
The Dark Priest and his Guardian Devil

Read the story of a former serial killer dying and then reincarnated as a priest of the Evil God who sent him there. The priest didn't wanted to follow this God's will and tried to begin another killing spree similar to his previous life. However, what the priest didn't know is that the so called God also send the priest a "Guardian" to keep him from disobeying the Evil God's will.

Sora_Gemini · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Serial Killer


A healthy baby boy was born into the world, to only be abandoned to a orphanage. To who barred this child has and will always be unknown. The boy was "different" as the adults around him would describe. They couldn't fully understand it, however, they were all aware that there was something about the boy felt out of place. For example; the boy has never showed change of expression nor did he showed any type of emotion whatsoever. Another example is the severity of items that appear on his bed. The items were a pen, two triple A's batteries, a metal spoon, a steel straw, a cigarette lighter, and a finally a toy gun. To why and where he gains these items remained unknown until that day at the fourth of August in the year of 2002.


The orphanage was burned to the ground, no survivors. The victims bodies were burned pitch black yet it seemed they died before the fire could get to them. The victims bodies all had a hole wound inside their foreheads, through their skulls. Through operations and endless nights of investigating, the investigators finally found that all the victims had some pieces of metal inside their heads. The metal pieces were small, however, they were visible shaped similar to bullets. Although, the material of the bullets themselves were very questionable. These bullets weren't made by lead, they were made by a type of iron. A iron that was mixed with a metal called chromium, which stops steel from rusting. Usually, metals like this would be used for silverware like forks or spoons. The thought of someone had the capability of turning this mix metal into bullets was equally impressive yet horrifying all the same. The killer of the victims remained unknown. Although, their were many theories, yet less evidence. When all the victims were counted out, the boy's body was never found.


The wide known serial killer was still not caught yet. As every night passed, a new dead body would be sent into investigation. It's been eighteen years, there is still no sign of the killer's identity. For how did this one man manage to kill every night yet never gets subjected in public society might be the greatest question that I think no one can answer but the killer himself. He's either really good at acting or he has someone helping him, which makes things more difficult. Not only that, the killer might not even be a man, it could be a woman. Making anyone could be subject for the killer.


It was unpredictable, the serial killer that we've been chasing after for eighteen whole years has hanged himself on record for all eyes to see. That bastard actually killed himself! Some might be relieved by this, however, for others similar to me would be furious. Because the killer is already dead, none of the victims he left behind will never rest in peace. The victims families will never have the justice they were waiting for. All of our hard work was left in vain, none of us can dare to show our face to the public every again.