
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

RapidOoze · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


(In Ophis's Mansion)

After some time, Grayfia returned, sending the four of them to their rooms and seeing Ophis and Juddeca like that, she sighed mentally, but don't say anything.

Anos looked at Grayfia and asked,

Anos-"Grayfia, how do you like the look on Sirzechs face today?"

Hearing that, Ophis started laughing and even Juddeca giggled a little while Grayfia had a smile on her face, as she is happy to see his face full of suffering and Ophis spoke,

Ophis-"His face, when looking at Ajuka was like 'You Betrayed me, Ajuka', it was difficult to hold my laugh, the look on his face was priceless."

Hearing that Anos also started to laugh and said,

Anos-"Yeah, you are right, and you should have seen the look on Zekram's face, it was like, he was forced to stop himself from relieving himself."

Ophis nodded her head at Anos's statement as Zekram face was sometime blue so sometime green.

Anos then spoke again,

Anos-"And the look of surprise on World Will's face was priceless, when she looked at Yu Yan, I can't believe that she would be this surprised seeing Yu Yan."

Ophis and Grayfia also nodded their head as the look on World Will's face was too much shocked.

After talking for some time, they all left to sleep, Grayfia went to her room and Anos took Ophis and Juddeca to his room and they all slept there, cuddling with each other.

Next Day,

On the dinning table, everyone was sitting, except Grayfia and Ying Yueru as they went to prepare the breakfast and Xiao Ning'er looked at Anos and asked,

Xiao Ning'er-"Teacher Anos, are we going to start learning today?"

Anos nodded his head and said,

Anos-"Yes, as the modern world is different from a cultivation world, so you have to start learning about things like that and if you have any interest, you could also start learning about Science and technology related things."

Xiao Ning'er and others nodded their head, and they are also somewhat excited to know about things like that, as it would prove to be helpful and they also want to know how things work, like they had seen in the mansion.

Ye Ziyun then said,

Ye Ziyun-"I am also excited to learn about how things work and also to know more about a world different from ours."

Anos nodded his head hearing that, as its normal to get excited, when you go to a new place, previously he can't get excited, as he had lost that excitement, due to his Origin, but now he is also somewhat excited as he could now visit different places without subconsciously using his Origin, as he was always doing that, or else he can't even talk like he knows everything.

After some time, Grayfia and Ying Yueru came with breakfast, and after eating, everyone sat in the living room and Yu Yan asked,

Yu Yan-"So, are we going to learn about the modern world from the human world?"

Anos nodded his head and said,

Anos-"We will go there in the afternoon, we should have a guest coming soon."

Yu Yan nodded her head, as she could also guess who this guest is.

Ying Yueru then looked at Anos and said,

Ying Yueru-"Master Anos, why is the fate of this world is in the hands of a little girl?"

Anos looked at her with a questioning look and asked,

Anos-"What do you mean by that, Yueru?"

Anos had already started to call all of them by their names, as even in his past life, he was never good with the formalities and he even find them more difficult in this world.

Ying Yueru looked at Anos and said,

Ying Yueru-"Master Anos, the world itself is focusing its attention towards a little girl in the human world, and that girl also has some draconic aura on her."

Anos hearing that closed his eyes and accessed his Origin, and find that, In this world, Hyoudou family has twins, one boy and one girl, and the girl got the Boosted Gear, and the World Will had make her the Protagonist, as the World Will still need to give someone the fate of the world, even if it knew that nothing is going to happen, its just their instinct, and Sona is not suitable to became the protagonist as she is Fateless, so the original one is the best choice.

Anos then looked at Ying Yueru and said,

Anos-"She is the protagonist of this world, to help the world became stronger..."

Anos then told them about how the World will works and they were shocked and Yu Yan asked,

Yu Yan-"Then, Who is the protagonist of our world?"

Anos smiled hearing her question and said,

Anos-"Its Sage Emperor."

This time, Xiao Ning'er asked with a shocked expression,

Xiao Ning'er-"But Teacher Anos, you had said that, he is not from our World, then why?"

Anos-"He had the body of someone from your world and he had consumed more than half of the soul of someone from your world, and not only he is strong, he is ready to do anything to achieve his objective, so he suitable to be chosen."

