
Parting Ways

"It's raining."

Stella thought as she peered through her apartment window.

"It's been raining a lot as of late. I hope it doesn't flood, if it does, all of my cute shoes are going to be ruined."

She sadly thought to herself.

*Tap * Tap

"Hm? What was that noise ?"

*Tap *Tap

"There it is again. It's coming from the window."

She moved closer and saw the little yellow canary shivering in the corner of the sill.

"You poor thing!"

She quickly opened the window as the freezing air filled the room. Ignoring the icy wind, she took Tai-chi inside, shut the window, and immediately started to warm him up. When he was warmed up, he clung to Stella none stop.

Stella really didn't mind it and allowed him to cling as much as he wanted in fact, she pampered him with all the head pats he desired. Tai-chi was glad to be back in Stella's warmth and wished that it lasted forever. That wish,  got him remembering what was in the book.

'Another thousand years is required before its opening again.'

"Stella, what will happen when the portal closes and we won't be able to see each other again? Why is life so cruel? Why!? Why!? Oh, Stella!"

He sobbed.

"No. I won't think about that, I'll just enjoy it while it lasts."

Stella could tell something was wrong as he suddenly became gloomy and passive and thus, hugged him. It made Tai-chi feel a lot better. She was able to get him to relax. That day ended with Tai-chi and Stella dozing off on the sofa.

To spend as much time with his beloved and finish his ton load of responsibilities as a duke, Tai-chi would constantly leap between worlds as much as possible. Though, him suddenly vanishing from the mansion constantly, piqued Ray's interest.

"I've got to go. Take over for me."

Tai-chi said leaving his desk that was practically buried under mountains of paper.

*Sigh." I can't ignore this anymore. You're leaving again? Where do you keep running off to? You're supposed to stay here under orders of the Emperor..."

Tai-chi ignored him and was already reaching for the door.

you could be penalized tremendously if you keep ignoring...!"

"I know."

"Then why do you still insist on leaving even when you know the possible outcome of your actions?

Tai-chi simply respond with—

" She's waiting for me."

With a smile on his face. Ray was speechless. He knew him for almost his entire life and not once had he heard those kinds of words come from Tai-chi. Tai-chi left leaving Ray alone in the office deep in thought.

"He's changed a lot during the time he left. I guess that girl he mentioned played a significant role in his alteration.  Still, I wonder how she was able to exceptionally conquer his heart that he'd leave his work this unfinished. 'Take over' he said. How very troublesome."

Ray sighed.

The leaps between the worlds were nearing its end. Three days were left before the portal was shut. Around that time, Ray had left on an important business trip outside of the empire. He was to attend it in Tai-chi's steed since he couldn't yet leave his estate or rather, not in the eyes of the Emperor.*(referring to his secret journeys to Earth)

During those days, Tai-chi had become extremely depressed and hardly even left earth. He continuously pondered.

"If I stay in the human realm, then I'll be able to be with Stella more."

"But, when her lifespan is no more...when that day instantly arrives... I..won't be able to handle it.

He cried.

He couldn't accept the fact that he would be without Stella for the rest of his elven existence. He was constantly thinking about Stella almost every second of his life.

Two days had passed. The dreaded day had arrived. This left a tremendous impact on Tai-chi's mental state.

"The thought of leaving Stella, never being able to be beside her, to see her smile again, Will she be alright without me? What type of people will meet in the future? ... Who would be her future companion?... will she forget about me?"

All those thoughts flooded Tai-chi's mind. Until he started to question things he never thought of before.

"What if I never met Stella, to begin with? I'm sure it wouldn't have turned out his way."

"...It hurts so much."

"No.  What am I thinking? I'm happy I met Stella. She made me realize things I couldn't realize on my own. She thought me the meaning of the word love. She's incredible in every possible way. My dearest Stella, how could I have thought about those kinds of things?"

"I promise I won't ever do that again.

*Time skip*

It nearing dawn, Stella was sleeping peacefully in her room. Tai-chi had spent the entire night there. He looked out the window and saw that it was still dark. In a swift moment, he changed into his elven form and sat beside her.

"You look so cute when you sleep ."

He chuckled as he brushed aside her hair from her sleeping eyes.

"I have to leave soon... I guess I'm breaking my promise to you huh?"

"...I said I'd stay with you forever. I'm such a bad person aren't I? I've been with you for this short amount of time but somehow, you've fully captured my heart."

"I can't imagine myself being beside anyone other than you Stella. And I can't imagine you being beside someone THAT... ISN'T...ME! Maybe I should put a spell on you so all men will drop dead if they come too close to my beloved."

He said caressing her face.

"You're so beautiful and lovely."

"Maybe I shouldn't do that, it'll cause a scene. I know you don't like to receive attention, oh Darling, you see how far I'm going for you, I won't do anything even though it pains me."

He then started playing with her short brown hair.

"Remember that time when we went for ice cream and you poured your eyes out because it fell?"


" That was the second time I saw you cry. I didn't know you cried for such petty things too. The first time I ever saw your crying face was when we first met. You held me so gently and carefully when I was suffering. You did everything you could just to make sure that I had a second chance at life.

His heart ached. He paused for a moment and tears began to pour out of his eyes. Not even trying to hold it back, he continued,

"Stella, I'm really glad I met you."


Stella spoke during her sleep. Tai-chi's eyes widened at her reply and smiled happily as he wiped away his tears and gently kissed her hand.

"You are the fairest."

He squeezed her hand. He didn't want to let go of Stella's hand but it was inevitable. The sun rays were already beaming into the room.

He didn't want Stella to see his pathetic crying face, so he chose to leave before the sun came up.

"...I have to go now.

"...Goodbye, my love."

He let go of her hand and as he was walking to the window, he felt a slight tug on his shirt. Stella had pinched the back of it.

"Don't go."

She mumbled still wrapped in sleep.


He was speechless. He turned around and kissed her on her cheek.

"Don't worry, You'll always be in my heart and as long as you still remember me, I won't be gone."

He unfolded his large yellow wings and stood by the window. Stella slightly opened her eyes and very blurrily saw the winged figure. However, she instantly fell asleep again.

"I'll miss you so very much. "

As Tai-chi turned around, a red string suddenly became visible then quickly faded invisibly again.

"Farewell, Stella."

He whispered as he flew out the window in anguish.

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