
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Riva confronted Avi

After Sunny left the room Riva stood there and looked at Avi, She saw sure that Avi was hiding something and he is not ready to share it with them.

Riva knew that she was not in the position to ask him about his personal affairs but she very curious about him.

His sudden change after an accident and now his behaviour, she found him suspicious and curious to know about it..

she knew he's worried about something but couldn't bring himself to express it, from Sunny she got to know about Avi and found him a person with a deep secret..

He has completely changed within a month and it felt suspicious. Rive wanted to help him, she genuinely see him as her friend.

Riva didn't want to offend him by her questions but she couldn't see him struggling by himself.

she felt a kind of connection between them like they had known each other before but she knew it was just imposible.

She used to live abroad and recently came back to country A where her family live, her birthplace.

"Avi can we talk?" Riva asked hesitantly.

She knew they are not that friendly afterall they just met and it'll be inappropriate to inquired about him this soon.

But she couldn't let him struggle along in his difficulties she found it very strange but her instinct never let it go, her heart felt heavy seeing him like this.

Something Inside her forcing her constantly to help this guy and this is why she can't brush it off. she was not a busy buddy but helping him made it feel like she is helping someone very close to her and she can't deny her feelings.

Avi got shocked after hearing her question, he thought she would not ask about this yet she was here questioning him. He felt hesitated and found himself in a complicated situation, he didn't want to be interrogate right now and was puzzled by her sudden inquiry but soon the realisation hit him, Riva didn't want to question him in front of Sunny so she took her time and made that excuse to get this chance alon with him.

"S.. sure" Avi now felt hesitate about Riva's inquiry, he is not ready to share his secret with anyone till now.

Untill he would be sured of the fact and found the complete story behind his rebirth or reincarnation, he didn't want to share it with anyone..

Avi knew if he talks about his reincarnation then no one is going to believe him and might think he is sprouting some nonsense and it has become the main reason behind him hiding the truth and doing his search secretly.

"Why were you reading that article??" Riva could not stop her curiosity about the cliff article.

"No..nothing just it appeared own its own and I casually just saw it.." it was difficult for Avi to lie her, he couldn't not bring himself to see in her eyes so he averted his gaze from her to other side of the room.

"hmmm....Sorry..... I know I should not question you like this but I can't stop my self Avi, I know - I might be Crossing my line yet here I am questioning you perhaps you don't know that you are not the only one with difficulties...

...I know we just met so and understand you are uncomfortable and might not be able to share with me, but Avi for the first I saw you I found you intresting and with a story so I volunteer to chat with you and wanted to be your friend...

...I know each person have their own difficulties and secrets which they don't want to share with anyone actually it is completely fine. But in your case I don't know why but I found myself to be related and...

...The artical you were reading is somehow related to an accident which is bothering me since last two month So I wanted to know about you, why you wanted to search about this insident and how are you related to it?..."

After hearing her explanation Avi was in great shock he thought he could hide his anxiety and secrets but Riva could feel it even it seems as if she did know about this accident.

'how could that be possible?'

He was in daze and stood froze in his position, He didn't buzz from the place he was, Avi felt speechless after listening her.

He could feel the same as Riva feels and could feel the familiarity from her like they had know each other from very long, hence he never felt uncomfortable around her yet he couldn't bring himself to give her the answer she was expecting.

"What are you talking about Riva it was just a coincidence, that article appeared in front of me all of sudden when I was working on my computer and out of curiosity I read it." Avi replied averting his gaze from her and moving to a

other side of the bed.

" I think you are right how can that article be related to you...

...Because that article is actually related to Roy family...

...by the way Shah and Roy family they have been very good friends from decades, right! so you must have known about this already."

She just wanted to taste the water by reveling this information and what she just saw made her doubt clear.

Avi body went stiff and his eyes opened wide with the information he just got now, he didn't know about the relationship between Shah and Roy family.

Avi was unable to process this information he just got from Riva and puzzled by fact that Riva did know about this information.

There was silence no one utter a word but it was Riva who was waiting for Avi to react upon this information, she knew very well that she hit the nail but looking at Avi who has become a statue made her think again.

she just let the bait and patiently waited for his response and somehow worried that may be she was just overthinking.

Avi didn't react instantly but ponder over this information for some time. He arranged his thoughts and replied her in very serious tone.

His eyes turn cold and the air around him froze, Riva could feel the changes in his behaviour and waited.

"Yes I was trying to find more about this insident." He replied coldly sending shiver to her spine.

" I want to share some information regarding this insident so I think we should talk about this matter somewhere else this is not the right place to talk about such thing let's talk somewhere else" Riva suggested after composing herself.

She felt terrified by the sudden change in Avi and could guess that this insident had great importance in his life.

As she finished her sentence Sunny barge inside the room and felt some tention between these two people whom he left just for a while.