
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Avi with a strange girl

After seeing who was there the man chuckled "Are you here to save her and who the hell are you?"

"You don't have to know who am I?" Avi haughtily said, he took few steps towards them.

Looking at the young man who suddenly appeared from nowhere the girl was stunned, she wasn't expecting anyone to come to her aid and that too a stranger.

Avi was very tall compared to those bulky men, only his eyes and his hair could be seen but she was sure that he was very handsome. In his current attire he looked like a ninza, no no no a very handsome ninza.

She felt relieved as well as she got worried about him, she was not sure that he could fight against them.

She didn't want to involve an innocent life in her matter. She looked at Avi and was not sure about him saving her. He was tall but infront of those bulky men he was alone and probably couldn't be compared.

Now she was not only worried about herself but also for Avi who came here to save her.

She lifted her eyelids and looked into his eyes, she didn't know why but seeing into his green eyes she somehow felt relieved, and a feeling of familiarity as if she had known him but was sure she did never meet him.

That girl was looking into his, she was staring at him, Avi looked back to her and as his gaze fell into her eyes he froze. Those eyes were very familiar, seeing in those eyes suddenly a face came into his mind.

Those eyer were exactly the same as Sanya, there was a sudden emotions pass through his eyes. He couldn't understand why did he see Sanya's face after looking into her eyes, her face was not even a single bit of similar to Sanya

She was very beautiful even an angel could be envious of her beauty. Jade like grey eyes very fair and pale shining skin, black hair and very attractive slender figure like a model, she was very tall in comparison to a normal girl.

Seeing the emotions in his eyes the girl felt a very strong connection between them even she couldn't describe her own emotions after staring into his eyes either.

"Catch him" After buckling up his pant the man order his man. The man was irritated by Avi's interruption and was burning with the rage.

After getting the order from their boss those men attacked Avi.

Avi didn't moved but waited for them at same spot and when those men got close enough to him. he attacked them back Giving a flying kick on one of those men whilst attacking them with his punches.

Those men were engaged with Avi meanwhile she took advantage of the situation and tried to free herself from their holds but was restraint by them.

Sensing those were persistent and were not going leave her she struggle but her every attempt was futile. infront of those bulky man she was very weak, she looked at Avi and was dumb-founded.

Avi was now standing in front of the boss and those men were laying on the ground, unable to move.

After watching the scene the man was terrified by Avi, he looked at Avi's face and was Frozen.

Avi's eyes were very cold and he could see the glint of killing intend in his eyes. The man felt his body felt numb and he fell on his knees while bowing as he pleaded " I am sorry please please let me go, I won't do this again"

Avi narrowed his eyes on the man's plead but he didn't buy it. Avi remembered how this man almost forced himself on her, if he would have been late a little perhaps she could have been violated.

Avi kicked him hard on his face the man landed on ground, blood was dripping from his nose as cried in pain. Avi did not stop there he kicked the man in between his leg as he held him by his collar and punched him on his face until the man lost his conscience.

Avi stood and took a step towards the girl as he looked at her with concern in his eyes. He was afraid as well as concern about her being scared of this situation.

The girl stood rotted, she was not that scared instead she was shocked she didn't expect the outcome would be this.

She took a step back out of her shock as Avi approached her. Avi stopped in his track seeing her taking step back.

"Its ok everything is fine now" He assured her in a very gentle voice.

The girl snapped back as she heard his voice, his tone now was very gentle and smoothing not like before dengerous and terrifying. His eyes turn gentle and there was no longer any murderous intend in his eyes.

Getting no response from her, he analysed her appearance. He could see her white top shirt was torn by side of it sleeves, and the top three buttons of her top shirt were broken and her cleavage could be seen.

Avi averted his gaze seeing her cleavage his cheeks and ears turned red and his face felt very hot. He took off his jacket and cover her with it preventing her from cold as well as hiding her cleavage.

She was still looking so alluring in her dishevelled appearance with her bright grey eyes, Her medium length black hairs which were dancing in blowing wind giving her the look of a fairy in the full moon light.

Avi was stunned by his own reaction over a beautiful young lady. He never had thought that one day he would be attracted to a lady after his rebirth.

After all he used to be a women and he was very much sure that he was straight in his previous life.

So why was he feeling attracted towards her, Avi was in his own thought that he did not notice the girl before him was staring at him.

When the girl saw him taking off his jacket she jolted in fear and she took him the same as those man for a second untill she felt the warmth over her shoulder.

Lifting her eyelids she looked at him and saw his eyes were focused on her but he looked lost in his thoughts. She waved her hand in front of his face bringing him back from his daze.

Avi saw her eyes on him, he was about say something when..

"Th.....thank you" The girls said in her stuttering voice.

She usually was not that nervous but after going through such an insident she couldn't surpass her nervousness.

"Don't mention it, Well I think we should leave first" he said as he lead the way.

Avi brought her to roadside where he had parked his bike standing before his bike he asked in gentle voice" what were you doing there at this time, don't you know it was very dengerous there."

A....Actually I have just returned from LA this afternoon and was going back to hotel from the shopping when those man kidnapped me at the parking of the mall and brought me here" She explained, she was nervous that he might misunderstood her.

Avi did not say anything but just stare at her face still having the same attraction towards her. He tried to brush it aside but was unable.

Avi was very Confused with his own feelings, 'Stop with this nonsense Avi what are you thinking You can't be attracted to a girl right, this soul belongs to a girl and you should not feel this attraction' but why does it feel like that he has knows her for very long time and she looks very familiar Avi was fighting in his head.

It was not only Avi who was confused and amaze by his feelings. It was the same with the girl, she too felt attracted to Avi not because of his looks but there was something she didn't know was making him very familiar to her like she did know him for decades.