reflecting a complex tapestry of sorrow, compassion, and resolve.

"This is your chance for atonement, Lucifer. Your actions in this new world will determine your fate. Will you embrace this path of redemption, or will you continue down the road to your own damnation?" 

"Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me, Goddess. Don't bullshit a bullshitter. I know there's another reason why you can't save this other world yourself. If you're resorting to seeking help from the Demon King, you must be really desperate." Lucifer growled, his voice laced with disdain.

Hearing Lucifer, the goddess's eyes flared with a divine intensity as she whipped Lucifer mercilessly.

 "Insolent ant." 

The lashes fell upon him with a righteous fury, yet he laughed through the pain, a sound raw and defiant.

In a sudden move, Lucifer caught the whip with his hand. The golden flames burned his flesh, but he did not flinch, his gaze locked with the goddess's. 

"Cut the bullshit, Goddess. You're giving me a choice between hell or being a hero, which is also hell for me. You want me to choose a better hell. So, you better sweeten the pot."

For a moment, the anger in her eyes flickered and vanished, along with the whip. The air around them grew still, the tension momentarily dissipating. "I am giving you a system," she said, her voice now calm, yet firm. "It will be integrated with your very soul. It will keep you on track and guide you to save that world."

Finally, Lucifer released the remnants of the whip, a look of almost amusement crossing his features. 

"Send me with all my powers, and I'll fix that world in a few weeks," he proposed, his tone laced with a cunning attempt to outsmart the goddess.

The goddess snickered at his proposal, her amusement evident. "Your true colors are showing, Lucifer. Always looking for the easy way out, aren't you?" She asked with an amused tone. 

"I will not grant you any of your former powers. In fact, I will strip you of all your demonic abilities as part of your punishment. The only way you can gain power in this new world will be through the system I am providing. And you can only gain power by performing heroic deeds."

The reality of the situation dawned on Lucifer, and he let out an exasperated sigh. 

"You want me to be a hero? Fuck me," he muttered, the irony of his new role as a 'hero' not lost on him. The thought of performing acts of goodness to regain his power was a bitter pill to swallow for the former Demon King, yet it seemed he had little choice in the matter.