
The Demon Alpha's Revenge

Bounce was just right years when his parents and pack was massacred. He was just too young to survive on his own but yet he did. He carried the pains of his parents death for hundreds of years. He made sure to become as deadly as the devil himself. His revenge quest was shakened when Jessy, one of his enemy's daughter was brought to his pack by his pack member. She caused him lot of troubles. Both to his heart and body. It got to the point that he begin to feel that he betrayed his parents for his heart but it seems he couldn't help it. will he then abandoned his revenge quest and follow his heart or will he ignore his heart and follow his revenge plans. All questions will be answered in the book. Enjoy

Xterian_69 · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

The Trick

I didn't let him finish. " How dare you scold Moi" I said in my alpha voice.

Gabriel cowered still bowed. " I apologize alpha" he said quickly.

"I've you forgotten my warnings?" I asked.

I wouldn't want anyone to treat Moi like a junior. He suffered with me to get all these. He is part of my treasure. He might make mistakes but he is still a huge part of my success story.

"No alpha" he trembled.

I was going to punish Gabriel because I don't like when my orders are not followed.

"You should at least know what Moi did alpha" Mitchell whispered to me.

I looked at Moi and discovered that he was pleased with what I was doing to Gabriel, I don't like the look he had on.

"I don't joke with my orders and anyone that disobeyed me will face the consequences. No matter who it is" I said firmly.

" I only talked with him alpha" Gabriel said afraid.

He hasn't seen me angry before and he didn't know what is in for him. He was almost shivering.

"What exactly happened?" I decided to listen to Mitchell before I punish the innocent.

I looked at both Gabriel and Moi with my eyes half closed. Gabriel was the one who explained things to me and it got me more furious. I knew Moi had a bad temper but his temper isn't as half hot as mine. I have never tolerated anyone hurting a female, enemy or no enemy and now I won't. This is not the first time I've warned Moi over hurting women but it seems that he didn't want to listen to me. I might not be a good person and I seldom show mercy and fight like the devil himself buy I won't add harmless women to my anger. They are feeble, alpha blood or not.

"I was only avoiding her" Moi quickly defended.

I called the pack's doctor to tell me the state of the girl before I talked. I didn't want to exaggerate what is not worth it. He came and told me her condition and I know he would have hit her hard for her to be insich condition.

"You avoided her and she's got three broken ribs, fractured leg and a swollen throat that would heal in five days even at an Alpha's speed?" I asked stiffly.

I was trying so hard to calm myself down. Even Mitchell was angry at what happened. I could hear his breath for an evidence.

"Why didn't you just snap her neck since that's your aim?" I asked.

I know the girl can be quite stubborn but what do you expect from an alpha wolf. They have their pride. He has a wolf's bane. He could have possibly used that to paralyze her rage but he chose to beat her up. I know if Gabriel hasn't but in he would have even done worse and claim he was angry.


I didn't let him say anything. I raised my hand to stop him.

"I've had enough of your unnecessary, uncontrollably anger and disobedience Moi. You know what I do to those that disobey my orders but I'll not do that because of old times but if a next time of disobedience comes, you will have my hands tied. I might not want to scold you in front of all the pack members but I'll sure not let this slide" I said looking fiercely at him.

I know he could feel my rising anger even though he is not looking at me.

"I'm sending you to the new members of the pack" I continued. They are in need of an overseer. So you will go there to oversee what they are doing and you will make sure to report everything done to Mitchell. Liam is already there to assist you with anything you need. If I hear of any misconduct, u won't spare you Moi" I said firmly.

Moi with how tolerant I am with him knows that once I'm angry, if you don't want destruction, just keep calm and let me do all the talking and talk when I order you to. If not that I out Moi in his place with Mitchell, he would have been playing boss over him. I know there will still be trouble with Moi reporting to Mitchell but I know it would have limit.

"Am I understood?" I asked .

"Yes alpha" he said.

" Now go get your things. You'll leave immediately" I said blankly.

Moi bowed and left.

