It happened quickly and unexpectedly. Who knew it took only one swift arrow to end the life of one of the great four lords of Eramis, King of the trade, and uncaring father. My father We weren't close in any regard, I wasn't even in the same country as him when he died, But with his death, he had passed everything onto his sole heir. I return home now, to replace him as a new lord of Eramis, crownless capital at the center of the world, to continue his legacy. Many would see noble blood as a blessing, a way out of the horrors of the world. But only those that have it understand that it is simply replacing one monster with three bigger ones.
I place down my cup as I hear the hurried sound of footsteps coming from down the hallway. I stand up from the luxurious couch and prepare to meet the unexpected guest. Words could be heard, being exchange between the guard stationed outside my door and another whose voice I recognize, "Is young master Elios in his quarters"
"Yes, But he has asked not to be disturbed", The guard replied in a monotone voice.
"I understand, but it is extremely urgent. I need you to let me in", The voice replied in a desperate tone. It has been years since I've heard that level of desperation in his voice. I immediately realize that this is an urgent matter and quickly raise my voice to a level they can hear, "It's alright Sal, let him in"
The door opens shortly after my words, and a figure clad in humble clothing and a dark cloak enters, closing the door behind him. He bows slightly at my sight, but I dismiss him quickly, "No need for formalities when it's just the two of us Tsvetnov", I motion towards the chair in front of me while taking my own seat. He remains standing though and places an intricate-looking envelope on the table, on it is the already broken seal of The Elios family, "I'm afraid I have bad news young master Elios, It would be best to read it for yourself"
My eyes focus on the envelope, a dark aura now suddenly emanates from it. The seal tells me it's from my father, but unlike all the other letters from him, Tsvetnov wants me to read it myself. Slowly I grab the envelope and carefully slide the contents out, two letters, and a key. Both letters are made of high-quality paper, but one is clearly more expensive than the other, The key appears to be made out of pure silver. Picking up the more expensive and familiar letter i read the first few words.
To Weiss Elios, my Son
If this letter has reached you it means that the inevitable has happened. I have passed on to the Mothers embrace and have left you here in her world.
Those words froze me, I stood in place for what seemed like an hour before turning to Tsvetnov. I try to say something but my words remain in my throat, forever unsaid. "Please continue reading Master Elios", His words felt far away, but I listened anyway.
I write this now as I fear my life will be taken before you return, There are things I wanted you to know and I entrust some of them within this letter. Firstly, I want to apologize. Apologize for what my death will put you through. You are now the sole surviving family member of House Elios And are now presented with two choices, You can leave the Elios name and continue your life as a wanderer, free from the shackles of nobility, Or you can take my seat as one of the four lords of Eramis. I would not blame you for choosing the former. I'm sure you know but by ancient law, should one of the four houses fall completely, it will be replaced by another. There is more I want you to know, but I do not trust that only your eyes will see this letter. The key that has hopefully accompanied this letter will unlock more of what I wanted you to know. Now for the more personnel touch. After your mother disappeared we grew apart. Something I regret not noticing before it was too late. There were many things I wanted to share with you, many experiences, but now I can only imagine those experiences. My neglect of your emotions remains my greatest regret, and believe me, I have made many. No matter what you may think, I have always loved you, my son, my greatest creation.
I'm sorry
- Leonheart Elios
After finishing the letter, I place it back on the table and try to regain my swirling thoughts. My father has died and now I'm the last member of the Elios family. I could feel a creeping cold at my back, A familiar dark embrace. I had just escaped this loneliness and now it's threatening me again. The last time I felt this cold I had left, went to visit other countries and improve my general knowledge as an excuse but despite what this letter says, this time I can't run. I don't know what's binding me, preventing me from burning the letter and continuing this life, Perhaps Answers drive me maybe Pride and obligation, or, the realization that this life will lead to nowhere except an unnamed shallow grave. No matter what it is, I have no choice but to return home. I turn to my friend and trusted advisor who is waiting for my orders. "Tsvetnov. Prepare the carriages for the journey to Eramis. We leave as soon as we can", I declare.
"Yes, master Elios", He quickly leaves the room, leaving me alone. After a few minutes, I stand and move towards the window that overlooks the city. Melsavior is on the other side of the border to my home country and so It will take around two weeks by carriage to return to Eramis. I've always loved traveling, but I don't think this trip will be as relaxing as most others. Also, considering it might be my last, I think the next two weeks will go by dreadfully slowly.
I take one last look at the city before turning around, facing the table at which I left the letters and key. Picking them up I examine the key. It's cold to the touch which is unusual and made entirely out of a material that looks like silver but weighing significantly less. This key supposedly should unlock whatever was left of what my father wanted me to know. Knowing this I should put this in a safe place. Moving towards my bed I reach under it, removing a small lockbox containing some of my most precious things. I place my hand over it and within the second I hear the click of the locking mechanism. Enchanting magic, no key needed, and very useful. I had this box specially made to only open under my will, and ensure that brute force wouldn't work. Opening the box I review the contents making sure nothing is missing. A dozen White-Gold coins, Letters from various people, Two golden lockets, one diamond ring, And several pictures. Everythings here, and now adding to my collection is one Key, one last letter from My father, and one more letter that...I forgot to read. I unfold the last letter not having any expectations on the contents but what was written still shocked and puzzled me. Five words, written messily in bold black ink.
The Void Listens And Answers