
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 177-178

Chapter 177 – Royalty!?

"It's so easy to dig with this!"

Fule said as she continued to dig with the pickaxe made of Hihirokane.

"Aye, this Hihirokane isn't bad."

It felt heavier than Mithril.

And since it was apparently strong against shadow magic, perhaps it was also more durable.

However, when it came to ease of use when mining, the lighter mithril was still superior.

That being said, thanks to the power of 'Cave King,' the difference wasn't too big.

Since Taran, Ashton, and Haines were helping, the path expanded ahead more like another room than a passage.

Just a little more, and we would be right under the temple with the throne.

On the other hand, Ogus and the others were standing behind us with pale faces.

"I-I can't believe this…"

"I can believe in magic, but this…"

I answered Vanessa.

"Actually, this is like my main job… You know. The crest I was talking about earlier. My 'Cave King' crest shows its true power when I'm underground. And I can dig very well."

Upon hearing this, Karla asked me in a quivering voice.

"So-so, it's not magic?"

"Yes. I don't use any magic energy at all."

"I-I see. When you said you were going to dig, I thought you meant to spend the whole day digging…"

Vanessa nodded at this.

"It's like how a mole monster digs through the dirt…this crest. What an amazing power."

"Perhaps you and the people of Arancia also have them. Baris should be able to appraise your crests, and teach you how to do it."

"So then maybe we also have some hidden power."


Vanessa looked quite happy at this.

Though, she would have likely wanted to know of such a thing earlier.

But I felt a little conflicted.

It was true that these crests made life richer. But it also determines a person's worth.

People are separated because of their crests—just like in my old country.

I would have to warn the people of Arancia, so the same thing would not happen to them.

At the very least, I would have to speak to Princess Alyssa about it.

After a while, I stopped swinging the pickaxe.

"…Judging by the distance, we should reach the temple soon."

I said, and Ashton nodded.

"Yes, I've been counting the steps and there is no doubt about it. We are near the back of the temple."

"Huh? You've been measuring?"

Fule asked, and Haines answered.

"My brother is very thorough when it comes to such things. He also remembers directions very well, and has never gotten lost."

Ashton looked rather proud at this.

"Well, I suppose it really is right above us then. Alright, from this point on, I alone will start digging upwards. Fule, you cast Shield in front of me, and the rest of you stay on your guard. We don't know for sure that there aren't more Golems."

They nodded, and I started digging upwards in the shape of a spiral staircase.

However, I did not sense any magical energy coming from above.

So it seemed like we didn't have to worry about being attacked.

On the other hand, I could sense humanoid shapes of energy moving outside of the temple.

They were likely the Skeletons and Golems.

But their movements seemed oddly fast…

Also, farther away, there was magic energy spinning in a circle.

Was some kind of machine running?

I turned around to look at Mappa.

However, he was still standing there, completely asleep.

There was something suspicious about all of this…

His loud snoring felt exaggerated and unnatural. And surely even someone like Mappa could not craft things while asleep.

Well, at least I knew that he would never do anything to harm us.

And so it would be best to focus on the temple now.

It was with such thoughts that I continued to dig. And then a light appeared up ahead.

"It-its so bright…"

I squinted my eyes and then dug so that there would be an exit big enough to go through.

And then I stepped out onto the shiny golden floor. After a moment, my eyes became accustomed to the light, and I was able to take in the room.


The ceiling and walls were golden, just like every other place in this city.

But there was one difference.

There was a glass wall in the back, and behind it was a golden statue of a giant human head.

And around it were unfamiliar tables with metal and glass boards. And there were handles as well.

They were likely some kind of contraption. I had seen something similar in the undergrounds of Sheorl.

You would use them to activate something.

But what was that thing in the back… Wait, could it be?

"That face… Doesn't it look a little like Old Mappa!?"

As Fule said, the giant head looked like Mappa.

The long hair and bushy beard.

But then again, all of the dwarves looked like that…

Still, looking at Mappa's closed eyes now, they were almost exactly the same as the statue's eyes.

The only difference was that the statue looked older, as it had more wrinkles.

That suggested it could be…

Ashton opened his mouth as if to infer.

