
Chapter 28

William ran his fingers through the silver bracelet on his wrist as he sat in his cage thinking about Jill. The silver bracelet was a gift from her, or rather her daughter Remi, but Jill made him promise to never to take it off. And he hadn't since then. The bracelet, though silver in color, glowed with the golden color of Aura. At least it used to. William couldn't see Aura anymore, not when the Ability Nullifying Serum ran through his vein, preventing ignition. The Lord Ruler had been injecting him with it since locking him up in the cage. A cage with only a bed, a toilet, and a single chair. A singular cage within a large room filled with science equipment. At least the cage had a light bulb with a switch. Food was delivered every six or so hours, and William had to admit it wasn't as bad as the one served in actual prison.

William had tried forcing igniting his Aura multiple times, but no matter what he tried, nothing worked. Though he could feel his Aura running through his veins, he couldn't make use of it if he couldn't ignite it. It felt strange. Knowing that the power was within him, yet being unable to access it.

The familiar noise of a door being opened, followed by footsteps, told William that it was time. They were here. The Lord Ruler seemed to always wear a white suit every time he came to see William. He also seemed to always carry a holstered gun around his waist which William found odd at first, until he realized what his ability really was. Then it all clicked. It all made sense. It was the reason why none could possibly beat him in a fight, and it was also the reason how he managed to keep so many Royals with powerful abilities in check. The Lord Ruler's ability was somewhat opposite to his sister's. Where Ada could amplify others abilities, he could nullify them. It was scary, if you think about it.

"Hello, Mr. Dia." The Lord Ruler said, his voice soft and friendly. "It's time. Please, do it willingly this time. It pains me to watch you struggle."

To think that the Lord Ruler had been that same old man William met a few days ago at the abandoned warehouse made William very angry. Knowing that the man had been so close… 

William frowned. He wasn't about to give the Lord Ruler the satisfaction of knowing that he'd broken him. He will fight despite the futility of it. His look of defiance made the Lord Ruler sigh and nod at the Royal with the annoying ability: Master Puppeteer. The Royal raised both his hands. William felt a chill wash over him as he lost control of his body. He struggled to break free of the ability's control but it was like trying to move your body during complete paralysis. The Lord Ruler handed William a syringe and against his will, William's body moved to take it. He injected himself with the ability dampened serum. Fuck. The effects lasted for about nine hours.

After the injection, the Lord Ruler proceeded to enter the cage and begin to draw William's blood, again. He's been doing that twice a day. It was clear what the Lord Ruler wanted. The fingerprints of Aura could be assessed through one's blood. William could do nothing but helplessly watch.

"Why haven't you taken my ability yet?" William said through gritted teeth.

"Why do you think I'm the villain?"

"I donno, why do you let the Royals bully and beat the Commoners without punishment?"

The Lord Ruler flinched.

"Why don't you get rid of the Royal Hierarchy System?" William added. "You are the sole authority in New Miami. I thought you cared about your people. Or are 'your people' only the Royals."

"It's not that simple." The Lord Ruler looked up and for a moment William swore he saw a hint of something in his eyes. Regret, perhaps? "I gave Spectre a chance at the warehouse. I gave them the option to become Royals and help in fixing the system. I extended a friendly hand. Why did they reject it?"

Because the problem is the dome itself, not the system, William thought. He said; "Maybe because there are far too many Royals drunk with power."

"If I made you one of my Royal Knights and gave you Beodulf's role as Mayor," The Lord Ruler said. "What would you do?"

"I will never become one of your Royals." William said.

The Lord Ruler finished drawing blood, pulling out the needle and pocketing the syringe and blood vials in a bag. Then, from that same bag, he pulled out a strange looking device that resembled a cube. William heard Zale mention a device in the Lord Ruler's possession that could somehow suck your Aura. The Lord Ruler looked at the silver bracelet on Willliam's wrist as he pressed a button on the cube. The device began to hum audibly. William instantly tried to pull his hand away, but couldn't. That Royal's fucking ability was still active and his body fully under her control.

"That bracelet," The Lord Ruler said. "It glows with an Aura I've not encountered. Who gave it to you?"

"If you touch it, I'll kill you." An empty threat, but William meant it.

The Lord Ruler smiled. "I've told you, I'm not the villain you think I am. I was just curious." He grabbed William's other hand and pressed the cube to his forearm. William felt it vibrate against his skin, then felt a sudden pull, like his energy was being sucked out. It made sense. Aura was connected to it.

"What are you doing with my Aura?" William asked.

"What I do with everyone's Aura after I've gathered enough of it," The Lord Ruler said, "Learn from it." When the cube stopped vibrating and humming, he pulled it away and stashed it in the bag. He walked away from the cage, locking the barred door, and nodded at the Royal. The woman released William from her hold, giving him back control of his body again. Thank fucking god. He will never get used to that.

"Know that with your blood, and your Aura, Mr. Dia," The Lord Ruler said, "I will synthesize a new type of serum that'll give Commoner's abilities of their own, albeit temporarily. Once I show you my results, I hope you'll change your mind about joining me as a Royal Knight." He left the room, followed by the Royal woman, leaving William alone again.

William let out a sigh and laid on his bed. He resumed thinking about Jill and where to take her after everything was over. Because he will break free, somehow. Claudia was no doubt working on getting him free, and with Ada on Spectre's side, William had little doubt that his rescue was coming.