
The Cuckold System

Follow Alex and his harem as he is forced to live in another world by the will of Celeste, the goddess of lust. He is told he is a player in a game between her and the other gods, and to win... He must remain steadfast. The only thing he's given to join him on his journey is a cuckold system, but even that may be more useful than it seems.

DenSoskov · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Celeste

A short, blond boy with bright, blood-red eyes wakes up and sees a white light. He looks around in confusion and suddenly his head jerks forward and he sees a beautiful woman beyond his imagination.

A six-foot-tall woman with silky black hair down to her ample, jiggling ass and piercing silver eyes is standing there looking at him with the most innocent smile he has ever seen.

"Um..." - The boy spoke up. "Yes, you are dead, and yes, I am God," she interrupts, still smiling.

But the boy is confused, "How does she know?" "Of course I know, it's not hard to read the mind of a lowly mortal," the boy is cautious at the mention of her reading his thoughts.

"Congratulations, mortal, you have been chosen by us gods to play the game and wage war for us. And you, my dear Alex, are my chosen one." The boy Alex is completely stunned, "Me? A war? Against the other Chosen Ones? "Yes, Alex, you will be my Chosen One and you will fight other mortals and Chosen Ones until they are all dead!" - she says with excitement about what is to come and it scares Alex.

She pauses, thinks for a moment, shakes her head and speaks again. "Or if they either swear allegiance to you or refuse this 'game' themselves."

After several minutes of silence in that empty white room, Alex finally spoke, narrowing his eyes. "Why should I participate in this strange game for you gods?" - She replied without stopping smiling, "If you do not participate, you will be tortured in ways you have never dreamed of, and I will also destroy your old world and take care of your old family. Alex clenched his fists at the thought of billions of people dying because of him.

"Fine, I'll play the damn game. But what do I get out of winning, or even participating?" he asked. "Well, each Chosen One gets a special power when they arrive in Aero, it fits them perfectly and grows with them, and if you win the game, you get to keep all that power and even get a chance to become one of us gods."

The boys' eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of entering a new world, gaining beauty, and becoming as powerful as the gods. "What else do I need to know and have before I play?" he asked quickly. "The world you will enter is called Aero, and it is filled with many different intelligent races, including demons, orcs, humans, beastmen, furi, elves, and other monsters. Just like in the game, you get stronger as you level up, and you can level up by completing quests that the system gives you or by killing other creatures."

Alex's eyes flashed oddly at the thought of killing other living beings, considering it was considered the biggest taboo for most people on Earth. "Anything else I should know... uh... what's your name?" He asks, assuming that she knows his, but not the other way around. "Celeste," she smiles sweetly and answers, raising a beautiful pale hand to her chin and thinking aloud. "The game will begin once you arrive in Aero. You will possess the body of a person of your age, appearance and name will remain the same."

Alex nods seriously, listening to Celestia's explanation. "How many other players are there in this game?" he asks. "At least a hundred, and they all have unique abilities and ambitions," she answers seriously for the first time.

"Okay, I think that's enough talk, time to send you to Aero," she says and a black scythe appears in her hand, including the blade, and then she swings it down and seems to cut through space itself. She looks at Alex one last time and says, "By the way, Alex, I'll give you one more piece of advice. Get more women." With a smile on her face, she appears in front of Alex like a ghost, grabs him by the collar, throws him into space and disappears from the white room.

Left alone, Celeste mumbles to herself with a slightly worried expression on her face. "I hope he wins, after all he is my chosen one for the Goddess of Perversion," she says before disappearing.