
The Curse of the Rose

Auteur: Anji_King
Actuel · 5K Affichage
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Emma, Nick, and Juna McAllister came to Heavenlyn a small town in the state of New York to find Emma's father, a man their mother loved but never had. To maybe find a saviour. What Emma finds along the way is a town full of secrets, more questions and a constant reminder that she can die. Meeting Daniel Silvers was the least of her worries. ON HAITUS.

3 étiquettes
Chapter 1Secrets Unveiled

A/N: Not betaed. Not going to be a Webnovel. This is just an experiment to see how people will feel about the story in general. Let's die like worriors!


The rustle of the blanket was the only sound in the room. Emma tiptoed away down to the hall.

Ms Jules was on the phone.

"I will ask Ms McAllister when she gets home, Joy! Yes I'm sure I saw correct! It's good for the Federation if it is what I think it is. No Joy, I am not lying to you! She might notice it's missing otherwise."

Joy. Mrs Jules' son. Emma looked at her from the corner of the room, suspicious.

"It was a white. It a glass container. I don't know if they know about the rose, it was in a sealed room."

A gasp was heard in the room. Mrs Jules spun around. She searched the room with her eyes and moved to around.

"I heard a gasp," she said to Joy. "It sounded like Emma. Yeah, I was going to."

She walked up the stairs and into the children's room, tiptoe incase they are actually asleep. Two body laid in the bed, cocooned into a ball. Mrs Jules' eyes narrowed. She walked to the bed and stared at the girl. Her breathing was normal. Emma groaned and flipped over. Her mouth a agape as a light snore escaped her. She suddenly snorted and woke up.

Seeing Mrs Jules over her in the dark room, Emma started and let out a small scream. Nick groaned beside her, giving her leg a kick.

"Shut up, Emy," he mumbled.

She put a hand over her mouth and stared at him, seeing if he would wake up. He didn't. She turned to Mrs Jules.

"What's wrong, Mrs Jules? Is sister back?"

Mrs Jules shook her head, a sweet smile on her face. "No Emma. I just wanted to see if you were awake. I was talking to Joy and heard a voice behind me. You go back to sleep."

Emma smiled and nodded.

Mrs Jules left, casting a suspicious glance at her.

Emma's smile faded. Her face twisted with worry and anger.

"What happened?"

Emma started and looked at her brother in surprise.

"You were not asleep?"

Nick stared at her. "It's full moon today, right? Did you do it?"

Emma fidgeted. "I didn't want to wake you."

"You didn't. I only woke up when you jumped into the bed. So, what happened?"

Emma worried her lips.

"Emy, tell me."

"Mrs Jules was talking to Joy."


"She was talking about the Rose."

Nick stared at her in horror. "How did she see that? That place is hidden in the basement! She must have gone snooping!"

Emma nodded. "I think she knows what the Rose is... Do you think we should talk to her about it?"

Nick shook his head. "It's too risky and I don't trust her. I could feel the killing intent from her as she talked to you. So, did you do it?"

Emma shook her head. "Didn't get the chance. I might not be able to this time if we are to keep it safe."

Nick looked at her in desperation. "You know what happened last time when you didn't. You vomited blood, Emy and fainted. You gave Juna a big scare when they had to take you to the ICU."

And it had hurt everywhere the entire month, Emma thought.

Nick took her phone from the lamp desk.

"What are you doing?"



Nick grinned at her. "We will call Juna, and then we go down to Mrs Jules to whom we will say I made you call big sis because I had a nightmare. I'll ask her to make something to eat. You go down to the Rose while she is distracted."

Emma smirked. "You are a sneaky little brother, aren't you."

"Anything for you, sis. And I have to be, seeing as you can be too straight forward at times, even with all the training I give you."

"I can be sneaky too."

"I'm better than you at it though. If you are the teacher of sneakiness, I can be considered the school principal."

Emma rolled her eyes and took the phone from him. Her little brother was conceited and thought himself smarter than adults who have seen more of the world. She couldn't comment on his shamelessness. She looked at the phone in worry.

"Do you think we might be disturbing big sis with this?"

Nick shrugged. "We have to, incase that thief down there starts snooping on your phone. This is how you create alibies, Emy."

Emma sighed. "I get that."

She tapped on her sister's icon in the phone and pressed call.


Screams echoed inside a white prison room.

Juna twisted the skewers into the soft pale hands. Blood pooled around the armrest. The vampire screamed even more. Blue vain became visible around her eyes. Her fangs came out and venom seeped down the corner of her lips.

A cheery, childish song rang.

Juna looked at her phone. Home.

She walked out of the sealed room and into her cabin. Her phone kept ringing.

she sat down with a cup of coffee in her hand and opened the video chat.

