

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Urbain
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31 Chs

lious is mine

{Ella pov}

These past few days I have been soo nice, lious actually changed his ways,he even avoid having meetings with some females investors,he will always to take me along with him when he have such meeting. Lious and I are getting close to each other,he told me everything about him,I tried to stop him but he always said friends don't hide things from each other.

"You have a meeting with liam clinton,"I announced immediately i step into his office.

"We will leave in five minutes," he replied.

"How is the project going with the china investors?"he asked.

"It has started and it going well,mr gray is in charge of the project,"I reported.

"That good,he shouldn't disappoint them,"he said.

"Am sure he won't,"I replied then I left his office to prepare the files I needed at the meeting with liam clinton. Five minutes later,we already on our way to the restaurant were we will be meeting liam dalton,not long the car halt at the front of the restaurant lious and I step out of the car and walk straight into the restaurant.

"It a pleasure to finally meet you mr lious maxwell,"liam greeted.

"Same here mr liam,"lious replied and shake his hand.

"Who is this geogerous lady by your side?"Liam asked immediately he noticed me.

"she's my secretary,"lious replied.

"you look soo beautiful for a secretary,"he said and shake my hand.

"thank you soo much sir,"I replied and take a glance at lious,and I saw lious frowning his face and staring at my hand which was held with liam's own then I slowly withdraw my hand.

We all sat and lious and liam begin to talk about business while I just listen. Some minutes later, lious and liam were discussing about business,we were about to leave when liam stop me and asked me for my phone number. I was about to give him when lious stop me,he gave liam a hard stare.

"If you want to talk about business then you should call me directly,"lious said to liam and pull me out of the restaurant.

{Lious pov}

Through out my meeting with liam,liam kept taken a glance at ella and it makes pissed off like I should punch him in the face but I can't just do that because I need to control myself. After the meeting,liam asked ella for her phone number so he could contact her later she was about to give him her contact when I pull her and glare at liam.

"If you want to talk to me about business then call me directly," I said and pull ella out.

"Why did you do that?"Ella asked immediately we step out of the restaurant.

"I did that because liam is nothing but a womanizer,he wants your number so he could ask you out,"I said.

"You shouldn't have acted that way,"ella replied.

"I was just trying to protect you from him,"I yelled.

"I don't need your protection lious,I could take care of myself besides am not a kid,"Ella yelled back.

"Am sorry if it is how I make you feel,"I said and step into the car. Am trying to protect her from liam,liam is not a good guy he doesn't care about anyone feelings. Ella join me in the car then I drove off, throughout our journey back to the company was silent and it hurts. Soon, we arrived at the company I step out of the car and throw the car keys to my driver then I head to my office leaving ella to herself.

I was going through some files when ella walk in but I ignore her precense and continue with my work.

"Am soo sorry lious,I shouldn't have said that, please stop ignoring me,"ella said then I stood up from my chair and walk up to her.

"Am sorry too,"I replied then she hugged me.

"Promise you won't ignore me again,"ella said as she pulled away from the hug.

"It soo hard to ignore you ella because it as if am punishing myself instead,"I replied.

"Awwn soo cheesy,"ella giggled.

"Only for you,"I said.

"Can we go for launch now?"Ella asked.

"Let go,"I replied and then we left the office.


"Sir,a lady is here to see you,"my secretary announce.

"Let her in,"Ryan replied.

"It seems you secretary doesn't know who iam,"mum said immediately she step into my office.

"It because you don't come over more often,"Ryan replied.

"How have you been son?"mum asked.

"am good mom,what are you doing here?"ryan asked.

"I came to see how you are doing son?"mum replied.

"the son you abandon for your other son,you left me,you never care about my own feelings and now you came to check if am okay or not,"Ryan yelled.

"am soo sorry son,I have no other choice then,"mum said with tears in her eyes.

"that what you keep saying,just leave right now I don't want to see you around again,"Ryan said.

"am soo sorry my son,"mum said then she picked up her bag and left.

"why is she suddenly back?"Ryan asked himself and sigh.

{Author pov}

"this is all the information about ella recce,"max said.

"are you sure these is all the information about her,"lia asked.

"yes ma'am,"he replied.

"you may leave,"lia said. Immediately max left the room,lia picked up her phone and send a message to someone.

"Get ready to feel my wrath Ella,I will make sure I destroy you and lious relationship,am sure lious doesn't know about your past,"lia said to herself.

"Lious is mine,"lia smirks...