"A statue in the far back of the temple… It must be the king of this city, or someone of equal importance."

"Are you saying that Mappa is the king of this country!?"

Haines raised his voice in surprise as he turned to look at Mappa.

However, Mappa's eyes remained closed as he faced the machines.

I suppose he wanted us to do something with them.

But I looked at Haines and shook my head.

"According to the Golems, Mappa was exiled from this city. I don't see how the king would be exiled. But I suppose they could have decided that he was too young to be king, and there was a coup."

"Well, it's true that all kinds of problems would arise if your leader was barely clothed…"

Fule said with an odd expression.

Ashton nodded.

"I think that a coup is unlikely. Besides, judging from the wrinkles, it would be safe to assume that it is based on some relative of Mappa. And…then Mappa was exiled."

The Golems had said this when seeing Mappa.

Had the person that this statue was based on been the one to give the order?

What if it was Mappa's own father…

That was just like what had happened to me. I felt conflicted.

But why would someone like Mappa be exiled?

Mappa was incredibly talented.

In the first place, what happened to the dwarves that were in this city?

There were also dwarves living in the undergrounds of Sheorl.

Perhaps they had left this city and spread out around the world. But judging by how intact this place was, I don't see any reason for them to all leave.

It was possible that Mappa knew something, but…

In any case, I moved over to the machine.

When looking at it more closely, the statue was more detailed than I thought.

Not so much sacred as…almost disturbingly lifelike. The texture of the skin and hairs were recreated to perfection.

"However, this machine is also complex… I don't know what I am supposed to push. Shiel, do you know?"

Upon hearing this, Shiel the slime jumped onto the machine.

After considering it for a moment, she pushed a square button that was protruding.

And then a red light suddenly started to flash, and an alarm started to ring loudly.

I didn't know what it was saying, but it seemed to be warning of some danger..

Then the ceiling of the temple opened up so that we could see the sky, and the shadow began to rise until its body, arms and legs were exposed.


What appeared before us was larger than the Mappa Golem that protected Sheorl's shores. It was a giant statue of a dwarf…only it was wearing armor.




Chapter 178 – We Went Inside!?

"Wh-what is this giant statue!?"

Ogus and the Arancia guardians looked up at the now standing dwarf statue. Their mouths were open in shock.

It was huge… Indeed, it was. However, we people of Sheorl did not find it particularly surprising.

After all, we had seen giant creatures such as the Leviathan and a Giant Octopus already.

When I turned around, I saw Mappa's face. He looked very pleased with himself.

But then he tilted his head in puzzlement when he realized we were barely reacting.

"Is this what you wanted to show us? Mappa…don't you think that you're underestimating us a little too much?"

Fule nodded in agreement.

"In spite of how long it took to show us, it's not even that impressive. Also, it doesn't look cool at all."

'Then wait until you see this,' Mappa seemed to say as he started to work the controls again.

And then the armor started to come off, and the Dwarf Golem's golden skin was revealed.

It was a very detailed statue, as if every hair was recreated.

As Guardian Vanessa and Karla looked away, Shiel realized what was happening and quickly started to push buttons on the device.

In the nick of time, the armor stopped falling off just as it reached its pants.

"If anything, it looks worse now… Also, what is the point of this feature?"

Fule said with exasperation. Mappa's shoulders dropped.

"It just seems like a big waste… Uh, is this what they call a work of art?"

Said Haines, who stood with crossed arms. Ashton also muttered,

"I suppose anything goes with royals. It is one thing for it to be hard and well-made, but it does not need to be so big or humanoid."

They pointed out. Mappa could not argue with them.

But I tried to intervene for Mappa's sake.

"Well, well. I'm sure this thing uses Hihiirokane as well? In that case, it will be a great help for Arancia's defenses."

I wouldn't defend its excessive size, but perhaps the people of Arancia would be happy to have something like this as an ally. After all, it did look very tough.

Upon hearing me say this, Mappa bowed his head gratefully.

However, I noticed that the sounds of crashing metal were slowly moving closer to us.

"This sound… They must have noticed us."

Fule was right. We must have been discovered.

