
The Black Flames of Destruction

Izuku Midoriya. A quirkless child who wants to be a hero. Even though people had their doubts about him, he never gave up. His childhood friend turned bully would torment him every time they met, with insults to physical pain. He was treated like trash, yet his passion to be a hero never wavered. The three most important person in his life has their faith in him, and that alone made the fire in his heart to be a hero even stronger. He wants to prove to everyone that a person in the lowest hierarchy in society can be great. A quirkless person can be a hero if they try hard enough and never give up. He wants to be the first quirkless hero. Or so he thought that he was quirkless and had no 'special power' whatsoever. He is in fact, the reincarnation of a being so powerful that his power can destroy the universe itself. What is this being you say? Akuma, The God of Destruction. But with that, comes great suffering. BNHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Every other reference I mentioned is also owned by their respective owners. -Credits to avery_aldini on Wattpad for editing and making the cover look better!-

hoov · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Ch. 8: The Birth of A Hero, Pt. 1

[Musutafu Beach, 10:45 AM JST]

3rd Person POV

All eyes were stuck on the dark-haired teenager that had just arrived on the scene in a bang, killing tens of monsters with a single thrust of his hand. The monsters stopped their stampede as soon as that air blast went through a row of them like a bullet through jelly, quick and easy. Confusion and shock were plastered all over their horrendous faces and the atmosphere became tense. Their many eyes glanced back and forth repeatedly from the line of monsters that were limp and lifeless on the ground, to the dark-haired teenager who just crash-landed five seconds ago.

Just who is this kid? Where did he come from?


...Or that.

Soleil was internally squealing in glee, fangirling at the sight of this mysterious, handsome young man that had just landed in front of her. His rippling muscles that felt like it echoes with the rhythm of her heart, his tall figure that brought a sense of security to her consciousness, his mature face that screamed 'gentleman', everything about him is perfect, especially for a young woman like her.

Her golden flaming hair began to sway side to side like a cat's tail as she stared dreamily into the red pools that are-


Soleil snapped out of her dream-like trance and looked to her side, and saw a sight she has rarely ever seen before. She saw All Might quaking in great fear, trembling from top to bottom. His face had shock and utter terror plastered on it. It was as if he saw the devil himself. This gained Soleil's curiosity. 'Why is All Might shaking?' She thought as her eyes began to glance back and forth between the dark-haired teen and the number one hero.

"This is no time to chit chat. Let's quickly finish this so the people won't suffer any longer." The dark-haired teen said with his tone as cold as ice, turning to face the horde of monsters that were still frozen in place.

Black substance began to appear on his calves, and from that black substance burst out grey-colored flames that were as intense as Endeavor's firepower back in his tip-top shape. He then blasted off towards the horde of monsters, appearing right in front of them in only a second, shocking everyone present.

"Piercing wind: Butchering Gale." The teen uttered as the flames on his leg kept him mid-air. The same black substance and grey flames emerged out of his fingers and he began to slash the air repeatedly at a speed so fast, Soleil, All Might, and Endeavor only saw gusts of wind blowing up and down. Hundreds of air slashes shot out and began to slice and dice everything in their path, turning the horde of monsters into a rain of shredded meat and rotten blood.

'What power! It's as powerful as the others! And that power is so ominous-looking it's almost demonic. Is that why All Might was trembling in fear? I don't understand Japanese at all, so I didn't understand what he said to him, but I think they have a connection somehow...' Soleil thought as she glanced her eyes between the dark-haired teen and All Might who was still stuck in place, with much more bewilderment on his face. 'I guess he hasn't seen that before..' She thought to herself again.

The dark-haired teen then exhaled a smoke-like substance out of his mouth and turned to face the three heroes that were still on the ground with his face as stoic and cold as ever.

"We must split up. Everyone else including the heroes and civilians that were lucky enough to still be alive are already in the evacuation zone waiting for help to arrive. We're the only ones left. I'll take on downtown where most of those monsters are. Soleil, go to the suburbs and don't forget to go all out. We don't know the weaknesses of these bastards are so we need to obliterate them with at least city-block level firepower. All Might, take on the mountains as there are fewer structures and lives there, so there's no need for you to hold back your smashes. But you still need to be careful, because the evacuation spots are scattered throughout the mountainside area. And finally, Endeavor to stay here on the coastline and blast them back to hell with 'Prominence Burn'. We'll rendezvous on my signal." The dark-haired teen said to them.

All of them were speechless by what they just heard, but they also felt relieved that everybody else was already safe.

But still, A teenager that was mature and confident enough to take on the leadership role, even though there were people who were more experienced than him was a very shocking sight to see. And what made it even more mind-boggling, was that the plan actually made sense, and it's the best they got at this time of crisis.

This made their heart filled with hope and pride, as the young generation, even though it's only one of them, showed them that they have what it takes to be better than the previous generation.

'He's like a younger version of Him with only slight differences. Just by looking at his face reminds me so much of the old times...I miss Him so much..' Soleil internally sighed as she remembered a certain someone's face who looked similar to the one in front of her, bringing her a sense of longing and nostalgia. But then she slowly widened her eyes as a thought surfaced in her mind.

