
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

A Black Sports Bike

Early in the morning, Avi was jogging as usual. It'd been his routine for last one month. It'd been a month, he was training himself. Avi now looked strong and confident from his past weak self.

Black hood on head with his mid length brown hair and green eyes gave him a very devilish look. He looked very fascinating in his jogging attire.

"I am home" Avi announced, after he returning back from his jogging.

Seeing him back his mother looked at him with bright smile on her face. She was preparing his favourite breakfast, she felt very happy to see how confident her son has become, he was no longer a weak, shy and timid young man. Avi has changed alot after that insident, he's no more a introvert. He's now more open and cheerful, he smiled more often around his family.

Seeing the changes in Avi Mrs. Shah felt gleesome. she had never imagined that one day her son can be this cheerful and can openly express his emotions with them. he used to live his life in very simple way and rarely share his interest with them.

"Come have your breakfast darling" said Mrs. Shah with a affectionate smile.

"morning mom, I will be back, let me take shower first " Avi said while running towards his room.

After ten minutes Avi came down, dressed in his school uniform. His face was glowing, He looked very fresh and youthful in his school uniform.

He set across the table and found the table full with his favorite food. Lifting upward his lips, he smiled and thanked his mother.

After his breakfast, He took his black sports bike from the garage and drove it for his school. A month ago he asked for this bike from his father, It was the first time he ever asked his father for something like this. His father was astonished to hear his demand for a sports bike. He did never thought that his shy and reserved son would fancy something this wild.

Avi didn't like to show off his wealth yet his demand for a sports bike Shows his acceptance to his true self. Afterall he's born in a super rich family and can't live his life like a normal person forever, even if he desperately wanted it be, but the fate can't let him have it.

Nonetheless Mr Shah doesn't care about this at all, he liked the fact that his son has accepted his fate and is no more trying to be hide under his parents care. It looks like he'd been matured within a month and realised his responsibilities towards his family and him. Atleast he started to act like a youthful young man.

Avi had spreaded his wings for his first flight. He begun to take interest in his family business and had spent his most of the time with his father to know about their businesses in his study room. Father and son built a great understanding between them, it wasn't expected from Avi a month before.

Whenever Mr. Shah had tried bringing up the topic about his interest in business, Avi always responded with his usual skittish tone "I am not interested in business" Avi wanted to be a author and didn't want to be forced to abandoned his only wish for his family business.

It's not like Father Shah was against with his choice of career, however he can't let his only son to indulge his entire life in writing. He'd only wish to make Avi well-informed about his family businesses so that he won't be taken advantage when they were not around him in near future, after all no one can be certain about life and death.


*At Prosperity Hight School of city Z*

A black bike could be seen driving through the school entrance. Kawasaki Ninja H2R is worth more than $55000 (₹ 4189352.75). This is not the most expensive bike but the fastest bike in the world. The bike was so eye catching that, those students who were to enter at school halted in their track and wonder who is the person driving this awesome bike.

Avi parked his bike and took off his helmet revealing his overly handsome face. His Green eyes with messy brown hair, very fair skin and slightly up thin lips gave him godly sight, who had just descended from heaven.

The girls stood rooted as they were admiring this sight even boys can't hold them selfs back, they too engrossed in this beautiful sight.

"Ahhhh how handsome" The girls were screaming like fangirls for their idol and started clicking Avi's pics.

"Wow, who is he!!? I never saw him in campuse" a girl said to her friend.

"I think he is a new student!!" another girl said drooling over Avi.

Seeing the girls reaction made many boys envious of Avi. Avi got alot of attention for his good looks and his high profile entry, apparently he did not give a damn about it, he used to be the center of attention but not for his good looks and charm but becouse he had been bullied by some of these students.

"Hey Avi, how are you man!!?" Sunny came running towards him while trying to breathe some air.

Hearing Sunny's words Avi turn and looked at him. Sunny was looking like as the cops were chasing after him, there was sweat all over his face and his face looked very flushed. Avi scowled seeing him like this

"I'm fine but what happened to you!?? Are you running a marathon? why are you in such a hurry? questioned Avi, seemingly irritated by the way Sunny landed his hand over his shoulder meanwhile caring his school bag in his other hand.

No I'm not running a marathon....and Hey, you.... what's with that look hah.....why didn't You informed me earlier, about your resuming back to school and don't forget... I am the only one who can save you from those bullies." Said Sunny bragging to himself, meanwhile it took him awhile recognising Avi because of the changes in him. It's been a month he last saw Avi.

"So you are saying, you used to save me from those bullies and I am the only one who got bullied!!.... Are you sure!!?...You used to save me and if I'm not mistaken, you also got bully along with me, Right Mr. Sunny Chawla" Saying so Avi couldn't stop his laughter and he laughed out laugh.

"Wh...what di....did you mean by that atleast I had tried to take stand for us and not like someone who allowed them bully him." Sunny rolled his, feeling embarrassed thinking about this.

When Avi saw, how red Sunny's face got with embarrassment he stopped teasing him " Ok don't worry about this, from now on none of them can bully us." a cold light flash through his eyes.

Sunny's used to be a weakling too like Avi. When Avi used to be bullied by other students, Sunny had always tried to protect him unfortunately he was also got himself bullied by them and like that they both had suffered, but it didn't effect their friendship.

While chatting they made their way to class A. Yes they were in the best class becouse of their good grades, they were classmates but not deskmate, they set on their separate desk. Avi set on the second desk of the middle row and Sunny set on the last desk in same row.

When the students of class A saw, the handsome guy from earlier came in their class and set on Avi's seat, they were all stunned as their eyes glued on him, even his deskmate froze seeing the handsome guys seating beside her. She was a transfer student who got transferred before a month, during the time Avi got involve in that insident and was recuperating.

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