
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Fantaisie
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73 Chs


[Princess Sarah's POV]

Finally, the day has come for me to meet Elyse on this glorious occasion. I've been waiting for this moment and finally, this day has arrived. As I was sitting in my desk chair, I scribbled down in my notebook with drawings of my mother, Chrystiana De Zues or also known as "Tina" or "Master Lucia".

I draw her beautiful midnight blue hair and her beautiful color-changing eyes that always captivate men when she walks through the crowd. Her long eyelashes complimented her beautiful face shape and pale white skin like the coldest night of December — her birthday, December 26th.

In just her stare, men would tremble in fear except for my father, The King of Chetan, Seth who's infatuated with my mother, Tina. Rumors have been circling in the past when mother Tina entered the Soul Kingdom as my mother — everyone says she'll be the next queen of Soul Kingdom. However, that did not happen since she was The Master of the Aracnia Empire. In the Soul Kingdom, everyone admired her authority and how she ruled the Kingdom. She was the perfect Queen. Of course, everyone can say that to her. Because she was trained to be Queen at the moment, she joined the alphas as the future wife of King Samuel who's also one of the Alphas of the past.

Nevertheless, Tina is not my biological Mother, yet I still call her one because I see her as my mother. My biological mother died giving birth to me. My biological mother doesn't like the eternal snow of Chetan because she has a weak body, but because of political reasons, my biological mother was married to her father nonetheless. But that didn't stop the unconditional love my father has for me. At a very young age, I saw Tina for the first time. She was scared of course. Her purple eyes whose original color of her eyes feels as if it's stabbing you when you look into her eye. She looks at you with such no emotions yet her embrace feels warm — a kind of warm that I couldn't receive from my biological mother that's why I wanted her to become my mother.

My father did agree in the end and Master Lucia or Tina had no other choice but to be my mother because of my father's request. They were close friends, however, because my father fell in love with Master Lucia, their friendship broke and it became a struggle for my father until he married my biological mother.

But something happened in the past and Master Lucia became corrupted because of some unknown entity my father tried to help her but she would always refuse. Because of this, their broken friendship was mended in a strange way.

As Master Lucia acted as my mother in my childhood days, she looked cold and lonely at the same time that's why I always play with her. One day, it was a festival in the human realm, she took me out without my father's permission and we stroll through the holy festival of the Aracnia Empire once known to be Olympia Empire. There, I finally saw the genuine smile she gave me at long last under those beautiful golden lights floating in the sky. At that age, I didn't know it was a lantern festival until I became a lady. At that time, it was the best moment I have had in my entire life. And the first time I saw and feel the warmth as I was born and raised in the everlasting cold winter of Chetan.

When I turned 15, Master Lucia brought me a white tiger puppy. I was happy to receive it because it was the first gift she gave me since she entered my life. And, it was also the last gift she ever gave me. Because on that same day, she didn't come back to the Chetan Kingdom anymore.

I stayed up all night waiting for her on those coldest nights of December as if I was a lost puppy. I stopped waiting for her all night — but I didn't stop waiting for her through the daytime. I would always look outside the window, hoping for a shadow of Master Lucia going through the window or anything that I can see or catch seeing it. But there was none.

Until I heard the news of my mother disappearing. I quickly used up all of my powers to search for her and in the process, I found out the reason why she was corrupted and why she didn't come back. I cried that night after I found out and I couldn't stop crying.

"She endured it all along without any help from anyone. She was alone all these times, afraid of her trauma going back to haunt her again."

And when I found Elyse who can help my mother, I felt relieved and excited to see her.

Going back to the present, I smiled after I finished my drawing.

"Your Highness, everything is ready," A maid knocked on the door and entered. I nodded my head and she bowed her head.

"I can finally meet you, Elyse."


[The Day of Grand Ball]

As I walked through the beautiful padisarah flowers in the hallway, entering the huge doors of the ballroom, I saw Elyse from afar and my eyes widen in surprise to see her looking exactly like Aniya. Although, her eyes are hazel and her hair is brown — with a little re-touch she can still be considered a look-alike of Aniya.

