
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

When they were gone, Michael fell to his knees, shivering slightly as he gazed at his gory claws. He looked around him, terrified by the countless bodies of ravens on the ground. He muttered, "What have I done?"

"That was incredible, Mike," Chris applauded. When did you learn how to do all that? You seemed like the dark one a few minutes ago. "

"I told you I didn't want to do this."

"Yes, but you had to do it."

Michael rolled his eyes and said, "Take care of the bodies." Before Chris could talk back, Michael accelerated home. 


"Michael," his father called, rushing up to him as he had just walked in. "I think I've found a way to bring Chris's good side back."

Michael kept mute, walking slowly to the stairs. "Are you okay?" Nicholas asked, pausing for a minute. "What happened to you?" He noticed the blood stains on his lips and hands, and some splashes of blood on his shirt.

"Since when do you care?" Michael retorted.

"That's not fair." Nicholas spoke in a low tone.

Michael shook his head and proceeded further to his room. He hit the shower and washed off the blood from his body. He put on his towels and went out of the bathroom. He was surprised when he saw his father seated on the couch in his room. 

"Why are you here? You barely visit my room. " Michael headed to his wardrobe.

"I've been doing some thinking lately, and I want to tell you everything."

After Michael had dressed up, he sat on his bed and waited for his father to start talking. 

Nicholas took a deep breath and settled into his seat. He began, "five hundred years ago, I-"

"Dad, you've lived for five hundred years? You told me you were forty-three." Michael cut him off.

"Do you want to hear it or not?" Nicholas asked, and Michael lifted his hands in a surrendering manner. "Five hundred years ago, I did something very terrible because I couldn't control my wolf. My father was a king and the royal families always has two sons: a destroyer and a peacemaker. I was the destroyer. I was so pissed at my brother for something he did, and I lost control. I killed him, the peace maker. My father was so angry, he banished me from the kingdom and cursed me to birth a destroyer and a peace maker. " 

"Let me guess, I'm the destroyer and I'll end up killing Chris someday?" Michael frowned.

"No, Chris is the destroyer. He'll kill you. "

"Wait, this isn't right. I met a lady a month ago. She showed me a vision where I killed Chris. Ever since, I've been trying to prevent a fight between us.

Nicholas frowned. Michael could see the confusion in his face. "How is that even possible? Chris is the dark one; he's the destroyer. I searched for ways to cure Chris's werewolfism to stop him from killing you. "

Michael stood up and paced up and down his room, trying to answer the conundrums in his head. He turned to his father and asked, "So, how can we stop this from happening?" 

"We need to turn Chris's good side back on. If he remains dark, it's only a matter of time before he forces you into a fight."

"How do we turn on his good side?" Michael asked.

"We don't do it, he does it. Heightened emotions can make him turn on his good side. We'll capture him, put him in one of the cellars, and shoot our shot. " Nicholas stated.


Weeks later, Emily's training with her father hadn't made any progress. 


She got used to Michael ignoring her. She didn't even bother to ask him the reason why he was distancing himself from her.


She woke up in the morning in good spirits. After taking her bath, she swayed to her wardrobe and grabbed her usual outfit; a jean trouser and a blouse. When she was done, she headed downstairs.

"Happy Birthday!" Her parents yelled. They wore cone-shaped birthday caps. Her mother held the cake. The living room was decorated with glitter, and a "happy birthday" banner hung above the door. She staggered backwards, startled at first, then her face lit up with a bright smile.

"I can't believe I forgot my birthday again." She chuckled.

"We didn't." Her mother smiled brightly.

Emily descended the stairs and followed her parents to the table where they set the cake. She blew out the candles, refusing to make a wish even after being forced by her mother.

Her phone rang, and she excused herself from the little party she was having with her family and answered the phone.

On the phone.

"We should have a party!" Giselle screamed. "Like a house party."

"I don't think so. We can just have a little drink at Nich's eatery. "

"Last time I took you to Nich's eatery, you said you weren't comfortable going there if it wasn't about work."

"Are you coming or not?" Emily asked.

"When?" Giselle asked.

"Evening." Emily answered, and hung up the phone.


Emily went up to her room and lay on her bed, replying to birthday text messages. She came across Michael's text, and she scoffed, ignoring it.

As soon as she was done, she did a little practice to see if she could pop out wings or do anything supernatural. She fell back to her bed as all her efforts seemed useless. She laid still, staring at the ceiling, waiting for evening to come.


After what seemed like forever, the evening finally came. She hurried out, meeting with Giselle and Jacob on the way. They strode to Nich's eatery.


When they got there, after the remaining customers left, Michael placed a closed tag on the door, and they sat around the table while the new waiter brought several bottles of brown beer.

After a while, Emily moved away from her friends and sat at a separate table. The new waiter walked up to her and sat close to her. "Hey," he smiled, "Happy Birthday." 

"Thank you." Emily reciprocated the smile.

"I'm Sydney." He stretched out his hands to her.