I looked at Gabriel and I saw a remorseful look on him. None need to tell me that he is feeling guilty but he did the right thing. He might be a child but he is still a beta and needs to be respected.

"You don't need to feel guilty. I didn't send him there as a punishment. I've thought to do that before now. I just want him to think it's a punishment and you did the right thing. He would have killed the poor girl who is just angry" I told him.

Gabriel gave me a relieved look.

I know I need to go meet the girl in question to go tell her that she really need to watch it here if she wants to live. It's high time I go see her instill some fear into her. I remembered her bird. It's in my room. I was the one feeding it.


I've never been so humiliated in my life. My life seem like a joke now. I hated the alpha king more. One my alpha father who people think as one of the strongest was killed by a mere werewolf. Two I went to rescue my sister and I was stripped naked and placed outside for an exhibition. What else can be so humilting than that.

"Ahhhgrrrhhh" I wiped everything on my table to the ground with anger. They splashed everywhere and what can be broken shattered to the floor.

"You have to calm down alpha" Stiles said to me.

That was another humilating thing to say Stiles is right. He was the one who waited for us as we came back from our unsuccessful trip. It was as if he knew. I won't even lie that I'm not suspecting him. We couldn't enter the village by afternoon so we had to wait till evening. Stiles stood there with us with two huge blanket in his hands to cover Alec and I. He didn't ask any question but just sat there with us.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down. You did t know what I passed through" I shouted with my alpha voice and he bowed.

I was just thinking about Jessy. How that man almost killed her. I was just thinking about all these that I felt like to cry but I knew if I did, it will humilate me the more.

"I want revenge!" I shouted.

Stiles looked at me with a blank eyes. He wasn't objecting neither was he concurring.

"If you don't want to help me, I'll strip you of your title" I threatened.

" You don't need to tell me that alpha, I'm always with you" he said not fazed at my warning.

Him not trembling was getting me annoyed. A beta should always tremble at his alpha's voice. To me it's like he is not reverencing me. I was looking for every oppurtunity to strip him of his title.

"Just tell me what to do, I'll do it" he added.

I was boiling and this one here is just talking calmly. Even my wolf was very angry. I need to calm myself down. I mind linked Alec to come meet me at our usual place. I then went out without saying another word.


I was healing little by little. The physician has given me mixtures to help me heal faster. He even bound my ribs. I was so worried about my brother. It's been days that I've heard of him. I didn't see my bird that I thought maybe she was found and killed.

Fillia has been taking good care of me. She has been the only one taking it upon herself to administer the mixture to my broken bones. Now I'm almost fully held.

"Fillia" I called.

"Yes ma'am" she replied.

" Did the alpha say anything about my brother and his men?" I summoned courage to ask her.

" They've been freed since that very day and I'm sure they've gotten home" she replied.

What I know Fillia about is that she won't lie. If she didn't want to tell me a thing she won't tell me rather than her lying. I was relieved by her news. At least I would be at peace that they didn't kill my brother. Not that I forgave what the demon alpha did to them, I still want to have my revenge. Even if I can't kill him, I prefer to die trying.

"Fillia" I called again.

"Yes ma'am" she replied.

"I know I've offended your alpha and I'm willing to apologise but I can't do that if he's not seeing me" I said with an innocent look.

Fillia looked at me. " You really want to apologise?" She asked as if she didn't believe me.

"I'm serious here. I want to apologise. Maybe that would help me to go home" I said with a sad look.

" I would have helped you but we too scarcely see the alpha. Maybe when the beta comes visiting, you can tell him" she told me.

I bowed my head thinking of what to do but I've got none. If I don't leave the confine of this place, I would be so useless. This place is indeed brought to bring people to obscurity. All through the day, u was thinking of what to do. Then I remembered my allergy. Since I was a child I've been allergic to lemon. It would affect the me like a caught a fire disease. I wanted to try this trick maybe it can get me out of this room.

"Fillia, can I get a lemon drink. I think I'm having a bad stomach pain" I said to her with a fake pained look.

"Yes ma'am" she said and went to get the lemon.

In no time she came back with the drink.

"Thank you" I said gulping down the drink.