
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 69-70

Chapter 69 – We got a lot!

<<As your proficiency in each level has been raised, the 'Cave King' crest has gone up to Rank 4.>>

A rank up, huh?

I suppose defeating this monster had helped me reach some requirements.

<<The range of auto-gathering has been expanded. You can now use the auto-gathering feature outside of the cave.>>

In that case….

I tried to gather the boulders that were around me.

Previously, the mined ore had to be within two to three feet of me.

However, that distance had been doubled now.

This was a good upgrade.

And I could even use it outside of the cave.

<<Furthermore, the Workshop rank has reached Level 2.>>

The Workshop feature… If I remembered correctly, I could only make Stone and Marble Blocks. And also sand.

That being said, those had been incredibly useful for us on this island.

The reclaimed ground had been possible because of these Workshop features.

…So, what would I be able to make now?

<<The added Workshop items are Ingots and Glass.>>

Ingots… The result of smelting ore.

All of the ore in my Inventory was calculated as ingots.

But now I was able to shape them in any way that I wanted.

In other words, they could be thin like a needle, or a giant clump… They could be used for a method of attack.

It was the same with glass. It would be useful for all kinds of things.

Surely there were things that even Mappa would not be able to make that I could.

…Maybe an iron tower. No, that would be horrible during the summer.

That being said, both of these upgrades were rather boring.

After all, Mappa could already do a lot of this as it was.

But I supposed that I should be happy that I could now make things on my own whenever I wanted.

Just then, a voice echoed from behind me.

"Lord Heal! Taran! That was amazing, you two!"

It was Fule. She bumped her shoulder against mine.

She smelled nice, which made me pull away a little in embarrassment.

But Fule seemed oblivious to this, as she gave Taran a thumbs up and gushed about the fight.

"Fu-Fule. It looks like…you weren't hurt."

"I'm fine. And everyone else in the back is fine too!"

I could see Number 15 and the other monsters waving at us near the entrance.

Some were even clapping. I suppose they were celebrating my victory with Taran.

Huh…what about Mappa? Ah, there he is.

He was busy gathering the black fragments of rock.

Was he going to make something with it?

"Still, that thing really was huge. Even its remains form a small mountain."

"Aye… I wonder who made it."

Well, who's to say that it was even made by someone?

I looked up at the ceiling, where it had come from.

However, even though I squinted and used Night Vision, I could not see anything but empty space.

Had it just been sleeping up there all of this time….?

The smaller ones had not stood a chance against us.

And so this big one must have come out.

Things would have been very dangerous if it had come out first… Huh?

Shiel the slime was at my feet, and she was bobbing up and down apologetically.

It looked like she was saying that she was sorry.

"No, Shiel. You really helped by telling us that magic didn't work. Thank you."

I said. And Shiel nodded.

"Now, I suppose I should inspect these rocks and crystals."

I had already gathered the ones around me. And so I opened my Inventory.

Heart Stone, Magic Stone… These two were familiar.

The Heart Stone was a blue stone that became a core for the Golems.

In other words, these black rocks were likely a type of Golem.

As for the Magic Stones, they were stones that could store magic.

They must have been used to unleash those rays of light.

However, there were three names that were unfamiliar to me.

I took out one of the black fragments from my Inventory.

"A…Magic Defense Stone…huh?"

<<Magic Defense Stone… A stone that increases magic defense. Can be consumed in order to raise magic resistance.>>

I had a feeling it would be something like this, since they were immune to magic attacks… But…consume?

<<It means that you are to eat it.>>

"Ea-eat it!? But it's a rock!"

"Huh? What is it?"

Fule looked just as puzzled.

"Uh, apparently this thing…raises magic defense…if you eat it."


Fule picked one up and began to check its texture and smell.

However, it felt like a crystal and had a similar weight as well.

It did not look edible…

But when I looked farther away, I saw that Mappa was biting into a black rock.

He seemed to be enjoying it… I was surprised that he was able to break it with his teeth.

Maybe it wasn't as hard as it looked?

"You can really eat this…?"

Fule decided to try it out as she brought it to her mouth.

However, she then shook her head and dropped it on the ground.

"Fule… I think we should wash them and try again later. Maybe we could even grind them up first."

"Yes… And we could mix them with water. Then you wouldn't be able to tell that they had been rocks."

Still, having a higher resistance to magic…

Though, I wish it were like the crystal and you just had to give the order.

Regardless, this would be quite useful in raising magic resistance for the Golems.

"Huh? Now that I look at it, don't you think that this big one is slightly different in color?"

I nodded at Fule's observation.

This other black material.

It was something that was only found in the last, boss monster.

<<Black Iron… Harder than iron and with high resistance to heat.>>

Apparently, it was this black iron that had kept it from breaking when Taran attacked it with pickaxes.

While it wasn't particularly exciting, it might still be useful.

I turned to Fule.

"Black iron. So it's just a very strong type of metal."

"I see… And what about that round crystal?"

<<Magic Absorption Crystal… Absorbs and stores a fixed amount of magic.>>

"It's a rock that absorbs magic."

