
The Cop And The Serial Killer.

Learning about the past is not as easier as it sounds. Because when you learn about the past, then you want to fix it in the present times. However the future and the realism of the situation makes it very difficult. Keep reading with The Cop, The Serial killer And A Connection.

Mahjabeen_Shah · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Part 3

Xander POV

"Well hello Mr Knight, how are doing?" the person snickered from the other side of the call and unfortunately I knew exactly who it was.

I sighed as she hadn't called in years.

Her voice was deeper. I mean she was grown up, so obviously.

But I had gotten a sense of nostalgia.

I groaned coming to my sense. "Selena, where's my mum? where have you taken her--"

She cut me off. "Yeesh calm the fuck down, ok, let's just say, I'll give you back your mum, for something in return " Selena interrupted me causing me to clench my jaw.

This bitch.

I sighed. "What do you want then Selena?" I said raising my voice.

But I realised as well my mum was in the hands of a serial killer.

But I also knew she wouldn't hurt her.

At least I hoped.

"I want 50,000 dollars by today, I'll text you the address. Don't bring anyone, or I'll rip your beloved mother apart as I did with the others" Selena said laughing and I clutched onto the phone wishing it was her neck instead.

"Fuck you, Selena, how am I suppose to get 50, 000 dollars by today" I scoffed in disbelief as I felt sweat rolled down my back.

I heard her sigh. "Oh, really Mr Knight, I'm pretty sure you have enough money, so it won't be hard, also if you want your mother in 1 piece, better not use that tone with me" She snarled at me and I gritted my teeth together.

It's like back to being kids again.

Fucking arguing with each other to get what we want.

Fuck, what the hell am I suppose to do?

I graoned kicking the wall.

I sighed knowing she was smart but I also needed my mum.

If she was safe, then I could ask her if she knew anything Selena had told her.

I can't risk my mum's life.

"Ok, I-I'll get you the money, just don't hurt my mother Selena, ok, you know how much she means to me," I said with a slight crack in voice but I heard nothing back from Selena causing me to gulp nervously.

I checked my phone to see that the call was still running but after a few moments, it ended.

I quickly ran to my car and I felt the stress increasing as I thought about the possible things Selena could do to my mother.

I placed my hands on the wheel and noticed that they were still shaking.

I still couldn't believe that Selena kidnapped my mom.

She seriously has changed.

I placed a hand under my chair to get my back up the phone out and called the police.

I knew that I was disobeying one of Selena's rules but I needed a plan B in case something goes wrong and so I can arrest Selena.

I didn't use my phone just in case Selena had been tapping it.

Let's just hope this works.

"Yes, this is the police, what is your emergency?" I heard a males voice enter the phone which I didn't recognise but I didn't care at the moment.

"Hello, this is Officer Knight and Selena Triny has kidnapped my m-mother" I whispered feeling my voice shaking as I couldn't attempt to speak louder.

"Officer Knight, oh my gosh, ok tell me the address and we'll be right there." He said with his voice cracking slightly.

Was I type of celebrity or something that he was excited?

I suddenly receive a text causing me to jump and I read the address sent from Selena.

"Erm, 34, Hampton street," I said trying not to stutter.

That was like an hour away from here and well not the safest area you'd wanna be.

I wondered why Selena chose this place.

Maybe so she can rearrange my insides.

Honestly, at the moment I couldn't care less if she did that, but after my mum is safe.

"Also, keep the sirens silent, I don't want to alert Selena ok," I said worried and he let out a sigh.

"Ok, officer Knight, we'll be right there." He said before ending the call.

"Thank you," I said and drove quickly to the bank.

Once I'm there, I quickly asked them to take 50,000 dollars out of my bank without thinking twice.

The bank attendance gave me a shocked look by I ignored them and took the suitcase with the money before driving the address.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I can't even think straight.

I don't even know what's going to happen.

If my mums even going to be there.

If Selena's even going to be there.