However, I saw her smiling. And that smile reminded me of Tina — my mother. Elyse was smiling through the whole dance with Arbor, I couldn't help but feel as if my wish has been fulfilled to see Elyse smiling like my mother.

I miss her.

"Sarah?" Father approached me with him holding a drink in his hand. I turn around to look at father and I smiled brightly.

"Father, you're finally here," I said and he nodded his head. Silver-grey hair and grey eyes, with his pale white skin and rose-colored pink lips. Father looks like a walking dead or a walking ghost in the past — however, no matter what people said in the past, they cannot belittle his ethereal beauty as if he was The God of Souls, The God of Death's brother in the legend. And that's half true. Father has a bloodline of the God of Souls and he's the 32nd descendant of their bloodline which makes him the 32nd King of the Chetan Kingdom too.

Father was once hailed as one of the Alphas because of his bloodline, but, Duchess Vierra and The Emperor of Old Olympia denied him and he became just "Seth". But even so, he became friends with my mother and the Alphas which make his one-sided love start.

Even now, I know my father still loves my mother. After my birth, he didn't search for a new Queen when his mother came back into his life, even when she ran away from us, he never thought of having another woman in his life. I remembered in my childhood, I once asked my father why she loves Mother Tina so much.

He answered, "She reached out her hands towards me, getting me out from the dark days of my life. She did everything for me to be set free, and that's why I admired her. Maybe because of this, I couldn't let her go. Because she gave me the vision to see the world in a positive way."

He said that once with a gentle gaze. That's when I realized how pitiful my father was. My mother, Tina, loved someone else and that is not King Samuel. Father confirmed it to me.

"Have you met with Elyse?" Father spoke making me come back to the present. I look into him and say, "Ah, she's right over there but — "

Our attention suddenly shifted to Lady Louisette Hildegarde, eyes scary as the red sun and hair black as the ashes of the ones who died in the war. I couldn't help but feel agitated to see her humiliating Elyse in front of everyone. I know what she says is a lie — I have the ability to perceive what is true and lies. I was about to defend Elyse but she stood up for herself which made me proud and feel happy.

I have been observing Elyse from the moment her family died. Something activated my crystal ball to foresee the Human Realm and the face of Elyse showing up in the crystal ball made me think she was the one I'd been waiting for. She will grow beautifully using her strongest attribute from herself, but I never knew she will grow this much in just a span of months.

She's indeed Aniya's Descendant.

Lady Louisette Hildegarde was humiliated when Elyse spoke up for herself. The Emperor and Empress were left in range to see Aniya's Descendant be humiliated, in the end, Lady Louisette was locked up in her room with no audience or visitor to allow inside her room. When Louisette came back to The Hildegarde Mansion, I heard she was severely punished for degrading a member of The Royal Family.

Aniya is still a member of the royal family of Rahania, and she is also an aristocrat. Which makes Elyse also a member of The Royal Family of Rahania. But because of the downfall of Aniya, her descendants suffered poverty — believed to be cursed by Tina.

Although it was really Aniya's fault for their downfall, not my mother's.

The next morning came and it was time for my morning tea break after breakfast. As I sat down beside the bedroom window admiring the beautiful scenery of Rahania, I called for Nana.

"Nana, can you call the butler for me? I want to meet Elyse," I said to Nana and she nodded her head with a smiling face. Later on, my personal butler came and gave me courtesy.

"You called, your highness?" My butler spoke.

"Please deliver this letter to Elyse, butler." I gave him the letter I quickly wrote and he nodded his head, accepting the letter.

"Yes, your highness the Princess." He answered and quickly went outside to deliver the message.

I waited for a while until I heard the knock on my bedroom door, announcing that Elyse has arrived.

"Your Highness, Lady Elyse Valentina has arrived," the guard said behind the doors.

