
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantaisie
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48 Chs


"Clean my room will you." I was busy in thought when Penelope roused me.

"This room could probably handle another week or two without." I said so without waiting for her reply but I suddenly had a thought and hurried inside and in her surprised face I put the palm of my hand on her cheek and moved closer to her, our foreheads touching.

"Thank you." I then walked away once more as if nothing has happened. It made me smile to see her panicked expression just now, even someone of her caliber could not evade attacks of the heart I suppose. Of course gratitude alone or the urge to flirt isn't why I did what I did just now but to take off the hairpins from her hair.

I was about to have a most interesting meeting after all and it wouldn't do to be attending it wearing servant's clothing so like a thief I listened by the doors of the huge castle for seemingly empty rooms. People would pass me now and then and I would simply smile and stand by the door. There is such thing called "Framing Bias", that dictates that how an event or action is foreseen can be directly affected by how it is framed. What I was doing might seem suspicious but if I pretend that all is well and without anyone to confirm the suspicions of the passers by, they wouldn't be guarded or at the very least not be able to act on their doubts. It didn't matter what shady business I was doing, as long as I can shift the "frame" that is.

I managed to unlock a room with a nobleman's clothes and I helped myself to one so wearing a plain but well fitted coat and linen trousers I left the castle with a new scam in execution

"This-" Skotach could not believe his eyes, the document actually existed proving the existence of the Oceanic Labyrinths.

"It's no good unless you find a way to decipher that and it takes immense magic power to unlock it using magic, perhaps four or five magicians of Lore-…of the King's Magus' caliber." Eleanor was exhausted and what disturbed her even more was the pang of the chest the image of that poor woman brought to her mind whenever she so much as thinks of her name.

"Oh worry not about that, I have connections especially made for destroying seals. In a week I should be able to unlock this blessed document's secrets." Skotach's eyes gleamed with delight and Eleanor made a relieved expression however she could not remove the unease from her mind. She wanted a change of power not war, and she needed precautions on how she would move.

"Why not stay a while Madame, and let me open a bottle of my finest wine to celebrate the occasion."

She simply gave an ironical smile and left his house without so much as a goodbye, it was needless to say that Eleanor did not have the slightest respect for Hannibal Skotach. A carriage was waiting for her outside and she entered it with her next destination being, Darius Hasterdon.

When she arrived, she waited for an hour for Darius to make time for her and once showed inside his workplace Eleanor gave him a piercing glare to which the prideful man only replied with a sneer.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience to your time, Madame Renovah but I am a busy man as you can see and you should have arranged a meeting beforehand"

"Oh never mind about that, I have come for a pressing matter"

"Well take a seat please and I shall clear the rest of my schedule for this afternoon, I do hold your presence in importance, Madame I hope the events of today does not make you think otherwise"

"That would be decided by the events proceeding this Mr. Hasterdon"

"Out with the pleasantries eh? Very well I suppose you would like me to mediate the two merchants? Observe Havenward perhaps? No, you want to know how you can keep Ironblade under leash"

Eleanor smiled, impressed with his skill. "You truly are a skilled bureaucrat"

"It's all about learning the motives my dear friend. Now as for Ironblade, it would be best you get rid of him right now. Had he simply been a mad dog like Skotach or Magendrab I would not have advised you to do so but he is more dangerous than that, he is a predator"

"I'm afraid with our opponent I cannot do that"

"Certainly not but it is better to be defeated by a strong enemy in war than be destroyed from the inside before it has even begun. I do not agree with your intentions Eleanor but I also desire a change, this land has been falling apart ever since the peace, King Valhalien certainly is not the type of man to rule in times of prosperity. I only sided with you because you seek to find a civil usurping, one that could be done through coaxing and a power struggle and I respect that. Ironblade however, even though he is the most eager participant will not let this end in peaceful terms. I had a talk with Spade Escroc a while ago you know, I wanted to know what is it about him that made him the King's favorite and he certainly knew how to leave an impression but what really impressed itself upon me was something he said in the end of our conversation. 'Under peaceful conditions the militant man will attack himself' that describes Ironblade perfectly, he will find a way to incite a rebellion or even war and drag us all down with him. It would be easier of course to just dispatch of him secretly but as of now we don't have the man power nor the leeway for a scandal, so I advise you to cut ties with him for now"

"And if I don't?"

"Then prepare a noose for if you try to control him you will find yourself being the one who is played and being that man's pawn is a fate worse than death. However, if you do let him have the power he desires then I shall dispatch of you myself."

"Are you picking a fight with me Hasterdon?" Eleanor smiled but one filled with malice.

"You seem to think yourself my master, know this Eleanor Renovah, you are no threat to me. You may be the king's right hand but you are simply another pawn that tries to be the queen. I will always be five steps ahead of you as long as allow your own ambitions control you, and far from being your attacker I shall simply be a spectator that will watch you fall down in the same trap you have made for another."

"Percy! It's been too long" Alfron gave his friend a hearty embrace and Perseus returned it with his own.

"I'd love to catch up with you but I'm afraid I came here to ask for a favor"

"My friend, anything!"

"Well then I'll go straight to the point. I want to be your manservant, I heard Sarah has been assigned to a new master and we both know that I am the best option"

"I – ah – that's "

"Think about it Alfron, if you get a maid, Sarah might – no, will get jealous and who among your manservants could you trust and are actually good at their jobs? I am the best option for you and here I am to offer my service, things have been bad for business lately with my name being labelled as a traitor among the villagers and I need to find refuge at least until the dust settles"

"I hear what you're saying but won't it be weird? I mean you're my best friend Percy, you are way above most of the peasants in wit and talent and to only serve as a servant…"

"The prince's servant mind you." Perseus gave a contented smile.

"You are my equal Peseus Bloodeon, you may be the only peasant I will ever say that to. Had you been born nobility I am sure you would have the makings of a king, perhaps even more so that I and to order you to clean my boot and to do what ever caprice I may fancy, to treat you as if you were below of what you truly are…I don't know if I can do that to you"

Perseus put a hand on his friend's shoulder, actually seeming touched. "My friend your words are consolation enough for me, we both know that the disparity among our rank isn't just some title, no it is written in our very destiny so order me and I shall serve as how it should be." The boy who said so felt bitter in his heart and with reproach he forced the words to his throat. "Rank is written in our destiny? What rubbish" Perseus thought to himself but to get the ends that he needed to achieve he needed to degrade himself, do acts of self-laceration, but in the end he shall stand above.

"I'll think about it alright, had this been anyone else as qualified or as loyal as you I would have agreed in an instant but know this Percy, if you take this job, I might eventually see you as less or even worse you begin to diminish your own light and talents and to do that…to do that would be robbing this world of your brilliance"

"Prince Alfron, the most brilliant sapphire shines most in the dirt, you may think serving as a mere butler would degrade me, on the contrary it would teach me the ways of the most noble man I happen to know"

Alfron smirked with unfeigned affection. "You have a way with words Percy, I should be careful not to let you get near Sarah. Alright since you are offering and I have none better in your place, the position is yours and you can start immediately."