"Huh. That's pretty amazing… So that's why none of the magic attacks worked."

This was also quite expected, in a way.

The Magic Defense Stones didn't block all magic. And so this stone had likely absorbed what got through.

That being said, it must have absorbed quite a lot…

While the crystal in the boss was bigger than the others, the smaller crystals also had the same function. However, they had been crushed into small pieces.

Perhaps the size affected how much they could absorb. I wondered if the broken crystals could be fixed.

Well, it was up to Mappa, I suppose.

"Still…it's an incredible amount."

"Yeah. I think we better gather everything before digging any further.'

With all of this, I would be able to make even stronger Golems.

And it would also help us strengthen our defenses on the surface.

And so after that, the slimes helped me gather all of the rocks in the area.




Chapter 70 – I made a huge Golem!

"Woah! There is so much!"

Erevan shouted as he saw the mountain of rocks that had been piled up under the World Tree.

Here lay all five types of stones that we retrieved from the round, floating Golems that we killed.

"We now have a grasp on what each one does. It is quite surprising."

"I doubt anyone would want to attack us if they knew that we had Golems made with such stones."

Said Ashton in Haines. They too looked at the mountain of stones in awe.

Currently, it was me and the three warriors, along with Baris and Rienna, who sat at the round table.

We needed to discuss how we would use the stones.

And so my first suggestion was to have them eat some of the crushed rock. After all, it would raise their resistance to magic.

However, none of them seemed very enthusiastic. Well, except for Mappa…

And so I decided to lead by example…


It was just a small bite, but the bitterness spread through my entire mouth.

And so it was decided that Rienna would later think of a way to make these edible.

After that, Baris turned to me.

"With so much material, you should be able to make many Golems."

"Yeah. So not all of them will have to be used for defenses. Of course, those will still be the priority."

When making Golems, the most important thing to consider was what kind of magic they would use.

What should be carved into the Magic Stones?

Up until now, all of the Golems were made to be able to use Shield.

Perhaps it was best to continue doing that…

Now that I think about it, what about the magic that these floating Golems had been using?

It was some kind of ray of light…

But in the first place, why were they floating?

None of the rocks had the ability to make you float… But then again, there were about twice as many Magic Stones as there were Heart Stones.

In other words, you could put multiple Magic Stones inside of a Golem.

One for the light magic, and one for the floating…

Flying magic… If I knew how to do it, I would have so many more options.

Still, it was best to play it safe for now.

Everything was about securing our safety.

"I'm thinking about making a few more Golems that can use Shield. And I'll use some of the Magic Absorbing Stones and Magic Defense Stones on them as well. They will be on the small side, and can help protect the other miners."

Everyone nodded.

After that, Ashton the kobold muttered.

"That's a good idea. I would be very happy if you could make a few for the outside area as well."

"Of course. It's with that considered, that I'm thinking of making another addition to the defense Golems."

"An addition?"

"Yeah. I'm going to use another Magic Stone for some more menacing magic."

It would have to be good, or it would be a waste of a Magic Stone.

Something that would be of great help when we had to defend ourselves.

Up until now, the Golems just used Shield magic, and carried actual Mithril shields.

Though, some of them also had swords.

"I see. So they will be able to fight Killer Birds and Satan Shellfish as well."


Just then, Haines opened his mouth.

"Lord Heal, I have a suggestion."

"What is it, Haines?"

"I was wondering if you couldn't station Golems in the water as well. You know, many of the Satan Shellfish and Scissor Crabs come from the sea? It's coming to a point where we can no longer send divers down there to catch fish."

"I see… I hadn't thought about that. I'll try making one and seeing if it can move underwater. If it works, I'll make them so they can use Shield and attack magic so that they can fish."

"Thank you! Now I will be able to eat oysters again! I was very much looking forward to it until those damn crabs came along… Ah, what a relief!"

I guess Haines really liked his oysters. I liked them too, but wasn't aware that they could be caught here.

As Haines panted loudly, Ashton rolled his eyes.

"You got sick the last time you ate them. And yet you still want more… And to even make suggestions based on personal greed…"

"Well, I like to eat oysters too. Satan Shellfish are fine, but I'd like to have other stuff as well."

I said. And Haines agreed happily.

Then I nodded.

"Having more options will make our lives richer. Besides, I really had forgotten about securing our safety in the water. It was a good suggestion. Anyone else?"

"Chief! I also have a good suggestion!"

"Erevan. What is it?"

"Why don't you make a single huge, giant Golem! One that is larger than the World Tree!"

Rienna interrupted him.

"I understand that you like big things, General… But what use could such a thing have?"

"Uh, well, you know…"

"In the first place, it will block all of the sunlight. And all our reclaimed land will probably sink…"

Baris nodded as he listened to Rienna.

"Something that heavy will do great damage to the land. It is not at all realistic."

"I-I see… Aha…hahah!"

Erevan laughed with embarrassment.

However, it wasn't as senseless as some might have thought.

"No, Erevan… I was thinking the same thing."


This was very unexpected for the others. And they all looked at me with wide eyes.

Even Erevan was shocked.