Hearing that, the four of them stopped talking, and Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er still remember the story that Anos had told them, and also remember that Anos had told them, when they became stronger then Legend rank, they could ask Anos about the two girls in the story, but as the time passes, they already guessed who those girls were, especially seeing Nie Li act and looking at Ye Ziyun like that, and as they studied Space-time element and Law, they get the visions of them, dying in the hands of beasts and people, and in those visions, they were with a boy, the boy, whose picture Anos had shown to Nie Li, So they already knew, and when they saw, Ying Yueru, their guess became true after hearing about her from Grayfia.

After some time, all of them sensed three presence appeared outside the mansion, Anos then said towards Grayfia,

Anos-"Grayfia, could you receive our guests here."

Grayfia nodded her head and bowed and went outside, and after some minutes, she returned with the guests, mainly, Sona, Tsubaki and Serafall, while Serafall had head down, and Sona immediately went towards Anos and hugged him and said while pouting,

Sona-"Onii-san, Next time take me with you!! I missed you so much!!"

Hearing her like that, her queen, Tsubaki was surprised as she had never seen Sona like that, and Sona actually wanted to hug Anos yesterday when he had just came, but she can't do that in Rias's presence, as it would lower the self-esteem she had built, she had no problem in front of her queen as she is going to see that someday, so she doesn't worry about her.

Sona, then looked at Ophis and a victory smile flashed on her face, Ophis seeing that, gave her a parentally smile, seeing that, Sona pouted, as she wanted to see Ophis's jealous face, but also felt ashamed, while Anos patted her head and said,

Anos-"So little Sona does miss me, I thought you had started hating me, talking to me like that yesterday."

Hearing that, Sona quickly shook her head and said,

Sona-"..I-I ca-a-n't hat-e-e On-n-ii-san, and yesterday, Rias was with us, so it was difficult even for me to control myself."

Sona started to stutter in-between and Anos and Ophis started laughing out loud, hearing that, everyone in the room except Grayfia were shocked, as they had never seen them laughing like that.

After calming down, Serafall who was quiet whole time spoke,


She was not even able to finish when Anos said,

Anos-"Sera, you should talk to someone not me right now."

Hearing that, Serafall nodded her head, and mentally sighed, as Anos had again called her Sera, and turned towards the four from the TDG and bowed her head and spoke,

Serafall-"I am sorry!!, I hadn't taken my words seriously and I was not considerate of your feelings and spoke like that, on the top of that, I hadn't apologized to yesterday."

Hearing her, Yu Yan sighed, yesterday, she got to know about her personality from Anos and knows what type of person Serafall is, but even then, she thinks her reaction was the right one, but seeing her apologizing like that, she felt sorry for scaring her, and said,

Yu Yan-"Just be careful with your words from now on."

Hearing her, the other three also nodded their head, and Serafall gloomy atmosphere immediately changed into her previous one, but her eyes are now sharp looking and hugged Yu Yan and said,

Serafall-"Thankyou!!, Yan-Chan!!, because of you, I also got to know my mistakes!."

While Yu Yan was shocked, for being called like that said stuttering,

Yu Yan-"...Y-Yan-ch-a-a-n??!!, What Yan-chan, my name is Yu Yan!!"

While Serafall hearing her smiled brightly and said,

Serafall-"And thats Yan for Yan-chan!!"

She then turned towards Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning'er and Ying Yueru and said while pointing at them respectively,

Serafall-"Yun-chan!, Nin-chan!!, Yu-chan!!"

Hearing her Anos and Ophis sighed along with those who had just been named, while they were not that shocked as she is even calling Anos with 'Anos-chan', while Yu Yan had a difficulty accepting that, as she was one of the most prestigious spiritual gods during Ancient times, and was always called with respect, so hearing her nickname, she was shocked a little.

While Anos and Ophis smiled seeing her expression as her shocked and stuttering face was funny to watch.

After that, Anos spoke,

Anos-"So, Sera, you are going to help them, showing them around the human world, as you have, more experience in human world with us."

Hearing that, Serafall nodded her head, as she could also free herself from her work. Anos had asked Serafall to come with them, because he wanted her relationship with others to become better, as they may even work together in the future, and he doesn't believe that a single sorry could make a relationship better, as if it could, then there would be no problem in the whole Cosmos.