

Author Note :

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Their journey went on. Rhaxtyx would try to strike up a conversation with Miriam but he was not very successful. He still went on his practices. He was still somewhat unsuccessful with the chant of his newest spell {Blast Echo} but he felt he was close to the completion of the first line. His comprehension regarding the Shadow Arts was also going smoothly.

It was one of those mornings where he finished his practice. He jumped down from the rock he was launched at and tidied his clothing. They only had a couple of days left on the journey so that's why Rhaxtyx wanted to finish at least the first line before they reached Vulca.

"On the last word this time. But I have to rush things from now! Who knows if it'll be useful in the city?"

He went to the small stream nearby to wash his face from the dirt. He was on his natural form right now, his excuse was that {Disguise} felt stifling to him. Of course, there was nothing like that, he just didn't like to look like someone else.

'Looks like only wild life is around.'

He walked to the river and crouched. There were some deers around the creek with him. Even some wolves on the other side as well. Normally deers were supposed to run but they were relaxed right now. Rhaxtyx first thought this was because of him, his natural aura. There were times something like this would happen, even at his own world, around the places where he blessed in his previous experiments. But when he looked towards the wolves, he saw a curious sight among them.

'Is that… A human child? But I thought…'

But with a more detailed look he saw the ears of this child. They were on the top of their head and were just like the ears of a wolf. They were currently twitching happily and the child had their eyes closed, laughing because a wolf cub was playing with them.

'A Wolf Kin girl, huh. What is a child even doing here? And how did I not sense it?'

As he was thinking lie so to himself, he locked gazes with the child. Child's eyes immediately opened wide with fear and she fell on her butt. While pointing at Rhaxtyx, she was trying to say something.

"Hey now. Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you so it's okay!"

Rhaxtyx raised his hands to indicate he was not a threat but the kid became more scared of this move. The wolves also started to look at the child and Rhaxtyx. Some were trying to comfort the child while some wolves glared at Rhaxtyx, glaring their teeth.

"You seriously think of attacking me? C'mon now little pupper, you feel my aura don't you?"

After he spoke, he released some of his aura around him and the surroundings instantly became more peaceful. Even the crying child became calmer. The child no more backed off but her eyes were still watering and she looked like she could start crying at anytime. The wolves however, did not show much change. They were still trying to comfort the child and the ones baring their teeth at Rhaxtyx still looked at him threateningly.

"Wow! This is the first time I could not calm every animal! You really are special aintcha? Even I couldn't sense you! Even though your kind can be a bit difficult for normal people to sense, I'm no ordinary man. I should have sensed you but I couldn't. How?"

Rhaxtyx began wondering about this and began thinking. Only after about half a minute did he come to his senses.

"Anyway look, I'm going to come over there okay? So stay still, and stay calm. I really don't wish to hurt you."

Rhaxtyx crossed the stream slowly while holding his hands up in the air. The alpha was still baring its teeth to Rhaxtyx and did not let him get close too much.

"See. I mean no harm little one. I can come near you anytime I want but I don't. You felt my aura before so you know that right? So what do you say huh? My name is Rhaxtyx. What's yours?"

He reached forward with his hand. The alpha growled but did nothing else. The child was relatively calmer than before and could look at Rhaxtyx properly now. She spoke with a meek voice.


"Nice to meet you Kai! What are you doing here?"

Rhaxtyx asked while releasing some of his nature aura again, intending to calm the kid more. It seemed like it worked as the kid was not shaking anymore and could stand up.


"You ran? From who?"

When Rhaxtyx asked this, the kid visibly shook and took a step back.

"Looks like you don't want to speak about it, I understand. Are you hungry? I have some friends with me. We have warm meals as well so we can help you. They are not far."

The kid took two more steps behind with fear in their eyes.

"I-if you would feel more comfortable, your wolf friends can accompany us as well! We have enough food for everyone! You know what they say, the more the merrier! Come, this way. Our camp is just over there, behind the trees."

After saying this, Rhaxtyx crossed the stream once more and walked to the tree line. When he looked back, he saw that the child was not following him. He gave a helpless sigh and spoke with a helpless tone.

"I guess you are not hungry huh? There's no helping it then. Have fun with your wolf friends while we stuff ourselves with warm meals. Bye!"

After saying this Rhaxtyx entered the tree line and walked to the camp. When he reached the camp, Miriam and Roman were already awake and were making preparations of their breakfast. She gave a nod to Rhaxtyx and he gave a small greeting and they continued. Rhaxtyx sat across them and spoke with a smile.

"You might want to make more. We will be having guests for the breakfast."

"Mhm?" (Miriam)

"What did you do now?" (Roman)

"Oh it's nothing. Just a lost Wolf Kin kid I came across. They are about there too, faster than I anticipated."

"Wof-kin? Here?"

After talking and pointing at them, the kid and the wolf pack came out among the trees. The kid's head was hung down and was clutching the hem of her shirt. Miriam was surprised by this so she jumped to her feet and was about to draw her sword but Rhaxtyx stopped her.

"Relax. Didn't I say they were our guests?

After that Rhaxtyx smiled to the kid and told her to sit down. They all had their breakfast in silence. Rhaxtyx would try to talk to Kai but was unsuccessful. Badgey on the other hand, jumped on Kai's lap and curled up to a ball. Even though Kai was surprised by this, it did not inconvenience her.

Kai observed them before eating. Rhaxtyx was gobbling himself with his food while Miriam was eating in silence. Badgey was on her lap, giving her a cute look. Kai looked gazed with it and Badgey licked the nose of Kai. She gave a chuckle at that and when he heard this, Rhaxtyx began talking.

"Oi! Little ba- *Cough* Little fella! Don't bother her. Come and eat your share as well."


"Oh really? Then come at me will ya!?"

After this exchange, Badgey jumped on Rhaxtyx and they began their usual quarrel. Miriam and Roman were already used to this but Kai was a bit scared by this. When she looked at the two with Rhaxtyx who were unperturbed, she relaxed as well. These were interesting people. And they did not look at her with mean eyes. One of the most interesting things was when a wolf cub tried to approach Miriam. She immediately distanced herself, never looking away from the wolf cub. Kai found this funny and laughed. Rhaxtyx and Badgey was relaxed when they heard this as well.

After the breakfast, while Badgey was playing with Kai, Miriam approached Rhaxtyx.

"Master, what are we going to do with her?" (Miriam)

"Isn't it fine to take the kid with us? She is lost! Also she said she was running from someone"

"What? That explains it then. You see, it is uncommon to see her people out in the open, especially this close to Vulca."


"Vulca's City Lord is an extreme racist. He enslaves every species other than human."

"They cannot do anything to her while I'm with her. At the very least, I can cast {Disguise} on her."

"I don't know if it is wise but, I'll follow your decision."

"Good, then it is settled! Hey Kai, what do you say to a journey with us? It'll be so much fun y'know!"

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