"Chi-Chief… You really are too kind… But you don't have to say that to make me feel better."

"No, that's not it. I just thought that there was some sense in it."


I nodded and explained.

"Do you remember the ship?"

The Barleon Principality, that was essentially a vassal state.

One of their ships had appeared on the Sheorl coast.

Rienna nodded.

"Yes… It is the reason that our defenses must be strengthened."

"Yeah. And so we have to create Golems that can fight, and not just use Shield… We have to strengthen our fighting force. However, there are other ways to protect as well."

As the others pondered this, Baris opened his mouth.

"Do you mean, having the enemy think twice about attacking us…?"

"Exactly. They will always look into the enemy's defenses before attacking. If the castle walls and towers are too strong, then they may not attack at all."

But Erevan did not look convinced.

"I understand that… But what does that have to do with a giant Golem?"

"Well, it doesn't have to be a Golem. But Erevan, what would you do if you saw someone that was as big as the World Tree?"

"…I would be very impressed. Ah, I see!"

"Yes. Whoever could make such a thing must be very powerful… Right?"

"Indeed! And the bigger the better!"

"Exactly. But like Baris and the others have said, it's not convenient to put such a thing on the ground, and it would be dangerous. And so I was thinking about the sea instead. What do the rest of you think?"

They all nodded in agreement.

"Well then, I'll start with making Golems that can move under water. And then I'll try making a huge one!"

After that, there were several other suggestions. Firefighter Golems that could use water magic, and Blacksmith Golems that had high heat resistance and could use fire magic were among the more practical ones.

I decided to make those too. But we saved 30 Heart Stones and 60 Magic Stones for future use.

And then, when the Underwater Golems was ready, I had it advance into the water.

I had asked Mappa for help in designing it, and Mappa had drawn a picture that resembled a fish, which I followed.

And since it was shaped like a fish, it moved very quickly underwater.

But since it was the same size as humans, it was quite intimidating.

Furthermore, it had large fins that allowed it to move on land.

I called it Number 16. I suppose these types of Golems could now be called Diver Golems.

Now that we had confirmed that it could move in the water, it was time to make the huge Golem.

Well, while it would be in the water, only its feet would be submerged.

In human terms, it would just be getting its ankles wet.

And so I took a few people by boat and we headed to an area that was a short distance away from the reclaimed ground.

Erevan was with us, and he now turned to me and said,

"Chief. Did you decide on what shape it will be?"

"Yeah. This one will be in the shape of a very intimidating man."

"In that case… Why not make a statue of me?!"

Upon hearing this suggestion, Fule growled.

"Why would you do that to us! It's not only embarrassing, but surely a statue should be modeled after the most important person in the tribe!"

"I-I see… Well, it could be my body and the Chief's head…"

"No! That's just gross!"

The parent and child were fighting.

However, I would also be embarrassed if it was a statue of me…

Besides, it was also hard to visualize myself…

Fule was adamant though, and Erevan soon gave in.

That being said, I did feel a little bad for Erevan. After all, he was very proud of his muscles.

"Then… I could just model the body after you? And the head will just be random. Like the statues in temples. Surely you wouldn't mind that, Fule?"

"Uh, I suppose…"

She finally gave her consent, and Erevan wept with joy.

"Chi-Chief… I will never forget this debt! Now, I will show you my most glorious pose!"

"Uh, thanks."

And so Erevan held his axe and posed in a way that accentuated his muscles.

I would use him as a model to create a giant Golem in the sea. Well, as it was a Golem, the pose would be changing constantly.

So, about materials… Since this was mainly just to scare people, I might as well use rocks as the base. That seemed like the best material to use if it was going to match the size of the World Tree.

But then again, it would be more aesthetic if the World Tree was the tallest thing here… So I should make it a little shorter. Maybe…60 meters…

And I could use gold for the muscles.

And with the Magic Stones, I would have it use fire magic and Shield.

Then it could hold an iron axe and it would have Shining Stone eyes… Yes, so it can be a lighthouse as well.

Was I being too ambitious…? In the first place, could I really make something that was so big?

Well, we weren't planning on having it move around, so I should just make the legs very thick, so it will be stable.

At worst, I could just make alterations to it later.

That being said, failure could mean that it would fall over. That would be dangerous.

The impact might cause tidal waves that I would have to stop with magic.

It would affect the boats too. And everyone would have to move far away from the beach. Though, I doubted it would come to that.

In any case, I created a Shield around us and got to work.

"Alright, now it's just the shape…"

Now that I knew what materials to use, I opened my eyes in order to look at Erevan.

But, instead…

"Hey, Mappa! Stop getting in the way! I'm the model!"

Erevan's voice thundered. However, I had already willed the construction of the Golem.


The thing that appeared before my eyes was not Erevan.

Instead, it was Mappa, who had just butted in. His eyes were rolled up into his head, and he was making peace signs with both of his hands.

As the great glow faded over the ocean, a giant statue of Mappa had been born.

Those eyes and hands…

Erevan let out a defeated cry that echoed across the water. Regardless, it was the day that Sheorl island had its second landmark after the World Tree.