
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 - Travel and Monster wave? (Light Chapter)

It's been two days since we started traveling, the forest is expectedly wide because since then, we are still inside of its area.

Without my creatures assisting us, old man Bard said it might take us 10 days to reach the Ashbridge kingdom.

Our travel is very peaceful, no monsters we're trying to attack us. Some may wander around but they were easily dealt and eaten by my summons.

Old man Bard also told me about what are the Events happened when I was gone. Especially, I asked them about 'Hiro', Edwards best friend.

It seems like Hiro is not married to Edward's recent Harems. I know it hurts to the feels, he only emphasized to the recent owner of this body.

"I have moved on, there are always many reasons why things happened that we don't like," I replied to assure them that I have 'forgotten' the girls.

Sylvia and Princess Eudora were shocked to know about my 'past', they felt pity at first and even hugged me unexpectedly, but in these two days, they were always following me no matter where I go except when doing private things like bathing or you know...

I know that they felt beside me and it's not bad being relied on by beautiful girls robe honest. I even enjoyed their company.

"Why did they left you? You are more stronger and handsome than the Hiro guy they said." Princess Eudora asked me, we were sitting side by side facing the campfire.

Sylvia also looked at me with somewhat cute looking puppy eyes that are very hard to resist.

I sighed and told them. I was weak once, I don't know how to groom well, and I am shy when it comes to girls. Well, at least that is what I know to the recent owner.

"I admire you, Sir, Edward. You fought and got stronger in a small amount of time. What more having an army of unknown creatures."

I patted Sylvia's head. Yes, patting them is like our normal routing in these last two days. I thought princesses are somewhat haughty in nature but there are some like Eudora as well.

"I have decided to change my name and forget everything, Sylvia. My name now is Ryze, so don't call me Edward again." Then I also glanced at Princess Eudora and said the same thing.

"I have a lover named, Rose. She's a receptionist in the guild. I will make it up to her. It's been four months." I also told them about my 'Lovelife.'

But really I mean it. I want to win Rose again not as Edward, but as Ryze. It's not because I feel sympathy for her. It's because Rose is a girl that deserves to be loved, she did not leave the Person to another famous and 'handsome' one.

Even back in the earth, I am sure that women will get attracted to the appearance and money more than personality and efforts.

"Hey, Ryze... Can I ask what your goal is?" Princess Eudora suddenly asked out of the blue. I looked at her cute face and answered.

"My goal? I want to have my own land, raise my creatures, and have a family." Well, this is my main goal but I need to purify this world-first from corruption and more.

"That's a relaxing goal. Family huh..." Sylvia mumbled in contemplate.

"Now then, enough with the drama. Time to sleep." I clapped my hands and escorted the girls to their tent. Then, I went to my Royal Griffin and lied down beside her back. I have my own tent but I want to watch the stars. It is different than earth. Countless stars twinkling at the night sky.

"Good morning Ryze." Old man Bard woke me up and offered water to drink and wash my face. I was expecting a beautiful woman will wake me up. Jokes aside. We will continue or travel again.

"It seems like those fairies are taking a liking of you. Well, it's to be expected. A strong and handsome man rescued them." Old man Bard said while sitting beside me.

"Yep, those two have goddess-like beauties. But, I still have someone as my priority first." I answered.

"You're a good man Ryze. Lady Rose really needs you and we saw her how much she loves you."

I nod my head. After that, we went to eat our breakfast and continue our Journey.

-Three days later-

In a very high wall surrounding the Ashbridge kingdoms. Guards were patrolling on the wall platform while somewhere on the ground.

Guard 1: Dude! Wake up! Monster wave is coming!!"

Guard 2: What the?! Everyone wake up! Ring the bell!

'Ring! Ring!'

The bell ringed that started everyone, guards went towards the castle and reported what is happening.

Adventurers started to gather and help the frontlines.

Adventurer 1: "God what are they??

Adventurer 2: "New Breeds?!"

At this time, the kingdom is in a panic.

-Adventurers Guild-

"What is happening? Leafa?"

"It's a monster wave Rose... And new breed as well..."

"What?! New breeds?!"

New breeds, also known as monsters that appear every year. They are stronger and powerful than the recorded monsters.



"Oops? I think we cause a problem here." I smirked looking at the soldiers. Even thou they see still far away, they were expecting for war.

"Fufufu. It's because Ryze's creatures are many and powerful looking. Wait here. We will calm this commotion." Princess Eudora said, followed by Sylvia and the others.

Yep, they left me. Alone... I looked at my creatures and said.

"Some of you might not enter but I promise to find a way okay? Be obedient and wait here. We will stay until they give the signal."


"Hey! Alpha! Don't give them a signal. Idiot."

One of my Wolf Alphas howled the stuck his tongue towards me with a smile. It seems like they are getting smarter as well.

- - - - -

Human figures were coming towards them until they heard a feminine shout.

"Guards be at ease! It is me your princess!"

Captain: What?! It's the princess! Lower your weapons!

Eudora arrives in front of them and explained everything. Then, A handsome man with four women following here appeared. It was Hiro and his 'wives'.

"Princess? What are they?" Hiro asked casually.

"Mind your manners in front of the Princess," Sylvia said while pointing her sword towards Hiro.

"My, my bad."

Eudora and Sylvia evaluated Hiro and said, thought.

'Why? Ryze is so much better than him?' Then she looked at the women. 'So they are supposed to be Ryze's wives huh...'

Old man Bard told them about Hiro's appearance so that is why they immediately recognized them.

Captain: Bard, what happened to the others?"

Oldman Bard shook his head, they also told them about being captured and lost some people.

Captain: So, don't tell me..." The captain looked at the creatures far away.

All people with Eudora nodded their heads while Old man Bard answered. "Their leader, rescued us."

Last Chapter of the day! Don't forget to rate my very first book! XD

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