"I'm-" Emily attempted to speak, but he interrupted her.

"Emily," he nodded, "I know."

"How?" She frowned as they shook hands.

"Michael talks about you all the time." 

"Does he?" She grimaced, glancing at Michael, who was having a good time with the rest. "You guys knew each other before?" She asked.

"No, I've been working here for over a month and you seem to be the only worker here that I haven't talked to." He sipped his beer and said, "I do notice your stares though."

Emily, whose eyes were fixed on the ground, immediately turned to look at the young man in front of her. Does he have eyes in the back? She looked at him only when he was preoccupied or when he backed her. She never remembered making eye contact with him, so how did he find out?

She nervously chuckled. "Stares? You must be dreaming. " She looked away and took a sip of her beer.

Sydney laughed. "So, how old are you? If you don't mind my asking."

"Actually, I do." She raised her eyebrows with a serious expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," She cut him. "I was just joking. I'm eighteen. " She took another sip. "What about you? How old are you?" 

"I'd rather not say. I'm pretty old." He said, and they both laughed.

"Excuse me," Michael interrupted, "Emily, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Emily smiled.

"Alone." He glanced at Sydney, who got the memo and walked away.

Michael watched him as he walked away, then he turned to Emily and asked, "What was he talking to you about?"

"I thought you were avoiding me."

"Yes, and it's all for a reason." Michael moved closer to her. "I miss you." He muttered, surprising Emily and himself.

"If I remember correctly, you told me to stay away from you." She placed her drink on the table, "And that's what I'm going to do."

"Please hear me out." He grabbed her hand. She scoffed and pulled back her hand, and was headed to the exit. "At least let me drive you home." Michael said.

"I'd use some fresh air." She gave him a quick glance and was about to open the door when Giselle screamed her name and dashed over to her. "Were you planning on leaving without me?" She frowned.

Emily sighed, "Sorry." She said, simply. "Can we go now?"

"You can go, we'll catch up." Giselle smiled and hurried back to the rest.

"Then why did you stop me from leaving?" Emily yelled, but Giselle didn't answer as she continued to leap inside.

After Emily was ten metres away from Nich's eatery, she heard someone calling her name from afar. She stopped and looked back. The night was dark and cold, and she could only see the silhouette of a figure running towards her.

It took her some time before she realized that it was Michael. She frowned, confusion etched all over her face. He accelerated to Emily's front. "I got you a birthday present and almost forgot to give it to you." He handed her a pocket-sized box.

She collected the gift from Michael, the frown still on her forehead. When she opened it, her face brightened up. "Michael," she breathed. It was a silver neckless, and Emily found it gorgeous. She raised her eyes to him. "Thank you." She smiled brightly.

"I know I've been acting a lot weird these past few weeks for some reason, but things will get resolved very soon, I promise." Michael's gaze was fixed on Emily, watching her expression as he spoke.

Emily nodded at his words. "It's getting dark," she looked around, "I should probably get going."

"Sure you don't want me to walk you?" Michael asked.

"No," she said, smiling.

Michael turned around and headed back to Nich's eatery. Emily continued her journey home. She took the necklace and wore it. She gazed at her chest where the pendant rested and admired the beautiful pendant. When she looked up, her eyes caught Chris. "Oh my God! You scared me." She placed her hands on her chest as she breathed heavily.

"Nice necklace." Chris grinned.

"Thanks, Michael got it for me as a birthday present." She smiled.

"I know." Michael grinned darkly, exposing his sharp fangs.


When Michael got to Nich's eatery, he found Elsa pacing back and forth. He moved curiously towards her. "Elsa?" He called.

"Michael!" Elsa rushed to him. "Aren't you with Emily?" 

"No, I left her minutes ago."

"No!" She screamed, gaining the attention of the rest of them in the room. "We have to get to her now!" She rushed to the door, and they all followed. 

They ran worriedly down the dark and silent road, the only sounds being their feet and breathing.

"Hey, Michael." Chris smirked, holding Emily with his claws placed on her throat. They came to a halt when they saw Chris. "You're so predictable." Chris said, Emily shook in his hold. Tears rolled down her face.

"Chris, you don't have to do this." 

"I warned you." Chris observed the rest of them that came with Michael. "Wait, I reminisce, you were the raven in the woods the night at my pool party. Why are you still alive? "

"You were the werewolf that bit me, weren't you?" Jacob's wings popped out. He shot out his claws and growled loudly as he dived towards Chris.

Chris immediately struck Jacob with lightning and split Emily's throat with his claws. Giselle covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes widening.

"No!!!" Michael yelled, and he rushed over to Emily as she fell to the floor. He took her in his arms. She tried to speak, but she couldn't. His shaky hands swept her hair to the back of her ears. She became lifless in his arms. He looked up and Chris was gone. His eyes glowed green. He gnashed his teeth and raised his face as he growled at the sky. His growl echoed, sending shivers down their spines.