

I keep walking as if I heard nothing. I follow the dark ravine passing countless undead as I do. It's making me wonder if this world only has undead. Some of the more feral ones attack me but I quickly dispose of them with a wave of my hand. My miasma is effective even on inanimate objects. Why would undead be immune?

After around two days I finally see a change in landscape… a river. The river is about 30 feet across but has a weak flow considering it runs ACROSS a ravine. I nod to myself as I take a step back and jump, cracking the ground slightly where I once stood. Landing on the other side I garner the attention of all the feral undead around me.

I try to control them to make things easier but they seem to be under someone else's control and are too stupid to fight back. I could probably break control for someone who is trying to fight it but these things aren't even thinking. With no choice, I wave a hand and my Miasma consumes them causing them to freeze then fall into dust piles.

I sigh as I keep walking. If this is how this world keeps going I may have been better off befriending the little elf necromancer.

After another half a day at the crack of dawn I finally see a not so destroyed building. I immediately rush towards it only to find it empty. I sigh as I sit down on the steps debating to myself about destroying the entire undead population of this scar.

As I'm about to stand up again I hear footsteps behind me. I jump up happy to see a being with a beating heart. As I turn around I see an elf woman with red robes holding a ball of flames in a defensive stance.

"AHAH, A woman! A pyromancer at that." A smile spreads on my face.

She looks stunned with her jaw dropped staring at my face and slowly scanning over my massive frame. Her eyes linger on my exposed abs and I take note.

I lift her chin to meet my eyes which causes her face to flush and the fireball to extinguish itself. "Not to be rude, but do you have anything to eat?"

As soon as I finish my question she mutters to herself "Me?"

I smile 'I'm not a stranger to seducing mortals but considering I don't know where I am I'll refrain.'

I step closer as I say "Perhaps later. But I honestly feel like I haven't eaten in years. Got anything to spare?"

She pulls away and shakes her head hard then slaps her cheeks hard. I stare at the weird girl with a confused smile.

She pulls a bag out of thin air "Yeah, sorry." Her small voice suits her cute soft angled face well. She quickly grabs out a piece of cheese and bread and hands it to me with a leather pouch of water.

I take them gratefully "Thank you, So why are you out here with all the undead?"

She pulls up a broken box and sits on it "I'm a researcher. I've been studying the soil in the area to see if there is a way to cleanse it to make it usable again. The undead have been here too long."

I quickly finish the food so I can speak. "Here, I'll help." I pick up a handful of soil outside and show it to her. I drain the power of death and miasma from it leaving it normal soil.

Her eyes widen, "How?!"

I smile "It's simple necromancy."

Her eyes widen more "You know necromancy?!" Her yell turns to a whisper "The Forsaken let you learn that?"

I laugh "I'm a traveler not 'Forsaken', speaking of that can you help me out? I'm unfamiliar with this land… world."

She looks confused but despite that still continues to tell me about the world and where we are. The planet is called Azeroth there are a few continents but 3 major ones Kalimdor, Northrend, and the Eastern Kingdoms which is what we are on now. We are at the tip of the north only a day's travel from Silvermoon City, the 'Blood Elf' Capital city.

There are two major factions, the Alliance and the Horde. The alliance consists of the Humans, Night Elves, Gnomes, Dwarves, and Draenei. The Horde consists of Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Forsaken (undead), and Blood Elves. The Blood Elves joined the Horde out of necessity but still work with the rest equally.

I don't understand why the undead and humans hate each other but I don't ask. It's good to know that some undead here actually has their sanity.

After all her explanations the petite elf stands up brushing the dust off her robes. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to invite someone with no affiliation but would you like to visit Silvermoon with me? I want to go tell my master about the solution to curing the scar." her eyes get big as she asks me and she steps closer.

I look skeptically for a second "How old are you?"

She looks offended "I'm 71 for your information! More than an adult."

I nod "Sorry, you were just small so I wanted to make sure…" Although she says that I doubt her a bit as she feels very immature.

"SMALL??? I'm of average height thank you." She puts out a lip and pouts ���You're just tall… and handsome… with an amazing body." She says as her eyes linger on my abs.

Ignoring her stare I speak up "Should we leave now to reach it by night." I take a step closer "Or perhaps you'd rather do it here?" I grin as I lean closer and say softly.

Her face dyes red as she grabs my arm. "Let's go, I'll lead the way." I smile seeing she won't meet my eyes and marches forward pulling my arm.

"So what's your name? I'm Mirveda, an apprentice mage." She says, still holding my hand.

I raise my eyebrows 'I assume mages are similar to sorcerers.' I snap out of my thoughts and reply "I am Lorian, just a normal Undead God." she seems not to pay attention to my words after my name.

