
The Demon King's Villain System

Hello, my fellow demons disguised as readers, It's your king talking. I was a Demon King, and I still am…kinda… I am talking to you through a villain system God gave me. Yes, you heard me right…A God…I made a deal with a God and am being forced to do some heroic shits I normally wouldn’t do. But I didn't become a Demon King by doing easy things. So Your Majesty is on his mission to break the system and find a way to kill The GOD….Because no one…Not even God can control me… Join me on my journey, little demons, in this magical fantasy world where I plan to become an absolute ruler while having fun with lovely ladies because why not?

don_offl · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Lucifer is a pure villain I

As the pack of dire wolves gave chase, Lucifer couldn't help but find a silver lining in his current predicament. 

"At least this scrawny body can run faster than those furry bastards," he quipped to himself, his legs pumping as he dashed across the snowy landscape. Spotting a pitchfork abandoned near the edge of the village, he snagged it mid-stride. 

"It'll do," he muttered, eyeing the makeshift weapon with a mix of disdain and necessity.

Lucifer's plan was simple yet daring. Clutching the sack of chili powder in one hand and the pitchfork in the other, he waited for the perfect moment to strike. As the lead dire wolf closed in, Lucifer used Blink to reappear directly in front of the beast. Before it could react, he flung a handful of chili powder into its eyes, causing the wolf to howl in confusion and pain.

Seizing the opportunity, Lucifer drove the pitchfork forward with all the strength his new body could muster, finding its mark in the dire wolf's side. The creature let out a pained yelp, its massive body collapsing into the snow.

Without missing a beat, Lucifer Blinked again, reappearing several feet away from the rest of the pack, which had paused momentarily at the unexpected demise of their leader. The militia and Brianna, who had been watching from a distance, stood in shocked silence, their eyes wide at the display of cunning and agility.

"Didn't think I had it in me, did you?" Lucifer called out, a smirk playing on his lips as he readied himself for another round with the remaining wolves.

The militia, a ragtag group barely holding their own against the fear of the impending direwolf attack, watched in utter astonishment as Lucifer effortlessly dispatched one of the beasts. The sight of him using Blink, a skill they had never seen Archer exhibit, left them bewildered and amazed. Whispers spread rapidly among them, a mixture of awe and disbelief coloring their tones.

"Did you see that? How did he...?" one of the militia stammered, his sentence trailing off as he struggled to comprehend the scene before him.

"I didn't know Archer could use magic like that," another said, shaking his head in shock. The revelation that the man they knew—or thought they knew—possessed such abilities added a layer of mystery and respect to their perception of him.

Meanwhile, the leader wolf, having suffered a fatal blow, lay bleeding on the pristine white snow. Its massive form shuddered before becoming still, its eyes closing for the last time. The sight of their fallen leader only served to enrage the remaining dire wolves further. With howls filled with fury, they charged at Lucifer with renewed vigor.

Lucifer, undeterred, continued to employ his strategy. Each Blink was calculated to keep him just out of reach, while his hands worked to fling more chili powder at the oncoming beasts. The dire wolves, hit by the fiery substance, reacted violently; their roars of pain filled the air as the chili powder invaded their nostrils and eyes, causing them to shake their heads and paw at their faces in a vain attempt to alleviate the burning sensation.

"Take that, you furry fucks!" Lucifer taunted, a cruel smile crossing his face as he watched his plan unfold. 

"Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine."

The effectiveness of the chili powder, coupled with his strategic use of Blink, turned the battle in his favor. The dire wolves, disoriented and in pain, were unable to mount an effective attack, their fearsome nature momentarily subdued by the clever tactics of their adversary.

Lucifer's confidence surged as he observed the chaos he'd wrought among the pack. 

"Looks like I'm winning this little game," he remarked to himself, satisfaction evident in his voice. The sight of the dire wolves, formidable predators of the wild, reduced to whimpering beasts by his hand was a testament to his adaptability and cunning—even in a form far removed from the Demon King he once was.

Lucifer, capitalizing on the chaos he had created, spotted a dire wolf straying too close to the edge of the pack. With a swift calculation of angles and distance, he Blinked into position, just out of the creature's immediate sight. As the wolf turned to face him, he hurled a handful of chili powder directly into its eyes. The beast howled in agony, its powerful legs scrabbling at the ground as it tried to rid itself of the burning sensation.

