
The Authorization V

Kit's [POV]

"That's the most ridiculous thing you've said so far."

Chloe, my seatmate on the plane, is peering at me over her glass of wine. We're only three hours into the thirteen-hour trip from Madrid to L.A. She's on her fifth glass. I'm on my fourth.

"No, it's not, Kit," she says, draining her glass. "I'm just saying that successful relationships require sacrifice."

"Yes, Chloe, but sacrifice works both ways. I've lived in Spain for two years. He can make a sacrifice for once."

"Yes, sacrifice works both ways, but you kind of changed the game up on him, right? I mean, he's been honest with you from day one about never wanting to leave Spain."

I take a long drink. "I get that, but I can change my mind any time I want. Things change. People change. Change is good."

"I know, but you can't be mad at him for not wanting to move"

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