As we start walking out stepping out of the small ravine and entering the surrounding lush forest she turns back to me. "Why are you so warm? I though undead didn't have heartbeats."

I nod "Yes, lesser undead don't have blood but they aren't what I consider TRUE undead."

She turns back as she walks "Does that mean you have flowing blood? I've heard of Forsaken who can eat but never one with blood."

"Would you like a demonstration?" I gesture for her to hand me the dagger on her waist.

She looks questioning but hands me the dagger. Stopping for a second she turns to me expecting me to prick my hand. Instead, I pull down my half-plate and plunge into my heart.

She gasps and puts her hands on my chest with concern across her face. 'Teasing women is something I've never really done but I can see why my student did it so often. This is entertaining.'

I pull the knife out of my heart and let her watch as the hole seals almost instantly. The dark red blood stops pouring out as she looks at my chest in relief. Looking up at my smiling face she gets angry.

"You were just teasing me weren't you?" her small face scrunches as I laugh.

"Forgive me, I just wished to prove my point." I put my hand on her back and we continue forward.

She looks up at me "So what are you?"

"I already told you, an Undead God." say with my plain tone.

"I thought you were kidding… where did you come from? What kind of God are you?" She grabs my arm again as she asks.

"I am The God of Pestilence, my plagues can ravage kingdoms becoming vacant in a day. At least that is what I was known for in my old world. It has yet to be seen what I'll be known for in this one." I say looking at the hot burning sun above.

She only nods at my words "My people worship magic so I don't know much about God's. Not saying we don't know of them, we just don't believe they should be worshipped. We stick to the ideology of 'Anyone with enough power can be a God'. But how did you get here if you say you are from another world?"

"I was killed in my world but someone summoned me from death on accident. Someone named Dakan Drathir? It���s hard to remember the names of everybody I've met."

"DAR'KHAN DRATHIR!?" She yells as she pulls me to a stop.

My eyebrows raise at her reaction "You know him? I hope he was not a friend as I killed him already."

She looks taken aback "You… killed him?"

"Was that a bad thing?"

"No! Not at all! He was the most wanted man in all the kingdom. He's the reason Quel'Thalas is in ruins." Anger written across her face.

"Really? He was quite weak, I'm sure a few people of your caliber would be able to take him."

She shakes her head "No, he betrayed us. He gave the scourge army access past the walls. If not for him the Lich King would not have been able to beat us in the war. We used to be the most advanced kingdom in magic with wards no one could break. Now we are forced to survive off scraps of mana. We have rebuilt much but the scars remain." She gestures at the ravine which is now a good way behind us.

I nod "The ebon armored man that the necromancer served... He wasn't too far away, why didn't you go to kill him? The elf I mean." I ask curiously.

She shakes her head "The wards around Deathholm are too powerful, the living cannot enter. That's why we've been working with the Forsaken to clear out the undead before making a full-scale attack."

After she calms down we keep walking, coming upon a traveled road after only a few more minutes. Glad to see flat ground again, I wonder if there will be people along this path? As if answering my thoughts I see a pack of three armored red knights with dual-sided glaives and long kite shields.

I tap Mirveda's shoulder "Who are they?" as I point at the three coming towards us.

"They are Rangers, they travel the roads between the city, villages, and sanctums to keep them safe. The undead sometimes wander off the scar into the forest coming upon the path. Also, the lynx can get aggressive further south." she leans into me as she answers.

As we get closer the ranger leading the other two stops and gestures for us to do so as well. He removes his helmet and looks between us both.

"What is your business, mage?" He looks at Mirveda as he speaks only looking at me every so often… mainly my massive frame.

"We are going to meet my mentor Magistrix Dawnstrider," she says showing a badge with an odd bird on it.

The ranger lowers his head a bit "Sorry for keeping you Madam Mirveda, you are free to go."

She does a small bow back to him and we continue on our way. I follow behind watching the Rangers get back to marching without turning to us again.

"So, are you someone important? They treated you rather well." I say stepping closer.

She looks up at me with a small smile. "No… but my master is. She is the leader of Fairbreeze village. She is at Silvermoon for the next few days gathering magic supplies and speaking with Lor'themar Theron."

She says the name as if it's a big deal so I'm forced to ask "And who is he?"

"Ah, sorry. Forgot you aren't from around here. He is the High Regent and leader of our people. He pulled us together when our prince left us and fights to this day to maintain our relative peace. He is a mighty warrior and great leader." she says with respect in her voice.

Seeing her speak so highly of him I remember his name "I would like to meet him when we get to the city."

After that, we kept walking for the rest of the day. We ran into three more military patrols and even an outpost before finally making it to Silvermoon. I was honestly impressed by their military presence.


A/N: The new authors' note size is stupidly small so I won't be using it. I couldn't find a good place to end it so enjoy a double long chapter.

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