
The Book Collectors

Like any other planet with a sentient population, Earth went through the process of developing technology, conducting wars, and making loads of money off of people's existential crises. Earth was as typical a planet as any other, until the Library of the Multiverse opened its doors and spewed out its books containing the stories and adventures of heroes and villains from across the multiverse. Now, human beings have the chance to change their destiny by synchronizing with Multi Vs, the magic books that can give a person the power to exceed the normal and become the King or Queen of the Universe!

FramJam · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Rest Stop Romance

Alejandra and Jay left the bus and took a walk around the grounds of the rest stop. Rest stops were little places the state would build so weary travelers could stop and use the restroom.

The rest stops varied in size. There were small ones that at best only had a restroom, some only had trees; while others were big and might even have an information center for tourists.

This rest stop was large and had two big bathrooms for boys and girls, vending machines, and picnic tables, some were covered in bird poop and sitting under big trees.

Jay and Alejandra walked and talked for a little while and she kept catching him looking longingly towards the bathroom. She was a kind soul, and even though his behavior amused her she took pity on him.

"You know, I think I might need to pay a visit to the lady's room. We're only halfway to our destination and I would hate to need to go but unable to. Would you mind waiting for me?" She asked.

Jay was absolutely in heaven. "What you say makes a lot of sense, maybe I'll visit the restroom as well just to be on the safe side. They smiled at each other and Jay disappeared into the restroom.

The Reeves family took many family vacations and had used this rest stop many times in the past.

He knew exactly what to expect, the smell of urine, cinderblock, and some kind of cleaner filled the air with its smells.

The restroom was clean; there weren't any noticeable messes anywhere. It even looked like it was recently cleaned.

Unfortunately, all the urinals were filled with boys. Jay ran into a free stall and lifted the freshly cleaned toilet seat lid up with his shoe.

He learned long ago never to lift these things in the bathroom with his fingers; since the top might be clean but who knew about the underside.

Most people would just pee not caring about whether they peed on the lid or not. It was very inconsiderate he felt.

Jay always made a point to be considerate of others who used it but also the poor soul who had to clean it. It's the kind of value his parents instilled in him.

After his preparations were complete, he freed his anxious dragon from its cage and let loose with all of his might the pent up urinary rage.

It shot like a cannon. Jay imagined the stream of pee was like the phasers on the USS Enterprise as it unleashed its destructive energies against an enemy ship; tearing it apart as the beams moved along its sides.

At some point, he realized just how bad he had to go. He held it so long he moved past the pain phase where his bladder kept screaming at him to go.

As if it were saying "Hey stupid kid, what's your problem? Have I ever mistreated you? Did I ever make you wet your bed when you were young?

I thought we had an agreement. When it's time you do your part do it, and I'll do my part and never let you down."

Jay was able to move into the not painful but very uncomfortable phase where his bladder had given up on immediate action and only grumbled from time to time. "I thought we had a deal, some people."

"Sorry Mr. Bladder, talk to caveman DNA this is all him," his actions seemed to communicate.

The amount of time he spent peeing seemed ridiculous to him, "Would it ever end, will Alejandra wait for me to finish?" he wondered desperately.

The time it was taking reminded him of an old movie his dad showed him called Austin Powers. He laughed as a kid because it seemed like Austin Powers would never stop peeing.

He wasn't laughing now.

Finally finishing his business he flushed the toilet, washed his hands, and joined a still waiting Alejandra.

"Sorry, I guess I did need to go," he said sheepishly.

"No, problem," she said with a warm smile.

Jay felt like butterflies were beginning to break out of their cocoons and flying toward the sky. The feeling was killed by the shadow of a middle-aged grizzled looking man walking up to him.

"I really appreciate what you did in there," the man said.

"Most people will just pee all over the seat, that's what I thought you would do too, but then you expertly lifted the seat with your shoe.

You showed both considerations for those who come after you, me, the guy who just cleaned the bathroom, and yourself for not acting like a little animal like a lot of your schoolmates.

Thank you!" The man said his piece and turned around to get back to his cleaning duties.

"Your welcome," Jay said a little too late. At first, he felt a little proud of himself and vowed he would always lift the lids if for no other reasons than for the sake of people like the mysterious janitor of the rest stop.

His self-satisfaction stopped when he remembered the entire discussion was carried out in front of Alejandra, the girl he wanted to impress. He couldn't help but sheepishly look at her.

He was stunned by the pretty smile she wore. The smile transitioned into a delicate but hardy laugh.

"It looks like I've become friends with a hero of the working man. Good work comrade," she said with a little salute.

"The only word he caught in her speech was "friend," oh! It was the death of romance. He felt totally defeated by that one word.

"Just friends?" he said quietly, but not quietly enough as Alejandra picked up on it.

"Oh, friends aren't good enough, what would you like? Should we announce to the class our wedding date?" she laughed.

"No, no friends, that's great." He lied once more.

"Listen buddy, I know I'm every boy's fantasy girl at this school, but I haven't met one boy who is my fantasy man. Do you see the word choice? I'm looking for a man, not a boy. "Friends' is all I'm offering," she said.

Jay listened to what she said and quietly thought about it. He didn't know why, but for some reason, he felt emboldened by her words.

"I can handle being friends until I show you I'm a man and then it won't be enough," he said shocking both himself and Alejandra with his bold declaration.

She recovered from her surprise and seemed even more friendly with Jay.

"Knowing what you want and pursuing it is a manly quality, but to really be manly you can't just be happy with spoken resolutions. You have to make good on what you say," she said as she started walking back to the buss.

Her words were even more encouraging. She directly told him she wasn't opposed to him pursuing her, she just wanted him to be serious! He could handle that.

He quickly caught up with her walking next to her with a confident smile. She caught the sign of increased confidence and was very satisfied.

This was the first boy who took her words seriously. It made her happy.

The pair entered the bus and took their seats once more. Jay felt much more comfortable and didn't feel like he needs to hang all over her in fear that she would disappear like a shadow suddenly exposed to light.

When he sat down, his friends gathered around him. They didn't miss the fact he spent the entire restroom break walking around and talking with Alejandra.

"Hey man, did you two hook up or something?" Jesse asked him in a whisper.

"No, we're just friends." He said loud enough for Alejandra to hear him. His comment put a big smile on her face.

I'm sure some of you are like, "Dude, when are they going to get to the library? When is he going to synch up? All I can say to you is "be patient."

We're about to enter the library and you'll get to see the unusual choice Jay makes for his first synch. Stay tuned!

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