
The Cursed Blacksmith

William Jaeger is a blacksmith who is well known for his family name. He left his career behind in pursue of a different path for his life. With great determination to start anew, he decided to move back to the town of Aoba. He will soon realize that his wishes were more than he bargained after the encounter of a mysterious woman.

Whitemouse1 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

A night for revelation

"Alright. Let's get this over with."

Paul showed his pendant to the guards at the front gate of the merchant's guild. As he entered the building, he heard whispers echoing across the hall from his invited colleagues about his presence. Hearing old men gossiping was not something the merchant enjoyed, so he didn't amuse it. A second pair of guards opened the door for him to the room where the meeting was taking place. There weren't many men present. Possibly about twenty or so out of the fifty selected were in the room. Not many cared about these private reunions. Most of the time it was to discuss stocks or current trends in the market, but this time it was different.

"I made it very clear that a gosti was coming. I mean, all the signs pointed towards it."

When Paul was selected to be the informant, he knew something big was coming. It was clear in his superior's body language. He tried to get some more information out of him, but it was as if his life was on the line if he said anything else.

"It's like he was about to vomit from stress."

The men were all seated in their designated chairs. Paul was located the farthest from the stage. It was no surprise to him. Out of all the merchants, he was the least wealthy of the bunch.

He took a deep breath and leaned back on his chair, his feet resting on the empty chair in front of him, "Might as well relax before the show starts. Although I wish they'd get this over with. I need to get back to my daughter."

Paul thought for a second about whether he would attend the meeting. His daughter was sick and frail. He didn't want to leave her behind, but his wife reassured him they would be fine while he was at the guild.

It did pick his curiosity. There was something mysterious about all of it. A reunion mid-season with the wealthiest of the guild. 

"Could there be some sort of bidding taking place? Nah, it couldn't be. They work too on the books for that." He murmured to himself.

The guild was founded very recently. Not a decade has gone by. Surprisingly, they work one on one with the kingdom's politics. Having an illegal bid take place would be too out of character for the guild.

"Well, look at that. If it isn't our dear friend Paul."

Paul wondered who was calling out for him. As soon as he turned around, his curiosity died, "Oh, it's just you guys... Dumb, dumber and dumbest."

"Be careful with that tongue of yours. It might get you into trouble."

"Remember your standing in this place, low rank."

"Hmph, hmph!"

Richy Dicky and Chatty approached the merchant with a smirk on their faces. Although Paul always knew how to easily wash it off from them.

"Can you beat it? I'm trying to get some piece of mind before the event starts."

Richy scoffed and pushed aside Paul's feet from his chair, "It's not like you'll get much of it, let alone see the stage. Just stay quiet behind us and let the higher levels like us do our job."

"Just because you got here a few months before me doesn't make you better, Richy. Do I have to remind you that this month I made double the amount that you made in a year? If anything, you should be sitting behind me. Let's see what you'll have to say after this year's revision."

The man greeted his teeth and growled, "How dare you! I—"

"—Settle down everyone. We're about to begin."

At the podium stood a man in a green robe. He had long gray hair all the way to his torso. He caressed his white beard and crow's feet formed on his wrinkled face as he focused on everyone in the room with his glasses.

"Well, it is unfortunate that not many of you who were called are here with us today. The young should learn to be present at all times if they wish to thrive in this market. It says a lot about the ones that are here. I have high hopes for you. Very well, you were not called here to hear an old man blabber on about the young. In order for me to proceed with the matter at hand, I need to give you a bit of the history of the guild."

"Hmph, hmph."

"You're right chatty. If the guild master is talking, this will go on forever. Maybe I should've stayed at home too."

"Shut up you two. I'm trying to hear."

Both men were surprised, "Don't tell me you are interested in this crap Richy. This is turning into a history lesson."

Richy shook his head, "Patience Dicky. Something tells me they're prepping us for the big blow."

Paul never liked to be around the trio. He thought he would lose a few brain cells if he spent time interacting with the men. One thing he did occasionally acknowledge was Richy's cunning edge. Although he didn't have the talent to make a profit if his life depended on him, he could tell other people's intentions from a mile away. Although Paul hates to admit it sometimes, Richy was right on the nose.