"Let her in." I firmly answered and the doors opened and Elyse appeared right in front of me. I smiled. Looking at her this close reminded me of Aniya but her eyes would always remind me of Mother. Although, the color of her eyes is starting to come back to its original form.

Elyse was born in a unique way. Her original appearances are silver hair and golden yellow eyes — looking exactly like Aniya. It made her parents frightened by it not just for her appearance but for their survival, so they made a magic potion that can shift Elyse's hair and eye color to hazel and brown colors. But that didn't wash away the aura Elyse have.

"Your Highness, Princess Sarah of Chetan Kingdom greets this humble Lady to you, the child of everlasting winter. I am Elyse Valentina, Aniya's Descendant." She greeted and I was taken aback by what she said.

"Are you... accepting that Aniya is your Ancestor?" I couldn't help but to ask which made her flinch. Maybe she didn't realize it but I still feel very happy.

'What would be your reaction if only you knew who you were in the past, Elyse?'

"You called me, Your Highness?" She changed the topic and I let it slide.

"I know you needed my help," I spoke straightforwardly.

"Indeed, the rumors of Your Highness being straightforward are true. Then, I guess this saves me time to explain." Elyse whispered but enough for me to hear.

"Your Highness, I want to save my family," Elyse said with determination in her eyes firing at me.

"I do admit, I admire your determination, Lady Elyse. But saving your family from Mara will not be an easy feat." I answered. I personally don't know Mara. But knowing what happened to my mother, I can already guess her personality. A mere mortal dares to use an immortal for her to become immortal.

Besides Mara, there is also a bigger problem than her and that is Cain. He's the God of End yet he is more known to be The Devil. Cain is sleeping for now because of the war between Tina and him but based on my informant, Cain is already awake and it is waiting for Tina to be destroyed.

Although my mother is a strong person with her strong powers and abilities, she's still a weak person. Above all, Mother is corrupted.

"I know who I am up to, Your Highness." She spoke and I saw her tightening her jaw and clenching her fist.

"But I can't just wait and watch my family in the hands of the enemy. I want to search for the old Master in order to help me save my family. I want to find a way to save them. Please, Your Highness, help me." She spoke.

I can also help save your family Elyse, but I have made a contract with my mother...

I sigh. "Agreed. But before that, I must tell you to ready yourself, Elyse. I will be transporting you back to the past where I believe the old Master is resting." It made Elyse feel puzzled by what I just said.

"What do you mean back in the past?"

"The old Master is corrupted. The reason why she's covering her face is not that she has the face of a monster or she's a faceless person. But because she has the mark of corruption on her face — a kind of mark that Mara left inside her body after she manipulated the old master, Lucia. Even though she outsmarted Mara back in the past, the mark didn't disappear and it stayed there as if it's a sign of the past mistakes she did which haunted her forever."

Elyse didn't say anything after I explained.

"You need to know something more, Elyse," I spoke after a long pause from my explanation.

"What is it?"

"You will know if you're ready," I said and she nodded. I chuckled. "You're so determined, Elyse. Almost as if you trust me."

"I have no other choice, Your Highness. I want to see my family sooner." She explained.

"Then what if I didn't say yes and instead abandoned your cries for help like how other people did to you?"

"I have a feeling that you are not that kind of a person, Your Highness. You don't abandon people because you have experience abandonment in the past. But you've met the old master and you treated her as your own mother. You know what family is more than I do." Elyse said as if she knows me very well.

"Indeed, you are Aniya's Descendant. You definitely know everything very well." I slowly walk towards her and caress her cheeks.

"Please, find my mother for me. She's the only person in the world that I can lean on besides my father." I whispered in her ear.

"I will. Thank you, Princess Sarah." Elyse said in her soft tone. I smiled as I kissed her forehead and a beam of light came transporting her back into the past.


: hello readers of The Binding Fates! The next chapters will be the side stories of our beloved side characters! The next chapter of this current chapter (Chapter 58) will be on the 1st chapter of Season 2, (Chapter 59) So stay tuned everyone!

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