
The Dark Priest and his Guardian Devil

Read the story of a former serial killer dying and then reincarnated as a priest of the Evil God who sent him there. The priest didn't wanted to follow this God's will and tried to begin another killing spree similar to his previous life. However, what the priest didn't know is that the so called God also send the priest a "Guardian" to keep him from disobeying the Evil God's will.

Sora_Gemini · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Reborn Pt. 1

[August 14th 1914, Outskirts of the Freyr Imperial Capital/Somewhere]

There was outlines were blurry and the colours chaotic, even "he" who had not felt as much emotions in all those years began to sense the unease.

After what felt objectively to be about 3 years, "he" finally started to gain back his consciousness and form, feeling only pure confusion.

'Just what the heck is going on? What happened to me?' "he" entered a vessel that was unable to maintain consciousness for long periods of time, and still couldn't properly

recall this information.

Therefore, "he" was unable to understand why the sound of a baby's cry that was barely audible each time its consciousness began to fade had made "he" feel so embarrassed.

Mature adults aside, a baby would normally cry. Given a fair chance and appropriate protection, by rights a baby shouldn't feel "embarrassed" at all. Therefore, "he", with his senses and consciousness all jumbled started to relax, and threw this unclear sense of shame deep into the recesses of its memories.

After that, although still confused, "he" had finally gained a general idea of the situation "he" was currently in, yet even then, it only further added to its confusion.

"he" clearly remembered that he was inside a dark room while being surrounded by weeping and howling souls, however, after snapping back to reality, "he" found itself inside a thick, stone-built, western-style building with a nanny-like nun wiping his lips.

When his eyes could finally begin to see clearly of its surroundings, all that was in view under the dim lights were the figures of nuns wearing archaic attire. The reason for the dim light...if not mistaken, would be due to the gas lamps which clearly belonged to a different era.

"Come, little one, ahhhhh—-"

At the same time, "he" discovered something else that was abnormal; there were no electrical appliances in the room. In the modernized society of 2020, the room "he" was in simply contained way too much old and useless junk and was lacking in electrical appliances.

'Are these people Mennonite conservatives or the Amish? Even so...why? Why am I in this place?'

"Little one? Isaac Dear?"

An unexplainable situation. The multitude of questions and doubts kept piling on and on.

"Alrighty, be obedient and open your mouth, Isaac Darling,"

The current question which needed to be answered was, 'Just what is going on?'

Thus, "he" shifted his vision to the spoon served in front of it, but even though "he" had noticed the existence of the spoon, the thought that the spoon was for itself had never occurred in its mind. All it felt was to question why that "Isacc" person still hasn't eaten yet.

However the nun that was in front of "he" (who was deeply in thought) must have reached her end of her patience. With a gentle smile that wouldn't accept, "no," for an answer, she shoved the spoon in her hand into "his" mouth.

"Don't be picky now. Come. ahhhh——-"

It was a spoon of stewed vegetables, but at the same time of this spoon, without a doubt, it dragged "Isacc" back to reality.

The over-stewed vegetables was the only thing that was stuffed into its mouth. But the one who was forced to eat this, this unexplainable situation only made its thoughts even more confused. In other words: that...was me. The one they called Isacc.

And then "he" screamed from the bottom of his heart. 'Why?!'