
063 – Departure – Part 2 –

When the late hours of the night came upon the forest Uriel's eyes snapped open.

He rose from the sleeping mat he was resting on with slow and careful movements, so as to not alert anyone to his actions.

A single lamp burned with a dull glow but due to his enhanced eyesight it was enough for him to be able to navigate himself.

Elder Guinai had brought him to the gathering place of the council of Argeum, well one of the gathering places, this was the gathering place closest to Anamos, the tree of origin.

It was the only structure in the forest that he had seen which was built of stone and had the types of doors he was used to, but the building was constructed against the trunk of a large 100-foot-tall tree.

The building was broken into multiple sections, the most important was likely the room in which he was residing, the archive.

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