Two brunettes came into view.


"Big Sis!"

Juna smiled. "My sweet angels. It's nearly 12 at night! What are you two doing up so late?"

"You said you would call at 10 but you didn't! We waited for so long," Nick said, pouting.

Juna waved at Peter who was coming towards her. The man looked at her in confusion.

She pointed at her phone. The man nodded in understanding.

"Don't pout, Nick."

"No pouting!" Juna laughed.

Peter was looking on at her impatiently.

"Just wait there Peter, I'll be with you in a moment." Peter nodded and stood near the door. Juna returned to the video call. "I'm really sorry guys. Our new client is a bit demanding and we had to finish some reports. I still haven't debriefed my boss yet. I can't return until I do."

"Oh...then...I got an A on my Math pop quiz today! And Emma bullied me!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"I didn't, big sis! He is lying because I refused to give him ice cream during lunch!"

Juna smiled. "Of course, you are such a caring sister. Why would you bully your little brother! It's already so late, aren't you two tired yet. And why are you guys alone? Where is Mrs Jules?"

"She is in the living room, talking to her son on the phone. We are sitting in my room. See?" Emma moved the phone to show their surroundings.

Juna frowned. "Why is it so messy? Emma, I told you to put your clothes in the hamper! Don't create trouble for Mrs Jules!"

"I will! I will! Tomorrow! I promise!"

Juna laughed.

Someone coughed.

Juna looked at Peter who was giving her a curious gaze. Like she was a strange he had never seen before.

She sighed.

"I'll be back after I wrap things up over here," Juna said. "Go to bed, okay? Don't wait for me."


"Bye big sis!"

The screen returned to the family picture of them in goofy poses.

Peter walked over. "Family?"


Peter handed her some folders. Juna looked at him in confusion.

"Roy Deacon's case file. The lab just did the testing. The body of his family members had been drained of blood but there were no incisions anywhere on them. A vampire didn't kill them. Roy didn't kill them."

Juna frowned at him. "Just because he didn't kill them does not mean he was innocent, Peter. He was still a vampire."

"He must have become a vampire to get revenge. The real monsters are those who-"

"That's enough, Mr Wickman. Vampires are monsters. He changed to them for what? Revenge? Would that bring his family back?"

The door of the cabin burst open.

"Ms McAllister!" the intruder, a burly woman shouted. "Chief Ellis wants to see you!"

"I'll be right behind you Daisy! I have to go now Peter," Juna said. "Careful what you say and to whom next time. If I here you sympathizing with those creatures again, I will personally report that you need further training in desensitization at the academy. Good it?"


With a final glare at him, she took the folder and left with Daisy.

Peter took his hands out of his pocket, and released the fist he held them in.

His face morphed into a sneer, his eyes tinted red.

He looked at her laptop. Its screen was turned on. Careless Juna McAllister, or maybe she trusted the Federation's security a bit too much.

He took out a crystal from his pocket. It had a circle carved into it. He placed the stone on the threshold of the cabin and bled on its carving. The stone flashed red and melted away.

He started the computer with a smile. He took out a pendrive from his boots and connected it to the system. The screen flashed red and a coat of arms came to view. It was a red shield with black demonic eyes embedded in the middle. The symbol slowly faded and the screen returned to normal.

He took out his phone and sent out a message. [The horse is in, Mr Bradley.]

He received a reply. [Good! Now move your ass out of there before anyone gets suspicious. Leave the rest to us.]

Grinning, Peter shoved the pendrive back into his boot and walked out the door.


Juna looked at the wall in the waiting area.

The head of a roaring lion with the words 'BATTLE MAGE FEDERATION' bellow that embossed on it always brought a sense of pride and joy to her. Now when she looked at it though it was with melancholy. This symbol had been as much a part of her growing up as her siblings were. To part with it would be the most difficult thing she had to do. But everything has to have a end, and for her this was it.

The door to the Chief's office opened and Daisy came out.

"Your up Ms McAllister."

"Thank you, Daisy."

"No problem Ms McAllister. The boss is a bit stressed so try to wrap things up as soon as possible."

Juna waved at her and walked in.

The room was chaotic, papers strewn everywhere, a trashcan overflowing with crumpled papers, and the Chief's desk filled with files.

The blonde man pouring over the files looked up. Mark Ellis was in his early 40s, making on the younger side as far as Branch heads went. But he looked perticularly old to Juna. The constant attacks on the Federation members were taking their toll on him. Juna felt even more guilty about leaving everything behind when she saw his struggle to keep the city safe.

His tired eyes became gentle as he looked at her.

"Juna!" He motioned her to sit.

She sat with her head down.

