
The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

The biggest mistake of Alicia's life, was trying to commit suicide. She found herself in the body of a 19 years old princess in exile, in the middle ages. What's more? She was forced to marry Prince Harold; the infamous white-haired hot tempered Prince who wouldn't mind killing someone for the most irrelevant reason. Now, her wedding is only a few hours from now and the 'princess', which happens to be Alicia, is supposed to display some 'princessly' skills to the guest. Quick question: Is twerking allowed in the middle ages? She knew one thing for sure, the wedding was going to be a disaster and the hot tempered prince was going to kill her before she found her way back home. God Help Her! ThatAmazingGirl in collaboration with Miss_Behaviour (The writers of In Love With A Klepto) is bringing you another book. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the body of a princess in the ancient time? What's more, he isn't only a werewolf, he is also cursed by the moon goddess. EXCERPT: What should she do? She was confused and had no idea what was going on. Weddings in the middle ages was weird! What the hell is 'Virtues recitation'? Should she pretend to faint? That was the only thought that made sense. So that was what she did. She slowly collapsed on the ground and heard how everyone began to gasp and exclaim.  Alicia wanted them to take her out of there and then she would find a way to escape. But maybe she was unlucky after all, because when she peeped under her lashes, wondering why no one was coming to carry her out, she saw a golden robe, before the person crouched down in front of her. She shut her eyes tightly and stilled her breath. She was an actress, after all. She could pull this off flawlessly.  "That was a bad act, my lady." The deep voice spoke, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Scary. "I will only give you three seconds to get up."  His voice wasn't really threatening, but somehow he commanded fear, especially with the slow and careful way he spoke. She had heard he was bad-tempered. What would he do after the three seconds passed? Would he kill her? Then would she die here? How did he even know she was pretending? Were people in the middle ages usually smart? She opened one eye to peek at him and saw him staring right at her with a smirk.  THERE WAS NO WAY THE WEDDING WASN'T HAPPENING. SHE WAS SO DEAD! ******* Werewolf (Check) Cursed prince (Check) Transmigration (Check) Comedy (Check) Romance (Double Check) ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!

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Unpleasant surprise.

After Paulina and Madam Grace found Alicia in the mountains and took her back to the hut that they considered their house. Madam Grace was especially livid. She had been worried at first when she saw all the bloodstains and had assumed the worst, but Alicia had weakly explained to her that the bloodstains were from the wild animal she had saved. She had received a harsh scolding from her for running away and also trying something as risky as trying to save a wild animal. 

Alicia hadn't been in the mood to argue with her because her body ached badly as a result of the fall, and she felt like she had been beaten with a log of wood. She had bruises all over her body, but the most painful was the one that stood out on her arm. The big dog or wolf had left quite a mark. She was sure it would scar. Poor princess. 


Madam Grace fed her some chicken soup which she quickly devoured as a result of her hunger. She couldn't imagine that not only had she not had anything to eat for over 24 hours, but she had also faced all that stress while trying to run away only to return to square zero. 


She couldn't remember anything else that happened after she ate, but all she knew was that she had fallen asleep and by the time she woke up, she found herself inside an enclosed space and could feel she was moving. She looked around her in confusion before sliding something that looked like a window to the side. She sighed in relief when she saw Paulina's face. 

She realized she was inside a carriage that was moving too slowly for her liking and making her want to throw up. Paulina and Madam Grace followed the carriage on foot and there were also a few people who looked like soldiers with bows, arrows, and swords.

"Where are we heading to?" She decided to first ask before any other question. The day was already getting dark. It wasn't possible she had slept through the whole day, right? There was no way she would have slept through it all simply because she was exhausted, she mused as she looked down at the bandage sling around her arm and observed that she was wearing new clothes. 

"You are awake!" Paulina exclaimed. 

"Where are we heading to and how long have I been sleeping?" 

"We are heading to the Palace, my lady," Paulina said joyfully. She looked exhausted, but she was smiling as if going to the palace was a lifelong dream of hers. 

"Palace? Why?" Alicia asked with a shake of her head.

"The King. He sent for you. I think we are no longer returning to the place of exile." Paulina explained quietly. Alicia could see the excited glint in her eyes even though she looked tired.

The last thing Alicia wanted was to go to any palace. All she wanted was to go to the village and find the river where the Princess had fallen in!

"Is the Palace located in the village where the princ– where I fell?" 

The smile on Paulina's face disappeared as she looked at the princess. "You... still don't remember, my lady?" 

Seeing the look on her face, Alicia realized something was definitely wrong. 

"The village is on the other side. It's a 5-minute walk from the place we rescued you from in the mountains." 

"What?" Alicia asked with wide eyes, causing some of the guards who were marching beside the carriage to look at her. Just a five-minute walk? How had she missed it? 

"Can we go back? Let's go back. I need to return there." 

"But... my lady." Paulina looked uncertain before saying, "You still need to rest, my lady. You need to be fully okay before we meet the King, otherwise he is going to scold us." Paulina said, looking frightened. 

"You don't understand! I need to leave!" Alicia demanded before she began to hit the front of the carriage with both hands. 

"Stop moving!" She demanded, but no one paid attention to her. How come they claimed she was a princess yet no one paid any attention to her? Madam Grace had even hit her. She felt more like a slave than a princess. 

"Paulina, how long is it going to take to get to the village in the mountains from the Palace?" 

"My lad—"

"Just answer me!" Alicia said impatiently.

Paulina bit her lip before stuttering, "You... have been riding for... Uhm... since the morning of yesterday." 


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