

  Damien didn't bother putting his laptop in the soft briefcase. He just tucked the machine under his arm, grabbed his bags and headed for his car.

  "Good morning sir," Thomas greeted

  Muttering a response, Damien got into the car.

  "Miss Gilbert has a session with her therapist today, do you want me to trail her Sir?" Thomas asked.

  "That won't be necessary, I have other plans for Gilbert. I'll keep in touch when I need you" Damien said and zoomed off to work.

  Annie had spent most of her time unpacking, she had not had the time to fully unpack since she moved into her new home, courtesy of her promotion. She was finally done with it and was about to have her bath when a call came in.

  "Hello," a female voice said.

  "Hello, who is this?" Annie asked.

  "Is this Miss Annie Gilbert?" The female voice asked.

  "Who is asking?"

  "I'm calling on behalf of Dr Robert concerning your session today. What time would be suitable for you to be here for your session?"