"Right in the bullseye," Lucifer quipped under his breath, watching the beast's futile attempts to clear its vision.

Seizing the moment, Lucifer advanced, gripping the pitchfork with both hands. With a grunt of effort, he drove the tool forward with all the force his body could muster, plunging it deep into the side of the dire wolf. The creature let out a pained yelp, its body convulsing once before collapsing into the snow, which quickly stained red with its blood.

From a distance, the militia watched in a mixture of horror and awe. One of them, a burly man who had earlier expressed doubt about their chances, shouted, 

"By the gods, he's taking them down one by one!"

Another, younger militia member, his voice laced with newfound hope, added, "He's... he's actually doing it. He's saving us."

Lucifer pulled the pitchfork free, his gaze scanning the remaining wolves as he prepared for his next move. 

"Who's next?" he called out defiantly, his voice carrying across the snowy expanse. The dire wolves hesitated, their instinctual aggression warring with the fear of this unpredictable human who fought like no prey they had ever encountered.

"Didn't think Archer had it in him," muttered a militia member, his statement echoing the sentiment of the group.

Lucifer, overhearing the comment, couldn't resist a dark chuckle. 

"Archer's long gone. You've got me to thank for this little display," he thought, knowing full well the villagers and the militia could never comprehend the truth of his words.

With the pitchfork in hand and his next target in sight, Lucifer was ready to continue his unconventional defense of the village. 

After successfully taking down a second dire wolf, Lucifer felt a sharp pang of pain in his hand. 

"Damn this scrawny arm and its pathetic lack of strength and stamina," he grumbled, glaring at his arm as if it had personally offended him. "

This is exactly why I need a buffed-up body."

No sooner had he voiced his frustration than a third dire wolf, seizing the moment of distraction, lunged at him with ferocious speed. Reacting quickly, Lucifer grabbed another handful of chili powder, hurling it towards the beast's eyes. As the wolf reeled from the sting, he attempted to plunge the pitchfork into its hide once more. But this time, the weapon snapped, the broken shaft providing a stark testament to its inadequacy.

"Damn useless piece of shit," Lucifer cursed, tossing aside the remains of the pitchfork. He prepared to use Blink to escape, but the dire wolf recovered faster than he anticipated. With a powerful swipe of its paw, the wolf sent Lucifer flying, his body cutting a swath through the snow as he landed with a thud.

From their vantage point, the militia watched the scene unfold with a mix of horror and apathy. Instead of rushing to aid Lucifer, they stood rooted to the spot, their self-preservation taking precedence over any sense of solidarity.

"If the wolves eat him, maybe they'll be satisfied and leave the rest of us alone," one of the militia members mused aloud, his voice devoid of empathy.

"Yeah, the least that Archer kid can do for us now is die a hero and become their food," another added, a cruel chuckle accompanying his words.

Lying in the snow, Lucifer shook his head to clear it, pain lancing through his body. 

"Fucking fantastic," he spat, pushing himself up despite the ache in his limbs. 

"I'm out here risking my neck, and those cowards are debating whether I'd make a good meal for these beasts."

Gritting his teeth, Lucifer assessed his situation. With the pitchfork broken and the wolves undeterred, he knew he had to rely on his wits and whatever resources he had left. The realization that he was alone in this fight only fueled his determination.

"I don't need those spineless fucks anyway," he muttered, scanning the area for anything he could use as a weapon. The battle was far from over, and if Lucifer had anything to say about it, he wouldn't be ending up as direwolf dinner tonight.

As the dire wolves capitalized on Lucifer's vulnerable state, preparing to lunge at him with lethal intent, Brianna's voice cut through the cold air, laden with disgust and disbelief. 

"You cowards!" she shouted at the militia, who had yet to move a muscle to aid him. Without hesitation, she snatched a spear from one of the militia members and, with a determined throw, launched it towards Lucifer.

Reacting instantly, Lucifer utilized Blink, catching the spear in mid-air as he reappeared a safe distance from the snapping jaws of the dire wolves. 

Grasping the spear firmly in his hands, Lucifer squared off against the encroaching wolves, a defiant smirk on his lips. 

"Let's dance," he declared, ready to face the onslaught with renewed vigor.