"This guild's formation is a bit different from the other ones. You see, a guild is usually formed from mutual aid, product standards--to protect interests and ensure fair trade practices. When it came to the formation of this guild in this district, less than a decade ago, it was for a specific reason: to have noble families come together in one district."

Among the small crowd there were whispers and uncomfortable faces reacting to the guild master's words. Although the people present were nobles, it didn't mean that all families got along. Some are not as wealthy as others. In political standing, there were ranks among the nobles. They all hated to be put in one category. When the guild master throws them all together like that, it causes them discomfort.

"One way or another you're all nobles. I know that, due to political differences, many of you would never work together on the same path. That is why I signed up everyone here to this guild district. So it can fulfill its purpose."

A man from the crowd stood up from his chair annoyed, "Accomplishing to have noble families in one guild is no easy feat. To what extreme would the guild go through such lengths?"

"The answer will be given by our special guest..." The guild master replied. He signaled the person behind him to come forward.

A woman in a dark robe approached the podium. Her face was covered by the hood, unable for anyone to identify who it could be. Her delicate pearl hands caressed the podium, and discreetly she took a deep breath.

"Greetings. Thank you all for joining me tonight. I wish it was under better circumstances, but time is not in our favor." She looked directly at the man who posed a question to the guild master, "The answer to your inquiry is simple. You're all part of the most influential families in the kingdom. It was not planned for our lifetime to go through this situation, but the future is always uncertain, and our plans were cut short. We need your assistance at such a crucial time."

"Excuse me madam," said a woman as she stood up, "Can we speed the process? We've done nothing but hear about history, reasons and how unfortunate that things are happening now. What is happening that has us all here?"

"What's happening... is the end of the world as we know it."

Every person in the room stood silent. Their breath was caught at the sudden revelation. 

"The end of the world..." Said Dicky.

"Hmph, Hmph."

"This is bad." murmured Richy.

"There you have it. That's the bomb they were setting us on." commented Paul.

Silence turned to murmurs and then outrage among the nobles.

The guild master raised his hand, "Calm down everyone, the session hasn't ended."

"How do you suppose we digest this information, guild master? A stranger just waltzes in here and gathers all the nobles late at night and says the world is going to end!" a person replied.

"This is a waste of time!" another person commented.

For the first time since he had joined the guild, Paul could see his usually passive guild master agitated at everyone's outburst. "Silence! How dare you speak to—"

"It's okay, Gandorf. They don't know who I am. It is expected. There's no need to derail us from the topic at hand. They're just taken by surprise by all this."

The woman raised a hand at the guild master, signaling him that she had it under control. It seemed this was something she was accustomed to and knew how to handle well.

"I know many of you have questions. I'm here to answer as much as I can. Let's do this in a civil manner."

One of the nobles raised a question, "How are you certain the world is going to end?"

"I can assure you, it is heading on such a path. We must unite in order to correct it and not cause calamity to our world."

"Why the nobles? Can't this be assessed by the knights of Heratia?" another noble asked.

The woman shook her head, "That would be the case, but it is unfortunate to say the knights are currently on an important trip to the south. They're spread thin to the point of being unable to help this dire situation."

An agitated noble stood up, "This doesn't make sense! Why come to the nobles? If not the knights, why not get the adventurers involved?"

"We have set a meeting with the adventurers, but they won't move without proper funding. That is why I'm here today facing all of you. The kingdom needs the support of the nobles in order to survive this upcoming catastrophe."

The woman was a natural at public speaking. Everything the nobles had thrown at her, she was able to hit back with grace and charisma. The merchant wonders if it's enough to convince everyone in the room to follow her plan. There was still one thing everyone needed to know.

"This is outrageous! How are we supposed to believe you? Who are you?"

"I suppose there's no choice in hiding this desperate act I'm committing. The word will get out eventually. Alright, I will reveal myself to you in hopes of creating a partnership with complete transparency."

The woman slowly takes off her hood and reveals her face. Everyone in the room stood silent. Their eyes widened; their breath caught by the revelation. There was no more room for convincing. They were all obligated to obey no matter what their opinions were on the matter. They all stood on their knees and bowed their loyalty to their queen.