
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 17 [You're Late]

The next morning Ezun held a plate out and he looked up and saw Mu Luo Jian standing next to Yuan Wei who was sitting down and who finished eating breakfast and his eyes narrowed as he smacked the table.

"You're late!" Yuan Wei snapped.

"Master Yuan I am sorry, I was making food for you."

"You want me to try your disgusting food, my attend here can make the food for me and me alone I will only eat his food, now as for next thing how dare you harm your senior brother," Yuan Wei said.

"Host Wei is awesome this the way to go!"

"I am only doing it for good person card."

"Forget it why do I get my hopes up with you but you let me down," Feng muttered and he laid on Yuan Wei lap.

"Master since we are senior brothers and junior brothers we should just forget about the matter," Ezun said tsk how come Mu Luo Jian is still here.

"Forget about it I don't think so, kneel down to him and apologize, his your senior brother so you will do it now."

Mu Luo Jian eyes widen his taking revenge for him. Mu Luo Jian felt touched and he stared at Yuan Wei in a loving manner but Yuan Wei just didn't notice this. 

"Master Yuan-"

"How dare you talk back at me, they are rules and I hate those who talk back at me," Yuan Wei said he threw a sunflower seed straight at Ezun legs which fall down. Yuan Wei yawned and closed his eyes.

"I can't hear you I want to hear you to apologize."

"I am sorry, for what happened at the competition."

Mu Luo Jian looked at Ezun and he smirked wickedly.

"How does it feel does your pride hurt, wait that's not the right question I couldn't hear you so please say it again."


"You heard your senior brother say sorry again."

"I am sorry."

"Can't hear you, I would like you to kneel down again and make sure you are more kind and gentle," Mu Luo Jian said.

"His so cruel where does he learn to do these kinds of things?" 

"Host Wei it's you!"

"Really me but I don't do that."

"You are so reckless of course he would get your stubborn and reckless."

"Oh I see well done disciple then."

"What kind of praise is that!"

Yuan Wei pulled on Mu Luo Jian.

"Enough messing around, Ezun you will run the stairs eighty times after that you will carry the ten bucket and fill them with water," Yuan Wei said.

"What Master Yuan that-"

"I had to that as well it won't be fair, unless you don't want to be my master disciple," Mu Luo Jian said took Yuan Wei hand who didn't pull away when they were outside Yuan Wei sighed and rubbed his shoulders damn it last night he couldn't sleep at all.

"Master are you shoulders hurting?"


Mu Luo Jian forced Yuan Wei to seat down which was inside his study chambers. As Mu Luo Jian rubbed Yuan Wei relaxed his body and he closed his eyes he felt so tired and he wanted to take a nap. Yuan Wei kept on closing his eyes so he would open his eyes and then close them. His forehead was about to hit the table and Mu Luo Jian court his and picked up Yuan Wei and carried him to the couch and laid his head against his chest as both of them fell asleep. 

Feng saw this and he sighed such a beautiful moment. But knowing Yuan Wei the moment he wakes up and sees this he will give him a hard time let me take a nap fake I don't shit!

It was dark outside when Yuan Wei woke he could smell food he turned around and he fell down. Mu Luo Jian chuckled and he tried to not laugh. Yuan Wei saw it and he punched Mu Luo Jian chest and he pouted without him knowing it.

"You cooked it."


"I slept so well it's so odd I feel so tired lately, maybe I am over working myself which is shit why should I over myself, let's eat we can do some training tomorrow."

"Um, master cna I sleep with you."

"Host Wei, you better not say no, remember the good person card and your favorite present is now at 95%"

"Wait what happened why did it reach up so high when I was slept?"

"Who knows!"

"Whatever I am hungry let's eat!" Yuan Wei said and he shoved food in his mouth. Mu Luo Jian didn't bother eating but watched Yuan Wei eat.

"Master I have some gifts for you."

"Oh but I have nothing for you."

"It doesn't matter."

Mu Luo Jian held his storage bracelet out and three things appeared, Yuan Wei who has never gotten a gift rubbed his neck.

"He must want something from me."

"Some people just give gifts to people out their kindness."

"Really so strange, what if it's bomb or something poisoned."

"That won't happened stupid idiot!"

"Oh alright," Yuan Wei opened the first gift he notice it was a hair pain and he smiled it was simple something he would actually wear, he looked the other two which were ancient broken scrolls. Yuan Wei looked at the gift but this is a plane that he must finish his mission this is unfair to Little Mu. He was about to hand the gift back but when he saw his kind eyes he couldn't say no.

"Thank you."

"Of course help me and put the hair pin my hair."


Mu Luo Jian put the hair pin in Yuan Wei hair and he smiled brightly.

"Disciple aren't I beautiful with my new hair pin."


"Of course I am beautiful!"

A week later. Mu Luo Jian was sitting at the rocking chair when he saw Ezun.

"Master isn't here and put me in charge he said he wants you to grab more water and you can't use any abilities you need to run up the stairs twenty times get on going."

Ezun gasped for the past week all he has been doing was house chores and the servants here won't listen to him at all yet they listen to Mu Luo Jian. 

"Four hours it took me only an hour to do all these, sigh what a trash junior brother."

"Mu don't get cocky since the master isn't hear, you are just a trash who doesn't belong anywhere you should just go and sell your body," Ezun snapped.

"What did you say," a ice cold voice.

Mu Luo Jian and Ezun both were shocked.

"Ask you again what did you say, for him to sell his body to a brothel I will burn them all done,no one touch him unless they want to die, Ezun go train with Benny, Benny punish him how dare you speak that away toward your senior brother," Yuan Wei said.

"Master Yuan I haven't learned a single thing from you."

"Do you think I taught Little Mu within a week he had to prove me he was worth my teaching and he did," Yuan Wei said in a simple manner.

This is just bullying.

A week later. 

"Remember to move the sword that way and you must be gentle yet swift with your hand," Yuan Wei said and gently touched Mu Luo Jian left armed he moved it to the right place.

"Master Yuan can you teach me?"

"Are you sure?"


"Alright, Little Mu keep on training."

"Yes thank you master."

Few minutes later Yuan Wei held a stick in his hand as he hit Ezun right hand.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, how many times do I have to show you? With Little Mu I only have to show him once are you even taking my training seriously?"

"Master I am-"

"Don't call me master call me teacher," Yuan Wei said.

He is used to Mu Luo Jian calling him master that is weird other calling him that he doesn't like it.

"Train more do you understand me get out of my sight," Yuan Wei said and he walked away from Ezun. Who glared at Yuan Wei.

Just wait after I learn all your tricks I will make both of you suffer!