
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 29: Gold Thistle Elixir

The weeks passed quietly after that night. Long Junjie and his friends were often found at the Beast Princess Residence. Sometimes they asked to cultivate in the Phoenix Ring. Sometimes they were begging for more equipment or pills or arrays.

Often Fu Bai would turn up to visit Leng Ling when he wasn't in court. He and Fu Ru had retrieved almost all of Di Li's things and returned them to her. Leng Ling had eventually given him a key ring of his own so he could enter her residence. Slowly Leng Ling began to feel more comfortable being surrounded by her new family and friends. She still had yet to me her half-brother, her step-mother or any of the other Fu Family members.

Occasionally Yu Jao or Yu Mao would turn up requesting medicine for other servants of the Fu residence who served the less nicer members of the family. Namely the ones who worked for the Second Young Miss, Fu Meilin or her mother, Su Wan. Even the ones who worked for Li Chen required it more often or not. It wasn't hard to work out that these 3 women had quite the temper and usually took it out on their servants. The Yu brothers usually turned up late in the night and on the quiet.

Leng Ling didn't ask any questions and only accepted what they told her. It wasn't strange to her that they came for it. The culture of slaves as servants generally invited such a situation and there was very little places that provided healthcare for people of their status. She quietly came to the assumption that the reason her Mother had been loved by the servants were for the very same reason. She provided them with medical care.

Long Junjie took Leng Ling to the palace finally after a month. His parents and sister had been nagging him in the time to bring her to meet them. His mother in particular was anxious to meet the daughter of her late friend.

On entering the palace however, a servant intercepted them with a message for Long Junjie. His sister, Long Jinjing had met with an accident while riding.

Grabbing Leng Ling's hand, the engaged couple rushed to Long Junjie's sister's courtyard where his parents waited anxiously for a group of 5 Imperial Doctors to finish examing their daughter.

"Father, Mother, how is she?"

Long Junjie's voice sounded just as anxious as his parents felt.

One of the Imperial Doctors turned to the waiting family. He was curious to see an unknown young woman waiting with them. Professionalism required him to ignore his curiosity and answer the Crown Prince.

"Her Highness is currently unconscious. It's not looking good. She requires a Godly grade pill and our grades are currently not high enough to make it."

The unknown young woman spoke then.

"What pill in particular does she need?"

Hearing an unknown voice, all the Imperial Doctors as well as the Emperor and Empress turned to look at her then. Both Feng Li and Long Hu were astonished to see an almost exact replica of their old friend.

Leng Ling smiled at Long Junjie's parents gently before turning back to the silent doctors.

"What Godly Grade pill does Her Highness require?"

"Errrr.. umm... Her Highness needs Golden Thistle Elixir. But it's impossible to get hold of Golden Thistle let alone be able to make it. No one in Long Guo can make Godly Grade pills."

"Ling Ling"

"It's alright Brother Junjie. I'll ask them to search for it and make it as soon as they can send it to me. Your sister will be fine."

"What are you saying child?! Gold Thistle can only be found in the depths of 10 Thousand Beast Forrest! No one is daring enough to go in there to find it! Even if someone could find it, who here could make it."

An arrogant looking doctor stared at her in distain only to be shocked when not only Leng Ling glared back at him coldly but so did the Emperor, Empress and Crown Prince!

Instead of responding to the idiot in front of her, Leng Ling lifted her bracelet and activated the open communication line.

"Everyone can you hear me?"

"" "" ""We hear you, Your Highness!"" "" ""

A loud roar of hundreds of voices resounded from her bracelet shocking everyone within hearing.

"I need a herb called Gold Thistle. It should should probably be near your Golden Ape Tribal area Yuan Laoshi. Have you heard of it or remember seeing it?"

"I know it Ling'er. It's close to our home. I'll send it to you within half an hour."

"Thank you Yuan Laoshi. Thank you everyone."

""" "" ""Bye Ling'er!"" "" ""

"Wha... What was that?!"

The previously arrogant doctor looked frightened. Leng Ling ignored his question and turned to the original doctor whom she had a better impression of.

