
2.5 The Place I Would Never See

If it would mean true that the Hall of Records was in fact spanning the entirety of a whole district, then it would mean that it had to cover probably about hundreds of acres, however, it's true.

Calling it a Hall was surely an understatement. It was once composed only of a single ward but as time went by, larger and larger storage became necessary. By now, connecting ten wards constituted the library that altogether surrounded the whole wall of the second district.

All of the wards were built as motte and bailey and employed architecture that were best and most extravagant during its construction. If one would walk the entirety of the third district, it would seem as though taking a stroll through a part of history itself.

With its probably now hundreds of thousands of books and boastful number of lecture halls and dormitories for scholars, it won't be an exaggeration to say that it was the center of knowledge for the whole world.

The Hall of Records was indisputably grand and marvelous in all respects. Even the passageway that

Senna and Iris entered, which the latter said to be an entry for common workers and slaves, was adorned by a number of art pieces.

"We'll wait in this room till my friend arrives."

Iris said as he opened a door to a room.

Though he said wait, there was already someone standing inside the moment they walked in.

It was a man close to Iris' age wearing a luxurious surcoat over a plain white shirt and trousers. He then raised an eyebrow at the site of Iris and began bickering.

"You were supposed to come here yesterday!"

The man came closer in a slight rage.

"I had to take overtime to make sure I was still the one on duty when you arrive and yet not even a trace of your shadow came! Where's the book? Please don't tell me you lost it!"

The man's name was Verus. He was Iris' friend who always let him borrow books from the archive in his name. He had an almost muscular built that, for some ironic reasons, matched his intellectual exterior.

Still, Senna thought that seeing him lash so nonchalantly ruined his lordly appearance to the point of looking comical.

"About the book..."

Iris said as he took out the book, Angel Votum, from his knapsack and handed it to Verus.

"I really enjoyed it but I guess it needs a little dusting."

Upon closer inspection, Verus found traces of sand in the pages of the book. And as if that wasn't enough, when he examined the cover, the spine had a big indentation and a few loose stitches in the binding that was hard not to notice.

"What did you do?! This is a five hundred year old book!"

"Well, I wanted to repair... I mean clean it before returning but I was afraid I might add more damage than there already is. You're the expert, you can fix a little tear here and there."

Even though Iris had this wide grin, he really was sorry. He tried to dust the book after he returned for it in the alley where he met Senna but the pages were so old that even a slight force might finally put it to rest.

Verus, accepting the fact that Iris wasn't one to be so irresponsible, sighed and let the issue slide as a first offense. Only by the time his mind cleared did he notice the red-haired maiden that came with his friend.

As if the Verus before was just an act, the man with long flowing surcoat came closer to Senna, held her hand and bowed in a manner fitting an aristocrat.

Verus introduced himself and Senna did the same in return.

"Hey... Hey... Hey...!" Iris interrupted.

"What's with the difference in treatment?!"

Verus scowled at Iris but then quickly shifted to his gentleman's smile when he returned his gaze towards Senna and asked for her purpose in coming to the Hall of Records.

"So... You came here to read, huh?"

Senna responded in a slightly sarcastic manner telling him, "I don't suppose people come here to eat, right?"

Iris let out an annoying chuckle that pulled a string or two from Verus. He found it funny how Senna nonchalantly ruined his sly friend's flirtatious actions.

Verus came along with Senna's witticism and gave off a sigh and smiled sharply. He was a smart man as well and felt the red-haired lady's flimsy attempt to answer the question to prevent further inquiry.

He then opened an old wooden cabinet in the corner of the room and handed out identical sets of clothing to both Senna and Iris.

"Iris already knows about this but commoners aren't allowed inside. If someone happens to ask who you are, you will just have to say that you're my aides. Understand?"

Senna looked at the uniform that was given to her. Why would it have to take so much effort to learn? This plenty of knowledge and yet why can't everyone avail of them equally? 'I did not teach the humans so that they could turn out this way...'

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