


"Momaa,when are we going to reach to your home?"Max asks with a confused look on his face.At this time,I so badly want to pinch his chubby cheeks.But I know that will earn me a scolding like,'Momma,don't touch by cheeks.It makes me feel like a kid.'And I roll my eyes saying,'You are a kid,dear.'Then he makes a disgusting face.

Kids,these days!!

"We will reach there so soon."I say with a slight smile on my face.

"You are saying that from last two hours."He says whining.I love my son but now I am annoyed with him.I mean it was literally like two hundredth time that he has asked me same question.

"Sleep,Max."I order him.He makes his 'dislike' face.And after another fifteen minutes of his whining and complaining about the bad treatment of the plane,I hear his sweet snores.My baby is just so cute.When he was born I had wished that he looked like me but everything except his blonde hair clearly show his father's influence.

I close my eyes and think about the past that I've been hiding from.

As I see in my past,I should think about all trouble I got into but the only thing now I can think is the positive side of it.I smile as I look at the bundle of joy that was resting in the next seat of mine.My six year old son,Max.

Two days ago,I was so shocked after hearing the news that my father had a major heart attack via media.Then I called my mother,and scolded her for not telling me.She told me not to worry and it wasn't a major problem.But I could tell by her broken voice that she was lying.It definitely was a serious problem.

I know that it is the time to take my responsibility.Time to face the things that I have been running from.

So here I am,in the plane going towards the New York,leaving the great memories of California behind.I miss those old days when I was carefree.I can feel my eyes struggling to remain opened but I know that I will eventually loose the battle due to the stress I am under since last two days.When my eyes close,I see a few events from my past.

(Note:-All time formates are mm/dd/yyyy)

Character description:-

1.Lillian Shelby

Appearance  :-A girl with blond hair and fair pale skin.She may have inherited her father's blue eyes,she has her mother's fascial features along with her hair.

Nature :-She is neither too shy or too extroverted person.She only speaks when necessary.

Age       :-25years and 11months in prologue.For the next chapters around 19years and 3months

Mother :-Rebecca Shelby

Father :-Edward Shelby

Brother :- (Younger)Austin Shelby

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