"Do you have the recipe for Gold Thistle Elixir? I need to take a look at the rest of the ingredients and make sure I have them."

"Su... Sure ... I have it in one of my scrolls. It's in my pouch. I'll get it for you now."

The man was shaking as he used his devine sense to search for the required scroll before handing it to her.

After perusing it for a few minutes, Leng Ling nodded with certainty.

"I have everything else. There is no problem. Once Yuan Laoshi sends me the Gold Thistle I can begin."

"You have the skills to make Godly Grade pills? Why have I never heard of you?"

The arrogant doctor laughed scornfully.

"I've never heard of you either and yet here you are."

The other doctors snorted in amusement at her retort. He had long annoyed them with his arrogance in the past. They tolerated him out of professionalism rather than comradeship.

Long Junjie spoke then.

"You will watch your tone Doctor Gu. Or else you will be removed from the Imperial Doctor rank. That is the Beast Princess of 10 Thousand Beast Forrest and my future Crown Princess Consort that you are showing attitude to."

The other doctors looked at him in shock.

"Ye... Yes, Your Highness. I will be more respectful of Her Highness in future."

Imperial Doctor Gu restrained his arrogance at once on learning her status was higher than his own, although it did not stop his anger at being disregarded.

"Ling'er, may I call you Ling'er? I'm an old friend of your Mother. I've missed her dearly over the years."

"It's fine, Your Majesty. Call me as you like. I never got to meet my Mother as she had passed away as soon as I was born. I'm sure she would be very happy to see you well."

"Oh please, call me Aunt Feng, or better yet since you and Jun'er are engaged, call me Mother!"

"Aunt Feng then. I don't really think it's appropriate to call you mother just yet. After all we are only engaged right now, not married yet."

"Then I'll be waiting until you are married for you to call me Mother. You look so much like your mother it was like we were young girls again!"

"I'm very happy you feel that way Aunt Feng."

"Stop hogging our future daughter-in-law to yourself. Let me greet her as well. Call me Uncle Long, Ling'er."

"Uncle Long."

"Good girl. Good girl."

"Ling'er, I found the Gold Thistle! I'm sending it to you now!"

Yuan Laoshi's voice came through the bracelet suddenly at that moment.

"Thank you Yuan Laoshi! I appreciate you finding it and sending it to me!"

"Uncle Long, Aunt Feng. Please excuse me for 15 minutes. I'll be right back with the Gold Thistle Elixir. Back soon Brother Junjie."

They nodded as she disappeared on the spot to the shock of the doctors. The royal family had expected her to do it since they knew about her Ring. They explained nothing to the doctors however since it was nonecof their business.

"Where did she go? Did she go to retrieve the herb? But it'll take more than 15 minutes to go to 10 Thousand Beast Forrest and back let alone make the elixir?"

One of the younger doctors asked.

"She didn't got to retrieve it, she already has it. The moment Yuan Laoshi said she had sent it to Ling Ling, Ling Ling already received it. She's gone to make the elixir." (Long Junjie)

"In 15 minutes?" Imperial Doctor Gu distained.

"It's only 15 minutes out here. Time flows differently where Ling Ling is."

"Is she confident, Jun'er?" (Long Hu)

"Of course Father. She makes Immortal Grade pills regularly for her adoptive parents. Godly Grade is nothing."

"Did you say Her Highness can make Immortal Grade pills?"

The young doctor asked stunned. It wasn't just him. The others were shocked as well.

Long Junjie just nodded.

"I don't understand, Your Highness. How did she receive the herb when she was right here?"

Another doctor asked.

"Her bracelet is more than just a communication device. Anyone with this bracelet can send items through to anyone else with this bracelet."

"Send items through it?" (First Doctor)

"What kind of godly grade equipment is that?" (Second Doctor)

"That's amazing! I wonder where you can get them from!" (Youngest Doctor)

Leng Ling reappeared at that moment.

"Here is the elixer. You can check it first before giving it to her if you're doubtful."

Leng Ling handed it to the first Doctor who opened the lid. A strong but pleasantly pure medicine smell came out as he did.

"It's really Godly Grade elixer!" (Youngest Doctor)