'It can't be...right..? No, it definitely can't be. It's just a coincidence that their faces look similar. It must be..' Soleil thought, denying the previous that crossed her mind.

"We must move now. Be safe." The dark-haired teen uttered before blasting off, leaving a sonic boom and a trail of grey flames behind him. But before he got too far, All Might shouted, wanting to get his attention before it fell to deaf ears.


The teen now known as Izuku ignored it as he kept on flying towards the downtown district, killing a bunch of monsters on the way by sending out small but powerful air blasts by flicking the air.

'Aaah, so Izuku's his name..' Soleil thought.

All Might gritted his teeth as he grew frustrated, but he was then interrupted by Soleil who, again, stood on her tippy toes and tapped him by the shoulder.

"Get your grip together All Might, we need to finish this quickly." Soleil said to him as she gave him a reassuring smile.

"And also," She then gestured All Might to bent down as her smile contorted into a devious smirk. This made the number one hero felt a tad bit uncomfortable.

"You and he seem to be close. After this is over, we need to talk." She whispered in his ear before walking away and float into the air. All Might felt shivers ran down his spine and rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Soleil who was walking away from him.

But before Soleil flew away, she turned her head back looking towards the other two heroes who were still preparing themselves for their given tasks.

"Be safe okay?!" Soleil shouted. All Might replied with a thumbs up while Endeavor gave her a nod. She then grinned and blasted off towards the direction of the suburbs.

"I'll be taking off now." All Might said to Endeavor a few seconds after Soleil blasted off towards the suburbs.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Endeavor replied as he cracked his knuckles. All Might then bent down and leaped off with a boom, controlling his trajectory by flicking the air. Looking at the number one hero flying off, Endeavor sighed as he rolled his shoulders.

"They're all fucking strong. Too strong. Even that kid who just got here. Am I just...that weak..?" Endeavor asked himself as he stared at his fist. Suddenly, an image of Izuku's face flashed inside his mind.

"That kid...His face looks familiar..."


[Downtown Musutafu]

As Izuku arrived at the downtown district of Musutafu, he couldn't help but frown at the damage the monsters had created. The tall buildings had collapsed down to the ground, swallowed by a sea of fire. Molten lava was spewing out, turning everything near it into the liquid form of itself.

Monsters were ravaging the streets, tearing down buildings that somehow still stood even after two giant earthquakes and two big shockwaves struck them, playing with each other as if they were 4-year olds at the playground. Just the mere sight of them existing made Izuku want to puke.

The monsters one by one began to notice Izuku hovering high above them in the air. And with wicked smiles on their faces, they began to flap their jet-black wings and fly high into the air, speeding towards where Izuku was. But still, with the same cold glare, Izuku didn't falter nor even twitch a finger.

Izuku scanned the surroundings before making a conclusion. It was like a swarm of crazed ants rushing towards a single rock of sugar. 'There are thousands of them, varying in sizes, and no civilians left in sight. Either they already escaped towards the evacuation zones or they've been eaten and killed by those things. There's no time to mourn for the losses. All I can do now is to make them pay for what they've done. I should kill them all with one blow, even if I destroy this district in the process. That's the quickest and efficient way to finish this.' Izuku thought and cocked his right fist back, surrounding his right arm with his black aura. Grey flames exploded out of his arm and began to swirl around it, becoming denser and denser, until it takes the shape of his arm, albeit much much bigger, like an arm of a behemoth.

"Destructive wind: Thunder God's Smite."

Izuku began to drive his giant right arm forward, down towards the rushing monsters in front of him, ready to send them back to hell by death. But before his arm got halfway, a voice caught his attention. A voice that was familiar, yet it was not.


Izuku blinked and looked at his surroundings. 'What?' Izuku thought, confused by what he just heard.

"BROTHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" A young boy's voice shouted. His tone was of fear and panic.

'Brother? I don't have a brother.'

"Can't you see? I'm doing something interesting.." An older voice said. Then a glimpse of a hand pointing their palm towards a white ground flashed inside his mind. Then the floor cracked open and a weird-looking plant grew out of it. The plant itself was unnatural. It was maroon colored, with veins spreading all over it, glowing red each certain moment struck, like a heartbeat.

Izuku blinked again and was brought to the real world. The giant gauntlet that covered his arm faded away, and the black aura that coated his arm dissipated.

'Dammit, I got distracted! These random visions are fucking annoying!' Izuku thought as he quickly brought his arms forward into a fighting stance and activated his 'quirk' to coat both his arms. The weird-sounding roars of the monsters were quickly becoming louder and louder, cornering Izuku to make a sudden decision. 'This just had to bite me in the ass.' Izuku thought annoyedly as his red eyes glowed, emanating bloodlust towards the enemies upon him.

Izuku blasted down straight towards the horde of monsters, appearing right in front of them in a millisecond, and struck the forefront of the horde with a charged hook. The monster's head, still attached to its spine, immediately went flying off, and a shockwave exploded as the punch struck its cheek.

