
How it began

One morning I woke up, and while going on with my life I came across a strange book but I ignored it as I had enough of life itself and did not want one more thing to add to the list. and I opened the door and went out as I was going to work and I spend the day out wondering when will my shift end so I can get back home. As I was getting over the last toxic relationship that left me with a broken heart, hatred and a despise for living I was just waiting for the day when it would all stop. when my shift was over I did everything had to do and I got back home as quickly as possible I was waiting for the night because it was my only way of escaping the reality but each time I had to wake up it was the worst feeling and I sometimes wished I slept for eternity and one day after work I got home did all my routine and I came across the same book and I heard a whisper, open the book but I just ignored it and went to bed, after two hours of sleeping I woke up from a nightmare, the book opened a portal from another dimension and out of it came a man who sentenced me to death saying you have failed this world and still chocked from the terrifying man strangling me I could feel it as if he was in my room and his hand around my neck. Suddenly I got off the bed and I opened the book and I started reading and meanwhile, I could still hear the whisper and it offered me peace so I kept on reading after reading several pages I started seeing a light coming from my room like a firework and finally, it was a hole like a portal to another dimension and the voice told me to go through it I was scared and slowly went forward and I was walking through a hall and from there the whispers intensified, it told me if I go through I'll find wisdom and get everything I was looking for and all the injustice would be made right so I urge to take the last step and he warned me that this wisdom can set me free but if not managed correctly it will be your worst nightmare and will be a burden as you'll be help responsible for all the crimes and everyones else sin, i tried to hold back and think about it but it was too late I was already on the other side where it was all caos and black and I asked what was happening to me it said you are know conscious and awakened you got the most powerful weapon in the world use it wisely to change the world and at the end of the road you will find peace or just watch the world crumble and you'll be the one to carry the burden of their sins i answered what I don't know what you are talking about I did not sign up for this I only wanted peace and he answered with wisdom son comes great responsibility you can either master it and be an agent of change or be burden by seeing the world crumble and being aware of the cruelty and everything around you and suffer from the knowledge of it , now it's your choice and the voice stopped and i was there crying and i went back to sleep .