
The Centillionaire Heir

In a world where the rich and powerful makes the final say, Oscar struggles to survive amidst the pressure of always being ridiculed. Shortly after his girlfriend leaves him for a rich guy, he obtains the Super Centillion system and that marks his meteoric rise to the top of the food chain. . . . I retain copyright to the book cover.

King_Dragonslav · Urbain
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41 Chs

Chapter 015

"Tsk. Friends? spare me that crap. You are just using it as a cover up to ask that loser for extra basketball tips. Afterall, he beat you in a game yesterday" Henry jeered, causing the surrounding students to burst into a fit of laughter.

Cargo frowned. Just as he wanted to stand up to defend Jonas, Oscar held him back.

His expression was as calm as the surface of a spring.

"Hey Henry, do you mean to say I play basket ball much better than Alan Hawkins? afterall he's Jonas dad and must be giving him extra lessons. Although I am pretty confident in myself, I dare not accept those accolades" Oscar said sarcastically.

The whole cafe went silent. Oscar's words were frank and straight on point;

Henry was claiming Oscar was a much better Basketball player than Alan Hawkins!

Naturally, there were a lot of male NBA enthusiastists and Alan Hawkins fan girls.

"You bastard! how dare you underrate Mr. Hawkins!"

"Bastard! do you want a beating?!"

Instantly, the whole situation took a massive shift. Henry couldn't get a grip of himself since he had never anticipated Oscar's come back.

"Babe, we should start going now" Laura tugged at his arms after sensing the various hostile gazes from all around her.

"Yes. Yes" Henry grasped the opportunity and fled.

Only after leaving the cafe did the duo release gasps of relief.

"Babe, have you noticed just how different Oscar's behaviour is off recent?" Laura suddenly said.

"Hm? different? Yes! Yes!" Henry nodded.

"The Oscar of the past dosen't know how to play sport. Just take a look at those scrawny hands and legs. The Oscar of the past wouldn't dare breathe carlessly in my presence, talkless of roasting me in public. Plus, how the hell can he afford those new clothes he wore today? since he quit his janitor job. Plus, that scooter.. it looks too brand new for a delivery company scooter" Henry blabbered.

The more he thought of these, the more he sank into confusion.

"Forget it. Maybe we are just overthinking things" Laura dismised these notions.

She refuseed to believe these were all Oscar's intentional actions. To her, it was just a bunch of messed up coincidences.



"You were awesome back there? Henry thinks just because his dad is KYC's biggest sponsor, he thinks he can act as he likes. Serves him right!" Cargo laughed with glee shortly after Henry fled.

"Oh? his dad is KYC's biggest sponsor?" Oscar's ear was piqued.

"Yes. He donates atleast ten million to KYC every three months. He started this philantrophic actions ten years ago when Henry's older simblings were KYC Students. As such, he's quite respected by the Dean and staffs" Jonas explained.

"Heh.. so he's just riding on his daddy's coattail of influence" Oscar snickered in contempt.

"Thanks for standing up for me though" he added.

"That's what friends do right?" Jonas grinned.

"Heh. Don't get ahed of yourself, when did we become friends huh?"

"Well, we just did!"

The trio burst into a fit of hearty laughter.

"But seriously, I think you should watch your back. Henry is really narrow minded" Jonas warned sternly.

"Alright" Oscar shrugged, completely unbothered.

If it was the past him, he would probably shitting his pants in fright.

But now? hehehe..




Time flew like an eagle and soon, school hours came to an end. Since Oscar was now a member of KYC basketball team, he had to stay behind for practice.

After bidding Cargo bye, Jonas led him to the bunker where the coach and other players were changing.

"Glad to see you again young man" the basketball coach when he saw Oscar, extending his hand for a handshake.

When Oscar reciprocated, he suddenly recieved a notification from the system.

-[Skill Detected; Basket Ball expertise level 8. Does Host wish to snatch skill?]

"Whoa!" Oscar was shocked, but instantly became excited.

He remembered reading about a skill called *snatch*

"If I snatch the skill, what happens next?" he asked Hunks, the system's A.I

-[You will successfully obtain the skill and the former skill owner would lose it.. forever] Hunks replied.

"What?! isn't that robbery?!"

-[You can put it that way. Hehe. So do you want to snatch that guy's skill? if you obtain it, you'd be comparable to those top notch NBA players]

Oscar resisted Hunks enticement, withdrawing his hand sharply before Hunks proceeded with *Snatch* automatically.

"Are you okay?" the coach asked when he noticed Oscar's strange behaviour.

"I'm okay. I'm just feeling pumped up!" Oscar laughed.

"Great! here is your player vest!"

After putting on their vest, the coach led the team over to the basketball court for practice. Along the way, Oscar couldn't help pondering about the drawbacks of *Snatch*

He wouldn't deny that he felt tempted, but thinking of how he would steal somebody's years worth of effort had him reeling with guilt.

Throwing these thoughts into the back of his mind, Oscar focused on the basketball practice after they arrived at the court.

The coach just taught them a tid bit of basketball skills before letting them compete amongst themselves.

Oscar was quite the intelligient guy, (he wouldn't be able to get into KYC if he wasn't) coupled with the level ups in his soul power, he got the hang of everything the coach taught.

"Your fluidity has increased. It's two times better than yesterday's. You really are a basketball prodigy" the coach applauded Oscar after the time for practice elapsed.

"It was thanks to your pointers" Oscar gave a meek bow.

"Good kid. You have the talents and yet you are not proud. You have good potential" the coach laughed with satisfaction.

"You should learn from him" he said to Russ, who murmured with indignance.

"Want to hitch a ride with me home?" Jonas asked after they changed back to their casual clothes.

"Nah, thanks" Oscar rejected.

He was scared of giving Jonas a heart attack when the latter saw his multi million mansion.

"If you insist. Just be careful though" Jonas patted his shoulder.

Oscar's heart warmed when he saw Jonas genuinely worrying about him.

Walking over to the parking lot, he mounted his scooter, riding out from the campus premises.

He had only ridden a few distance when a rickety van blocked his path.

Six thuggish men with tatoos and knives jumped down from the van, circling around Oscar.

Since it was approaching five pm, the road looked a little bit, with only a few vehicles that would occassionally drive past.

"Henry sent you?" Oscar grinned at his assailiants.

"How dare you bully the boss little bro huh? you deserve a good beating!" one of the thugs with a star tatoo underneath his left eye aggressively flashed his knife at Oscar.

"Idiot!" his companion wearing a berret slapped him on his bed.

"Henry? we don't know such person. We just want to rob you"

While these was happening, a few distances away was a parked limo.

Inside the limo, two people watched the scene play out.

Surprisingly, these two people were Goldie and the Basketball coach!

"Should we save him Uncle Liu? What if those bastards hurt him?" Goldie gritted her teeth.

"Ahhh. Just watch. I refuse to believe he can't overcome such a small challenge.. After all, he's the son of THAT MAN"