
The City of Werewolves

The city of Spires have been attacked with the pack of wolves. Cecily was attacked in the invasion .She turned into a werewolf? Will she be able to help her family? She has some secrets. But who knows the secret better than her?

Mujtaba_Khurram · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


What Cecily saw while entering in the room was it's establishment .The room was very dark. In that dark room there were shapes in monochrome, of course the daylight could bring brilliant fuchsia or deepest scarlet, but for now it could be a scene from a black and white movie. The silhouettes were already more discernible than they were only a short while before and gazed from the window; any moment the sun would kiss the sky orange, igniting a new dawn, bringing the chorus of the birds. Blackest nighttime hugs the land as if it were the bedtime story of creation's dreams.

Arya went inside and suddenly the room was filled with lights. "Kiley, What happened ?Why are you making noise ?" Arya said . Taking small footsteps Cecily too went inside .The room was beautifully decorated.

A room with plants, with flowers in bloom, with calm pastels and soulful browns - to the heart and soul is a place that invites the most serene of dreaming moments.

For a time Cecily was in another world. " There was a grasshopper there " Kiley said while pointing his fingers.

"Come on Kiley .Your room is filled with plants so don't be afraid of these insects " Said Arya and she continued while talking to Cecily "I am really sorry. Actually my brother is afraid of insects ."

"Not so " said Kiley while bringing himself in comfort.

"Oh I forgot to introduce " said Arya ."This is my Brother Kiley and this is Cecily .She is here to meet our father "

"Hugh! Again same .Once more. I am tired "Said Kiley shockingly.

"Ok now come outside " said Arya .

And they all came in the lounge .Here Cecily saw Kiley more closely .

He wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, mother lode-gold hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he was beetle-browed and they sometimes knitted in frustration. The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority. His best feature was his entrancing, wayfarer-blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. His rakish clothes were a source of amusement to some, not least because they emanated an herbal smell.

"Cecily you know what his room is always filled with his sonorous, rumbling voice. He was also quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort. .Exactly he is a good Musician" said Arya while sitting.

And they all sat while talking and knowing about each other .

He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand . Cecily loved the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new idea, or was so enjoying .

Suddenly ,they heard footsteps of someone from stairs .It was Uncle Zane .

The first impression of his features on Cecily was not so good .But when a man has become his good wolf self, as the Cherokee legend tells, he is handsome to every eye and heart.

"Uncle Zane! How are you" Said Cecily in a loud voice .

"Cecily ! AHHHHH! I am much fine now ." Said Uncle Zane and they both met as if they were best friends in a way or other .

"Sit down Cecily . Arya haven't you asked her for something to eat. She is your cousin .She is Cecily .Remember I have told you about her ?"Uncle asked Arya.

"AHH! Dad you told me but I just forgot it She was coming to meet us .That is why I feel an affection with her .Cecily do you remember we met in childhood .We were good friends" Said Arya.

"No I couldn't remember anything."

"Ok it's ok We have become good friend now too .Right ?"

"Yes exactly "said Arya .

"Wait girls ! I am your friend too." said Kiley. and they all laughed .

"Cecily you should rest .We will talk in the morning ." said uncle Zane.

"But uncle I want to tell you so much. " Cecily said.

"I know Cecily .But don't worry ." he said.

The map of wrinkles on his face told of the most incredible journey. His eye lines told of laughter, of warm smiles and affection. His forehead told of worries past and worries present. But mostly they were so deeply engrained they told or a man who had travelled through eight decades to that moment; to stand here as an old man, beaten and forlorn.