It was no wonder, with this giant statue suddenly appearing. It would have been seen by the giant Golems all over the city.

"Hey, Mappa. Since you wanted to show this to us so badly, surely it can fight?"

Haines asked. Mappa puffed out his chest as if to say, 'leave it to me.'

He started to touch the controls again, making the giant Golem go down on its knees.

And then the giant Golem offered its hand to us.

I assumed that it was going to let us ride on its shoulder or hand.

However, a door opened up in its chest.

"A-a door? I can see a similar control device inside of it."

As Ogus said, there were two chairs inside, as well as a machine with levers and buttons.

"Surely we're not going to ride this and fight!?"

Fule asked. But Mappa gave her a thumbs up as if to say that she was right.

Mappa reached the chair through the Golem's hand, and sat down. Then he gestured for me to follow.

"You…want me to get in? Uh, I don't see why it has to be me. Maybe someone else wants to ride it."

"When you think of it as being inside of Old Mappa, it's a little…"

Fule said with a conflicted expression.

Mappa waved his hand again, urging me to hurry up.

And since the Golems were moving towards us, there was no time for hesitation.

While knowing that we were going to be high up in the air filled me with anxiety, I sat down in the chair behind Mappa.

"A-alright then. Everyone. I'm going."

Then the door that was in front of us closed with a loud clang. And the outside world appeared on the golden wall inside.

"Wh-what is this!? It's showing us what is happening out there?"

Mappa nodded and then started to move the levers loudly.

Perhaps the Golem was standing up again, as Fule and the others moved lower and lower from where we were.

"What an incredible view… I never would have thought that I'd be inside of a Golem."

The view suddenly opened up, and I could look down at the entire city. We must be very high up. However, it was still a similar height to the World Tree, so I was used to it.

But just then, numerous flying objects shot towards us from all over the city.

They were the flying Golems, similar to the one I had destroyed.

Furthermore, there were Golems with red eyes moving through the streets and coming towards us.

"Mappa. Does this thing have any weapons?"

Mappa then gestured for me to stretch out my arms.

And so I did as he said.

What did he want me to do?

As I wondered this, I finally understood what his intention was.

"Can it…really shoot out magic?"

I asked, and Mappa nodded.

Now that I thought about it, I realized that the giant Golem's body was surrounded by quite a lot of magic energy.

The Golem was absorbing the energy that gathered towards me… Also…

Perhaps because it was humanoid, but it almost felt as if it was my own body, and it had just become larger.

If I just controlled the energy in the Golem…

However, the enemy had armor made of Hihiirokane, so magic would not be very effective.

But with all the magic energy within this giant, perhaps I could neutralize them.

And so I used the energy that gathered towards the Golem's body, and ordered it to unleash powerful wind magic in front of us.

Instantly, the Golems that were in front of us were blown far away as if they were dust.

"Wh-what force!"

There was no doubt that it was much more powerful than my own wind magic.

"Is this why it has a humanoid shape?"

Mappa nodded as if to say, 'yes, yes.'

"So it allows it to gather even more energy… Alright. In that case…"

I used even more magic energy and unleashed wind magic at the Golems around us.

Eventually, it turned into a great tornado, which started to sweep up the Golems and Undead.

"But this is just wind!?"

The magic I had unleashed was considered to be low-ranking magic.

And yet the tornado in front of me could only be made through magic with the highest wind attribute.

I looked down as I became worried about Fule and the others. They were all looking up at us with expressions of awe.

"They seem to be fine… Good!"

I used the wind to pick up the Golems and throw them out of the city. Now, I could no longer see any other Golems and Undead moving towards us.

And while I doubted the Golems had been destroyed, it would at least buy us some time. Besides, the ones that couldn't fly would have a difficult time scaling the walls.

However, who would have thought that you could use a Golem like this?

I did not expect to ever ride one and fight.

And before I really understood it, I felt an incredible excitement about what I had done.


Mappa turned to look at me.

"This is so cool!"

Mappa nodded as if to say, 'it is, isn't it?' and we bumped our fists together.

And while my spirits were still high, I began to test various other types of magic with the Golem.