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Chapter 1PROLOG

Aunt Roselie 's house was just a block away, Emeliana still remembers it like it was yesterday, though it's been ten years since she last visited the castle like fantasy home where she spent the happiest moments of her life, just never left the heart, now she could see it from just a mile away, painted in baige -white and brownish reams and the black grand gate, This place to her was always enchanting and magical, not to mention the great Gevin chapel next to the mansion built in the eleventh centaury.

Everytime she'd come here, she always felt like she was delivered into a fairytale. Although some things she did find strange . But this place soon became her dream, she was promised by her Aunt that when she finished high school, she'd study and live in Milnerton as longs as she wanted to.

"Taxi!! " Emie patted the taxi drivers shoulder, pointing at the black metal gate indicating that he had passed her destination.

"oh sorry young miss." The taxi driver drove back.

"should I help you with your luggage miss Swan ?" he asked

"oh thank you dear, but I'll manage." Emeliana smiled nodding her head.

She carried her side bag and rolled the suitcase to the gate.

The security wasn't that tight , only Ron Bullard as the Guardman.

She was about to ring the bell when the gate automatically opened , 'Aunt Rosé must've already seen me' Emie thought to herself.

The house was not far from the gate, the landscape looked beautiful.

As Emie walked in , the gate shut closed , but that was what usually done, she didn't see Ron anywhere though, could he have retired?

She walked to the door and knocked three times.

"Come in." she heard.

Emie pulled the handle then the door opened,' wow' nothing seemed to change, it was so beautiful and cozy inside, big Chandler in the far center, vintage furniture but light and beautiful, peach walls some gold and under the big golden chandler a long dinning table with twenty sits each side, oh how much she loved the place.

She walked in two steps closed the door to look around, 'the ceiling looks even higher then before, that's odd' Emie thought.

"Awwww my little pumpkin baby!!." Elena Swan, Emeliana 's mother ran to her embrace.

"mama!!!" Emie was filled with tears of joy , finally she saw her mother after two years. Her mother had come to Milnerton for good job opportunities so she could have better education, she never liked asking people for money, she wanted to independently support Emie by her hard work , and not family fortune.

Emeliana 's mother and her Aunt Roselie and Uncle were born into a underprivileged family, they grew up hardly being orphans, and needed to support themselves dividualy , those were hard times until Mrs Spencer, the owner of this place took them in when Dalton Swan, Emie 's Uncle had his first born with Cherry at sixteen, Mrs Spencer adored all four of them, she became their mother, helper and friend, she loves them like they are her own, she's very kind and fond of kids, Of course as time passed her Uncle, the eldest moved out to start his family, but vists almost every four days, Emie 's mother moved to another country when she was born to make money, Elena loved Mrs Spencer too

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Volume 1


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