If there's some type of plan that's going to be killed or trapped.

I had been thinking so much, that I didn't even realise that I was already there.

I realised that it was 9:00 pm.

I looked to my left to see a police car hidden in the shadows meaning they were already there and I guess they were waiting for me.

I went into the alleyway but looked around to see nothing but pitch black.

This was the address, right?

After a few minutes, I saw a figure lurking in the shadows.

There came out the one and only famous serial killer aka Selena Triny.


She looked the same.

Just older and... Taller.

My mind had stopped for a second as my eyes scanned her.

Dark lipstick causing me to bite my lip before looking down at the short dress she was wearing.

No guns, no weapons.

No mum.

"Well, well, Mr Knight, I see you have the 50,000 dollars in your hand, why don't you pass it over?" she smirked and I couldn't help to blank out, surprised she was in front of me.

"Yeah right, not until you give me my mother" I growled with anger rolling off my tongue and she nodded her head.

"Hmm, seems ideal," she said before disappearing into the darkness again.

Where did she go?

I saw her drag someone but I couldn't see who.


"Here's your bitch of a mother," Selena said throwing her on the floor causing me to growl.

I was about to run towards her, I suddenly stopped halfway as I saw Selena pull a gun towards her head.

Okay, so she did have a gun.

"Tsk tsk tsk, money first then your beloved mother" she smiled with a slight smirk plastered on her face.

I looked towards mom, who had duck tape on her mouth and was crying her eyes out causing me to clench my jaw not knowing the pain she had been through.

I threw the money at Selena and she caught it easily.

She pushed mum forward and gripped onto the bag.

I ran towards my mom and took the tape off as she cried on my shoulders.

"I don't get why you're doing this Selena, you loved mum, she was like your own, how could you?" I said feeling disappointed in her and she tilted her head with no expression on her face.

"Let's just say torturing people who are close to me is fun and your mum, sure she was like my mum, but you know my mum was a bitch sooo" she smirked letting out a bitter laced laugh.

I did leave out a part of her mum but she had no right to compare mine with hers.

Because of Ricardo, her mom was drunk every single day and wanted money, she became greedy and didn't care about anybody.

"Well like mother like daughter huh" I snapped at her causing her to stop grinning at me.

She took a step towards me, gripping to the gun. "You really want your mothers to blood on you, don't ya?" she scowled at me causing me to shake my head quickly.

I was about to talk but then I heard something.

Or someone.

"Stop what you're doing, Selena Triny, you are under arrest, for killing and kidnapping people" I heard one of the police officers speak from behind me.

"Didn't I tell not to bring anyone with you, but what did you do? you bring them. You know, if you just listen for once in life, then no one would get hurt." She groaned pointing the gun at my mother.

I shook my head, stepping in front of the gun.

She'll have to kill me if she were to touch a hair on my mum's head.

"Selena, I-I'm sorry but what else could I have done?" I whispered as she looked at me angrily.

Then all of a sudden I heard 4 bullets shot.

I saw 3 out of 5 of the police officers with bullet wounds on the floor and looked back to see Selena holding her stomach.

She got shot.

I felt as if I should be grateful but I wasn't.

I wasn't like her to feel pride or happiness in someone else's pain.

"Fuck, that hurt" I heard her whispered as she clutching onto her wound.

"Selena let me help you" I whispered and stepped closer to her.

It wasn't truly a lie but I was really gonna arrest her.

"Shut the fuck up" she snapped clutching onto her stomach before running away.

I looked back to see the officers call for back up and I quickly chased after her.

It was dark but the lamps made it easier to see her faint figure.

After a few minutes, I caught up to her.

I looked at her and my ears suddenly heat sirens.

Selena was in a dead-end.

She looked at me and laughed. "What you think, this is over, don't you? Nope, I'm only getting started" she smirked and walked closer to me with her hand still clutching onto her wound.

I tilted my head in confused from what she meant by that.

And then everything went black.


Shit, what happened to Xander?????????????

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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