
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Morning Visit

Avi felt a deep connection between them and wondered was it real or just his illusion, He was confused by his own reaction over her, after being a reincarnation as man it was obvious to that he might have some changes but being intrested in girl was something he did not expected.

Avi return home with a fresh mood and took a deep breath before starting his research about Sanya again, He switched on his computer and search about the cliff but again he did not find any information about any accident, which had happened before a month.


He did not find about any accident a month ago but got his hand on an article which was about an accident that happened nineteen years ago on the same cliff, he clicked on the artical and read it.

A woman with a man were died in that accident and they were in their mid twenties but according to police investigation those two peoples were badly injured and were shot before they were fall from the cliff.

The article was very sort so Avi could not get more information, a picture of those two people was attached with the article but their faces can't be recognised.

As Avi was staring at the picture suddenly some blurry images flash in front of his eyes and he felt as if his head was splitting apart, an immense pain shoot in his head and there was sweat all over his body.

he dropped on the floor holding his head, the pain was so intense that after induring it for some time he lost his conscience.


Early in the morning a servent came in to inform Avi about Sunny and one of his classmate had come to visit him and She found him laying on the floor The servent was shocked to see Avi unconscious.

She rushed back to leaving room to inform Mr. Shah about Avi.

Meanwhile Mr. Shah was bussy talking with Sunny, He was shocked to see other person with Sunny who came to visit Avi and at the same time curious to know about this new person.

Sunny introduce the new person to Mr. Shah, Mr Shah was glad to meet this new person who came with Sunny, It was the first time someone other than Sunny had come to visit Avi. .


Sunny and Riva had come to visit Avi early in the morning, It was the first time Riva came to visit him at his home.

Mr. Shah was very happy for his son who found a new friends.

Riva was a very beautiful young lady and the daughter of Kapoor family, Mr Shah knew about the kapoor family and pretty close with Riva's father

Mr. Shah and Mr. Kapoor had studied in the same collage and were friends, after college they got busy with their business and in their life that they rarely got chance to meet up.

Knowing his son is a friend with his friend's daughter made him very pleased.

As he was engaged in a chat with Riva and Sunny when a servent came.

She was same servent who went to inform Avi about his friends visit He noticed her panic state and got worried.

The servent informed them about Avi being unconscious and laying on the floor.

Without wasting a single second Mr. Shah rushed upstairs along with Riva and Sunny who also got worried about their friend.


Inside the room they saw Avi laying on the floor Mr. Shah quickened his steps and reached his son, holding his head in his lap he shook Avi and try to wake him up.

He pated Avi's cheeks for some time, Avi regain his conscience, he opened his eyes to see his father worried face meanwhile Sunny and Riva stood behind his father watching him with their concerned gaze.

He was stunned for a while, he rubbed his eyes to clear his views and found them staring at him with concerned expression.

"What happened? why are you all staring me like that?" without realising his head was laying on his father's lap Avi spoke.

"Are you ok" Mr. Shah inquired about his condition.

"Yes I am fine what happened why are you all staring at me."

"You are asking us...,dude do you even aware of your own condition right now." Sunny commented sarcastically.

He wanted to yell at his friend for his negligent behaviour but stopped himself realising Mr. Shah's presence.

Avi looked around and was dumb-founded he now realised that he was laying on floor and his head was in his father's lap.

He hurriedly stood up and glance at them.

"Hah....I was working on a school project last night and probably fell asleep here." he forced a smile and reassured them.

Avi didn't not want to make them worry as he hid the fact about him falling unconscious after the unbearable headache.

The trio did not buy Avi's explanation but did not question him further about it since they didn't want to bother him.

Mr. Shah left the room after being assured by Avi, As soon as he left Sunny bombarded Avi with questions.

Avi what happened last night?... what were you doing last night?..... how did you faint?.... Are you not feeling good?...

.. do you want to visit hospital?

"Well well well.....calm down dude" Avi made Sunny sit down first and poured him a glass of water to calm down Sunny.

Meanwhile Riva who just stood there staring at the screen of Avi's desktop called "Avi"

Avi looked at Riva he actually forgot about her presence, He saw Riva staring at his desktop.

He expeditiously shut his desktop and turn to look at her, he could see questions rising in her eyes but somehow she didn't question him about it.

Avi felt a sense of relief, he is not ready to share his deepest secret with anyone not now.

Untill he could not find about the completed truth behind his reincarnation he planned to keep it within himself.

"Sunny can you bring my cellphone.... I think I left it in the living room" Riva pleaded to Sunny with a charming smile.

looking at her face Sunny couldn't bring himself to reject her, He nodded in agreement and then left the room.