
Night Hunting

Horses galloping and Wheels running was heard in the plain. It's our group heading to the capital of LongFan Empire. We we're traveling for 2 days, We would arrive in 3 days.

I asked the female blonde, Fang Weiyan why the princess is out of the capital. She was visiting her grandparents on her mother side.

We encountered many bandits on the way but, I killed them all. This time I did not overdo it. I used my plain iron sword to fight them. Honestly, They are weak. Also, there is someone following us this days.

I know who it is because I can clearly see him hiding behind us. He is a knight rank. Strong one, If not for us he would easily overturned this carriage.

Wushuang always rode with me on the horse. When I'm talking to Shishi happily, she would pinch my waist. It hurts like hell. I could only comfort her later. I don't understand women. Human emotions is complicated.

I need to study woman thoughts from now on. Honestly, I don't get it why is she angry. I know she is jealous that I acted intimate to others, They are just a friends or close acquaintance nothing more. I didn't get mad at her, I won't get mad at her. She's too precious to me, I don't want her to be sad. Aah what a deadly love is this.

Night fell. around the campfire we are sitting while the maid is cooking us food. I was surprised they bring luxurious cooking camp utensils or something. As expected of Royalty.

I'm not complaining, I was just shocked. The food smells good though.

After we ate our dinner, Shishi and her maid are going to bed already. The tent was eye-catching, Inside was a luxury that a poor people cannot see in their daily life. Shishi have a space ring so she can put in heavy and large items inside like the Fluffy bed, a chandelier, table, Chair, Make-up table and etc.

I and Wushuang did not stay inside her tent but we towered our tent. It might be a simple tent with only a futon inside and a lamp buy it was heart warming. Because I would sleep close to Wushuang. Welp, that's what we do this days though.

Fang Weiyan and Biron guy would guard in the night to prevent intruders. They would exchange shift to each other, One would rest and the other would guard after 2 hours of rest the one is resting would take over the one who was guarding. I wanted to guard but they decline so I sleep soundly with Wushuang this days.

Today, I didn't sleep because it's time to confront this oriole following us. I silently teleported 200 meters from the camp after making Wushuang sleep comfortably and soundly.

Teleportation is one of the ability of my cultivation method 'Void Space Destruction'.

After teleporting I silently approach the idiot who was following us. There I saw him at the top of the tree, Observing our camp from there. He was covered in a black cloak. An assassin huh.

I teleported behind him without him knowing. Despite this guy's vigilance he could not even sense me from behind. It's not because he was careless but I was just too strong for a normal knight level.

I was thinking if I should capture this guy for interrogations. But I already know who was the culprit of this plan. Also, I'm just a passerby how could I involve myself from this problem?

If I really involve myself with this problem then Wushuang and my life would be in chaotic. I heavily sigh. Ah forget it, Shishi is my friend how could I let my friend in danger.

I stretched my hand and flick my finger on this guy's back head. He fell on the tree, I catched him with my hand. The assassin fell unconscious with just a flick of my finger. I drag the body to the camp.

"Who's there!"Surprising Fang Weiyan, She stood up vigilantly. When she saw me she calmed down. "Oh it's venerable Shen"

"Ms. Fang I caught this guy spying on us" I throw the body on the ground. When Fang Weiyan saw the body "A knight rank!?" She exclaimed.

"Yes, this guy was following us for three days. Since he was annoying. I couldn't stand anymore." I lied. I was just doing this to help my friend. If I said, I was doing this for Shishi then it would cause misundertanding. I'm not that dense.

Before this guy woke up, I threw his weapons and Suicide items. Such as a ring with a needle with toxic, A pill in the gums and a brain pest that would kill the person if he said the forbidden informations.

"Let's broke his cultivation first" I said and punch on the assassins guts causing him to open his eyes wide awake and screamed hysterically.

"AAAAAAAH!" The process of destroying the Qi realm is painfully terrifying.

Fang Weiyan frowned her eyebrows watching the cruel scen infront of her. But she didn't oppose because she was just a weak person, in front of me she was nothing. that's what she thought.

Since the tents have noice cancelling barrier the people inside was still in deep sleep. But Biron was startled and woke up. He stared dumbly at us.

A moment later, The assassin calmed down. He looked at us scared. He tried to use his Suicide Items but suddenly he realized he doesn't the items on him. He tried biting bis tounge but I did not let him do it. I push a ball of cloth inside his mouth.

"Mhhrrmm Rnnnmm" The assassin struggled but the rope that was tied on his arms prevented him from moving around. I also tied his feets and arms together, making him look like a masochist.

I looked at the two knights and asked them "You know how to intertogate a person right?"

When I asked them, They nodded their head. "Then I leave it to you two then, goodnight"

I go back to my tent and sleep next to wushuang.