

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Urbain
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31 Chs


Ella allowed Louis to kiss her lips, she couldn't kiss him back because she was still shocked by his confession.

He parted the kiss softly and smiled at her.

"I understand that you don't love but I will give you as much time as you wish, I've hurt you and compared you to other sluts but now I realize that you are different and that's, why I love you" Louis said and Ella blushed..

Ella surprisingly kissed his lips and they both opened up to each other, sliding their tongues into each uther a mouths, relishing the sweetness from their lips. Louis bit her lips gently.

"Louis…" She moaned, he can't belive she just did that.

It made him kiss her more, their lips battling fur supremacy, hus hand suddenly moved to her back, his hand travelled into her blouse, Ella's eyes widened when he almost unhooked her bra.

Ella instantly broke the kiss,Louis removed his hand.

"Erm… I'm not ready" Ella stuttered shyly.

Louis smiled and kissed her lips.

"So do you love me?" Louis asked caressing her lip with his thumb.

"I don't know but I know I kind of like you now" Ella smiled.

"I used to hate you before" She said sincerely, it hurt him a bit but at least that is in the past now.

"I'm no longer a jerk" Louis chuckled.

"You have to prove it" She muttered and tugged his nose.

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted.

Ella simply laughed, her cheeks were flushing red.

"I should let you sleep, good night" Louis said and kissed her lips quickly.

He stood up and walked to the door.

"Sweet dreams" He smiled.

"Good night, Jerk!" Ella giggled.

He left the room and shut the door slowly.

"He loves me" Ella muttered and butterflies suddenly filled her belly.

"OMG!" Ella almost screamed.

"I shouldn't be too excited" She cautioned herself but still rolled on the bed excitedly.


Lia's apartment ***

"Kennedy!!!" Lia screamed over the phone…

"Why are you so dumb?!" Lia yelled angrily.

"That… fool beat me up" Kennedy stuttered, struggling to talk.

"He should have killed you, you are an idiot!" Lia yelled and hung up.

"Piece of crap!" Lia added and began pacing around in her room.

"You keep escaping our traps, but even if the last thing I do on earth I swear to get rid of you, Ella" Lia swore and threw her phone in the bed.

"I guess I have to take care of things myself," Lia said picked up her phone.

"Drake " She muttered searching for the assassin's number.

She dialled his number.

"Drake, I have a job for you" Lia said as he answered.

"I need you to get rid of a, girl, she's been a pest and I have to exterminate her" Lia said and smirked hatefully.


"Are you feeling very well now?"lious asked Ella.

"yes iam and it all thanks to you lious,"Ella replied.

"I will drop you off at your apartment,"lious said and went to pick up his car key.

****Some minutes later****

"thanks lious for saving me,"Ella said immediately they arrived at her apartment.

"I can't allow anything bad to happen to you Ella,I love you soo much Ella and I promise to protect you,"lious replied making Ella blush hard.

"thank you lious,"Ella said as she step out of his car.

"I will pick you up tomorrow for our first date,"lious replied and kiss Ella on her forehead.

"I love you soo much Ella, take care of yourself,"lious added then he enter his car and drove off while Ella enter her apartment.


**Next Day*

Ella smiled as she woke up and yawned lazily.

She can't stop thinking about Louis, the kiss was just too perfect, no man have ever kissed her that way and here is one who is ready to make her feel like queen.

"I need time to think about," she said as some thought came to her mind.

"Time?..." She asked herself again but this time her eyes looked blurry as she sat gently on the bed.

She stare at her phone as a notification came to her phone screen.

~Ella I missed you... Hope you have the perfect night ever, cause I do~ she blushed as she read out the message.

"Awwn... I need to take things easy," she bit her lip and walked into the bathroom.

She walked out after took her bath as she immediately combed her hair and apply the ointment in her skin.

She applied it on her hair too as she immediately put on her dress.

She is dressed in a pink short gown that reveals her curve, in match with a golden coloured pair of shoes and purse.

She walked out of her apartment when she saw Loius standing beside his car.

"Let go..." Louis said and she laughed.

"You didn't even bother to greet me or are you mad at me?..." She asked as he nods his agreement to what she said.

"When the F*" she hit him in his chest as he chuckled.

"Morning my queen... How was your night," he teased with a smile on his face.

"Wonderful just as you didn't bother to ask me in the first place," she said and walked into the car as Loius did same.

Loius start the car as it was brought to life and drove off.


They alight from the car and Ella walked into her office as Louis did same too.

The workers bowed their head as they greet him, he waved his hand at him as he walked into his office.

"Geez... So I have these piles of files and i came late... Damn". She cursed as she sat down to go through the file.

Her phone beep again as she unlocked it to check the unread messages.

~Let meet when you are done going through those files~

The message read as she giggled.

She quickly go through those files and sign them before walking out of her office.

"She is just sassy..."

"I heard she seduced our boss just to become his girlfriend..."

"It not even up to an hour she came here and now she is going before us..."

Some workers gossiped as she walked pass them, she pretend not hear them as she arranged her hair and walked out of the company building.


Ella walked to Louis car as she saw him smiling.

"What is that smile all about?". She asked.

"Nothing... Just smiling like usual," he replied making her chuckle.

"Just smiling?... of course the Louis I know won't smile just because he want, any way you can keep it to yourself cause I am very hungry." She said and walked into the car as they drove off.

★Crown Restaurant★

They stopped at the food restaurants as she praised the building on how beautiful it is.

"You exaggerate too much... We can build mansion that is more beautiful than this when we get married," he said staring at her.

She couldn't resist the urge anymore, his lip are so tempting that it make her wet.

She drew his collar closer as she moved her head to his face and smashed her lip on his.

"Ella..." He gasp as they break from the kiss.

"Huh?... Don't you like it?". She ask and he sigh before he could say anything, he never imagined her to kiss him first.

"Nothing... Just that am pressed and have to use the restroom," he said as he walked out of the car.

Drake who have been at the other side of their car saw everything that transpired, he quickly seized the opportunity of delivering his job.

Ella but her lip as she played with it, she waited for Louis for about thirty minutes but he have not come.

"What is keeping him late?.... Is something wrong?". She asked herself as her eyes scan everywhere for Louis but he is not...

"Lemme go find out by myself," she said and walked out of the car as she head to the restaurant door.

Drake took the opportunity and pull the trigger as the bullet pierced through chest making her fall to the ground with blood gushing out from her mouth and nostrils.

"Ella! Ella!" Louis screamed as he walked up to her and took her into the car as he drove off.

★Lia Apartment★

"Ms Lia... The deal is done," Drake said as he show her the picture of Ella laying lifeless on the ground.

"Drake are you for real?"she ask as she hugged him tight.

"Yes... She should be dead by now''. He echoed as she streched him the money in a white envelope.

"It complete..." She muttered and he nods his head as he place it into his pocket and walked out.

"I can't wait to have my man... At last that winch is gone..."