Izuku continued his slaughter by appearing in front of another monster with his left leg high in the air before driving it downwards. The monster's head was squished instantly, and its body was split in half.

Still in his flow of motion, Izuku turned around and brought his right leg sideways, striking a monster behind him with a spinning heel kick, splitting the monster in half. But the monster didn't kick the bucket yet as from the separated part of its body grew another one. Izuku clicked his tongue in annoyance before the grey flames surrounding his right fist began to swirl around. He then quickly jabbed the air in front of it, letting out a burst of air blast that turned the monster and its clone into two explosions of blood.

Not giving the monsters a chance to lay a single hand on him, Izuku began to spin around while flicking the air repeatedly, sending out a barrage of air blast that shredded a ton of monsters into pieces of flesh.

Izuku then shaped his hands into blades and began to spin around once more, sending out three circular air slashes towards the never-ending monsters that were approaching him, cutting the unlucky ones who didn't dodge into three pieces of monster meats.

'They're all cannon fodders. They're the greatest threat because of their strength in numbers.' Izuku thought as he ducked down avoiding some sort of dark purple orb that exploded after a few seconds. He then replied the kind gesture with his own, which is an air blast, that immediately erased its body, leaving only its limbs intact.

'There's no time to fool around. I need to finish this as quickly as possible so I can help the others.' Izuku thought as he brought both of his fists sideways, sending out two bursts of air that exploded ten monsters on each side into a rain of monster innards.



All Might dive-bombed from the sky at the speed of sound down towards a giant monster and struck it in the cheek with his fist, exploding its head to kingdom come and sending out a powerful gust of wind that erased a huge chunk of trees in his surroundings.

As the number one hero's feet touched the ground, he quickly moved on to the next nearest to him and diagonally divided it into four parts, shouting out 'Carolina Smash!!' while doing so.

He didn't waste much time and quickly took care of the monsters that were on the mountain. Earthquakes and shockwaves were present as he did so. A normal sight coming from the symbol of peace.

He then leaped off towards the next mountain, killing some of the monsters in the air with powerful air flicks that shredded them into puddles of blood.

But suddenly, a giant clawed hand struck him from his left side, sending him crashing down towards a mountain that created a big explosion. He didn't waste much time being embedded in the dirt as he quickly sprung up to his feet, dodging a downward fist that would've made his injuries even worse. The fist then struck the ground, creating a cloud of dust and lifting the ground below it.

'Phew~ Lucky! Good thing I guarded my left side in time, or else I would've been unable to move after that hand struck me the first time! What was that? I didn't even see one of those things near me that's big enough for it to have limbs that big. If there was one near me, I would've noticed it from a mile away! Enlargement? Invisibility? Elongation? What is it?' All Might mentally analyze as he wiped the blood that was slowly oozing out of his mouth, staring intently at the cloud of smoke in front of him.

'From what I've experienced, these creatures have two or three unique abilities each, and its powers are multiplied by ten. So this one's ability should be-' All Might's train of thought was cut off as the same clawed hand emerged out of the smoke, flying at incredible speed towards him.

All Might dodged it just in the nick of time by bending his body backward. The clawed hand seemed to have struck nothing but air, but in a flash, a huge portion of the trees behind the number one hero was shredded to pieces, shocking him by the fact that he would've maybe shared the same fate as the trees behind him if he didn't dodge in time.

'That speed and power! One wrong move could seriously injure me. I need to be caref-' As All Might was bending his body back up, he looked up to see the aggressor already right on top of him with its left arm cocked back ridiculously high into the sky.

It was a male-like humanoid figure with the physique of an 18-year old MMA fighter. Young, lean, and physically toned. His eyes were pitch black, dead with no emotions in them. He had a long, spiky, dark red-colored hair that reached his back, giving off a 'wild and unkempt' impression. Black, line-like tattoos were seen going down his shoulders down to his chest diagonally, before vertically down towards his pelvis, disappearing into the white, genie-Esque shorts that he wore.

'A human?!' All Might thought in shock as he quickly brought his arms up to guard the incoming blow, knowing nothing else of what to do in the heat of the moment.

'Shit...This is gonna hurt!'

The attacker sent his left arm down towards the number one hero with a speed rivaled that of his own. A giant, blood-red-colored fist then struck the number one hero down to the ground, creating a grand explosion of dust and dirt.

The impact was powerful enough to make the ground below cave in and create a shockwave that blew all the trees in their surroundings high into the air.


The sound of an explosion was caught in Ochako's ears. She turned her head towards the direction of the sound and saw a cloud of smoke rising into the air.

As she gazed intently at the cloud of smoke rising high into the air, she slowly narrowed her eyes. But then she widened them back, but with a feeling of uneasiness in her stomach.

"The gravity over there...it felt very heavy...My stomach feels weird...I've never felt like this before..." She muttered under her breath.

"What is going on..?"

[10:55 AM JST]

To be continued.