"You asked for termination of your contract with the Federation, despite knowing your memories would have to be adjusted for it to happen."

"Yes," she whispered.

"I am really reluctant to let you leave, especially during this ectic time. You are one of her best! But I understand. Family comes first."

Juna's heart felt suffocating. "My little sister, Emma, won a scholarship in California, sir. She is only 16. She had never stayed away from family before. My brother is a constant in her life, and I have never stayed away for more than a week on missions. She still needs her family, needs me..."

Chief Ellis sighed. "I know. But do you really want to leave, Juna?"

Juna smiled at him. "I want to stay with my sister."

The room fell silent.

Chief Ellis took out a cigarette and started to smoke. Juna knew he only did that when he was upset and did not want to show it. The guilt in her grew.

She knew she was being selfish. But she couldn't bring herself to retract her request. A part of her wanted to ask if he would give her a long term leave so she could return to this path when Emma and Nick were adults. But it was not a very practical wish. It wouldn't be approved. Nobody left the Federation without terminating their contract, it would make them liabilities. The break off would be clean.

"Maybe you could be a Catcher," the Chief said, putting out his joint.

Juna snorted. "Be a vigilante? how valiant. Not really my style or practical. I have two growing monsters at home who eat everything and are still hungry for more. Being a superhero type does not pay well."

Chief massaged his temple. "Fine. I get it. So, where are you going specifically? Maybe one day you could have your memory back and return to being the best of the best...if we exist by then. Oh! Right! Do you want a drink or something?"

Juna nodded.

He poured her a glass of wine and took a sip directly from the bottle. Seeing Juna's judging glare he shrugged.

"I need all the liquid strength I can get, McAllister."

Juna rolled her eyes. "I'm sure."

"So, which part of the Golden state are you going to?"


The man froze. He stared at her. "Where?"

Juna gave him a suspicious look. "I think it's closer to the cascades. There is a large city near it, you might have heard. Majestics City. A bit pretentious in the naming but I heard that it's going to become the Education hub of the country in a few years. Emma actually tried to get into one of their larger private schools. But she only got placement in Heavenlyn. Which is the next best thing."

The Chief looked at her in disbelief. "Did you know that people working for the Federation require special permission from the Majestics Magical Council to get a residence in Heavenlyn?"

Juna stood up. "Why? And what is this council?"

"A council created by some major magical beings. That's all I know. The reason we need special authorization is because it's the heaven for all things magical. Witches, worlocks, demons, werewolves, vampires, hybrids, zombies. You name it, Heavenlyn would have it. We would be treated as spies. The Council and the Federation have a near subzero friendship."

Juna gaped at him. "How did such a place come about? Why did I not know about it?"

"it's the reason why the Federation came into being. Only the higher ups of the Federation can know about it. It's the reason we don't have a foothold in CA. Juna, how did you get a residence there? You are not a nobody in the organization. You must have been blacklisted by them a long time back. When you entered the Trainees Academy. You made waves by killing werewolves back then!"

Juna slumped into the chair. "The deed is in Emma's name. She contacted her guidance counselor after I refused to send her there to live on her own. The counselor arranged everything for us after I talked to her. All I had to do was pay the money and get some fake Law Consultant credentials."

Chief Ellis looked at her in delight. "Do you know what this means? do you get it?"

Juna felt excited. "You want me to be a spy!"


Juna forced herself to calm down and think this through. Chief Ellis could see her hesitation.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to?"

Juna pursed her lips. There was a something fishy about this.

"You said everyone are vetted before they get residence in town. This might be a trap. What if this is what they really want?"

Chief Ellis took out another cigarette. "No offense, Ms McAllister but while you might be one of the best in the Federation, you are not privy to every secrets we hold. There are things only the upper management know. Besides, those Bloodsuckers are far too paranoid to expose their town to a low-level employee of ours, let alone the A-Squad Captain."

Juna nodded her head. She couldn't take offense of something that was the truth.

"So, how do we do this?"

He rang the buzzer. Daisy rushed in. "Get me the Majestics folder, specifically those with info on Heavenlyn."

Daisy gaped at him and then looked at Juna in awe.

Juna gave her an awkward smile.

Daisy looked at her with pride and went back out.

"We have multiple folders of information collected by the people who went there with permissions to attend seminars, peace talks and all that. Also some deserters as well. Let's get you prepared."

Juna straightened her back. Things turned out to be better than she thought it would be. She didn't terminate her contract and seems to have actually go an upgrade on her access clearance. Going to Heavenlyn was the right decision.


A/N: Please don't forget to leave your review, guys! Share and vote for the story if you think it did good, only if you want to, no pressure. But do leave a review. Is the pacing good? Is the Grammer okay? Are the characters distinct and intriguing?

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