
The Cursed One.

A millenia ago, in a planet far from Earth, a being was sealed by 11 sorcerers . The seal is weakening , wind carries dark words, and a prophecy is told by the 3 sages ......................................................................... Destruction is assured and no one except him can stop it.

L00cifr · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Mageleo Academy

A Secret Room somewhere in the realm of living:

The room was dark and silent save for the quiet whispers of the 3 people gathering in secret. There was a grand table in the middle of the room which had 11 throne-like chairs.

A person in dark hood with a commanding voice asks "When will the plan be ready to execute ?"

The second person replies " Soon my dear friend. Very soon. Have some patience."

The third one replies " Patience has never been one of his strong characterss. I hope you do whatever you can before he snapss and leaves your plans to run."

Meanwhile in the Capital of Empire.

A woman with red hair that reaches to her waist and purple eyes is standing with a parchment in her hands. In front of her are fifty thousand of 18 years old aspiring sorcerers who wants to secure a spot in the fabled Mageleo Academy. She turns to her right and speaks to a man with white hair that is bound in a ponytail " Kairo, this year has even larger no. of applicants than previous year."

The man says with a smirk "Good for you Miss-Aliza and poor luck of the poor students. They will surely need it."

He suddenly moves and takes 7 steps " My fellow sorcerers as you all know today is the day that decides if you get to study under the worldclass sorcerers and make the world remember your name and accomplishments. If you are unable to do so, then you will have to study in other academies which will teach you sorcery to a certain limit and be satisfied with that. Today I am your proctor alongside Ms. Aliza. You can call me Sir"

As soon as he says this the crowd burst outs into murmurs. Some students are seen placating themselves, some are determined, some are shaking in fear but there are few students who are annoyed with the speech. Suddenly the ground starts shaking and lifts up to a certain height. The entire capital could be seen from there. The teacher says that" Enough with the chatter, The exams are divided into Practical, Theory and Capacity each of them carrying 100 marks. Now its time for the exams the first step will be to do the 5 basic sorcery:

1. You need to levitate the feather in front of you for 5 seconds.

2. You need to light the candle on your respective desks.

3. You need to transform the feather into a steel ball.

4. You need to clone the candle.

5. You need to vanish your desks."

The students are standing processing the data given to them when Kairo says" What are you waiting for?" When Aliza whispers to him, he embarassingly says "OH! Pardon me." He snaps his finger and in front of every student there is a desk with every item required for the test. "Your time limit is 1 hour. Don't try to cheat for the magic of Magelio will throw you out immediately in such cases. Adios."

After an hour,

The ground has only about 25000 students left. A yellow haired boy asks Kairo" Where are others?" Kairo replies "Did I forget to say that if you fail at any part of test you will be evicted from the Academy. No Worries. Now for the written test, it's based on magical theory. The questions are MCQs and to pass the exam you must have more marks than the average marks of this year's crop of freshers. "

Some students protest saying it was unethical. Suddenly a dark haired student wearing a mask chuckles and says" What did you expect? That Mageleo will teach every sorcerer? Our empire produces more than hundred thousand sorcerers every year and Mageleo only contributes 5 percent of it. And yet one single first year student of Mageleo have been seen capable of defeating 10 other students of other academies even if they are third years. This is the difference between Mageleo and others. Mageleo's job is to refine diamonds so it has no time to play with pebbles."

All of the students are silenced by the harsh words. Kairo looks at the young boy and sees the ring on the boy's hand and thinks " As expected of the young heir of Sonoris. He is extremely mature, pessimistic and strong."

The second exam is filled with silence mostly. The students give the exams and now only 10000 students are left. Aliza announces" Now I am overtaking the charge. You all showed your excellent skills yet Mageleo takes only 5000 exceptional students. So, we will do it like every other year you will launch your strongest technique on trolls subdued by our strongest guards. Still, trolls have great magical resistance. Enter the towers when your names are called."

At the end of day ,the exams finish and students are seen leaving the compounds.