
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 - Rose the Best Waifu.

It has been four months since Edward vanished, some adventurers close to Edward was starting to look for him even Hiro's group was looking where Edward is.

Rose a slender young woman with waist-length, reddish hair, and dull violet eyes. Her hair, which she prefers to let loose, ranges in ginger shades all the way from mahogany to auburn. She is known as one of the beauties in the Ashbridge Kingdom.

Rose is sitting in the receptionist table in the Adventurer's guild with a gloomy expression. She was doing her best and endure what happened. Four of here supposed to be 'sisters' left the man she loves. She did lose hope and believe that Edward is still alive.

Rose was known as a cheerful girl but this changed when Edward was lost. it's as if she is a different person.

"It's already four months, Edward, where are you?" Rose mumbled while her eyes are moist. She clenched the necklace that Edward gave to him.

"Still no news?" An old man at the side drinking a beer said.

"No, I heard that Edward went to the Forest of Ragnarok. A youngster told me, " a man in his late thirties said.

"That was four months ago." The old man then stood up and continued to talk. "Don't worry lady Rose, we will look for your husband again today. That man saves us from an Ogre attack. It is our turn to help him, we could have died back then.

Rose looked at the old man and nodded her head without saying anything. The adventurers around felt pain looking at the most cheerful receptionist in the Guild and it seems like this Edward has a good reputation.

While this happens, a group of Adventurers arrive in the hall, it was Hiro and her past 'sisters'.

The group walked towards Rose with concern expressions.

"What do you want?" Rose said coldly without even looking at them. All the Adventurers in the building glance to the Events, they mostly know about the Drama happening and felt bad about the young man Edward.

"Look, Rose, Edward is gone okay? No matter where we look, we didn't find him, even his clothes." Hiro said and was about to touch Rose's shoulder but suddenly they heard a large hammer fell down from their back.

It was the old man that lately.

"Touch Lady Rose and we won't be polite." The Old man said releasing a killing intent.

Even the Adventurers started to stand up and started at Hiro. What is planning? Stealing all the girls that his 'best friends Edward have? What more his trying to manipulate Rose in this situation.

"I disgust you, all of you," Rose mumbled then stared at the girls behind Hiro.

"Didn't you know how much he sacrificed because of you four? Did you remember how he almost died by saving you? Jane?

The woman Jane, with blonde hair and cute face only looks down in shame.

"Haaaaa." Rose releases an exaggerated sigh then continued.

"Rose come with me. You can rest in my room." A green-haired woman with long ears said she is a beautiful woman because of her race elf. Elves are known to be beautiful male or female alike.

Rose nodded her head and did not spare a single glance again to the group and went upstairs with Leafa.

Arriving at the room. Leafa patted her thighs to give Rose a lap pillow.

Finally alone in the room, Rose can't handle anymore and release all the pain that is stacking within her heart. She throws herself to Leafa while hugging her tightly, letting out a cry that she almost screamed.

"There, There, it's okay. Edward will be back. You know him a strong and reliable man right? Maybe he needs time right now." She said whole caressing Rose's head gently. Her voice was so gentle like a mother comforting her daughter.

In truth, even Leafa has a crush on Edward but did not pursue him because of how many women he has already but this time, she thought that this might be a good opportunity and help Edward as well if he returned...

But little did they know that the person Edward is already different.

- - - - -

It's already been a month since I arrived here. I have gathered a lot of Genetic points and my power was steadily increasing.

Right now, I have 36 Dire wolves as my ambush team, 12 Dire bears as my Tank team, and 48 Sabertooth.

Checking my Beasts status.

[36 Dire wolves with 3 Pseudo-Alpha.]

[12 Dire Bears with 1 Pseudo-Alpha.]

[48 Sabertooth with 4 Pseudo- Alpha and 1 Alpha]

To be honest, I can have more Beasts but I am investing for their armors, I managed to buy Leather Armor to each of my summons that has 20% magic and physical resistance. It's already a good amount.

The Dire Bears resembles a grizzly bear in appearance, the Dire Bear is distinguishable by its shorter snout, earning it the nickname "Short-Faced Bear". Like other bears, they are capable of standing on their hind legs, but only to intimidate those that enter its territory. The beast is also surprisingly swift for its hulking build.

While the Saber appears as a large cat with well-developed forelimbs and exceptionally long canines. The differences between it and its cousins in the fossil records are that it sports a longer, panther-like tail, its snout is seemingly shorter, and its head is more hunched to the ground. The ears are pointy like that of house cats. The fur on its head, upper torso, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than the rest of its fur, which is textured with tiger-like stripes. The eyes are lime green with cat-like pupils. The nose is pink and panther-like. The snout also has noticeable whiskers. Also, only males have a mane, females do not

My strength already reach at the peak of Archon while most of my summons, the weakest are at the peak of Crusader while the strongest, the Alpha Saber is at Archon-5.

Even Hiro won't rival my Alpha Saber. Hellena also told me that I am now the strongest in the Ashbridge kingdom.

But the stronger I become, the harder I rank up. But it's fair, to be honest. My biggest problem is facing a magic type enemy but thankfully the armor of my summons has a magic resistance.

Right now, my mission is to defeat and annihilate the troll village.