
The Average Adventurer With a Luck Ability Was Promoted to S-Rank

[18+ Content. Not suitable for anyone 17 and below. Viewer discretion advised!] Velvet Goon Kaiser is your average adventurer who left a prestigious home. Now he ventures alone with a passive ability of luck he gained from a goddess?! Thus the story of Velvet and his slowly building harem starts now!

Hatsu_Poralu · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Gambling of Luck

Sunny days are still as horrid as ever; at least there's a scent of a nice rose, "Wait, what's this rose scented smell coming from?" I said as I looked under my sheets, to find something that put me into shock, for a moment at least.

"Morning already?" the elf goddess got up and stretched as she yawned.

Before moving on. Hello again, I'm Velvet, your average adventurer who was cursed with a luck ability, due to this mischievous elf that calls herself a goddess, due to circumstances she lives with me after we formed a team, or party to simply put.

"Get dressed will you?" I looked away in embarrassment.

"A little bit too revealing for you boy?" she grinned before flashing her whole body at me.

"That's too revealing!" I stomped, but calmed down and decided to put clothes on for her.

"Oh my, how bold." She blushed as she raised her back to make it easier for me to put on her shirt and raised her leg as well so I could put on her socks and boots. I made her wear everything else herself as not to spoil her too much, that and because I tried to hide a certain rock underneath my pants.

"Ahem, now then, since you got all dressed, let's get your adventurer's clothes from the tailors at the guild." I said as I got suited up in my adventurer's armor, and proceeded to walk out with Ruka.

"Mind if I cling onto your arm?" she begged as she pulled my sleeves slightly.

I thought about it and responded, "Sure, but don't cling too tightly, okay?" but she still tightly locked her arms on me; a sigh came after.

Hours later we arrived at the guild, usually it would be faster by carriage or a car for instance, where did cars come from to begin with, presumedly long ago there was this great inventor that changed this very world, and was known as the world's savior, although the world has since relied on what he left for us.

"Well, he's irrelevant here now, but thank you for making lives easier." I looked up into the sky and went back to walking into the guild base for our clothes.

"Ah, there you guys are!" Ariel waved at us with a smile.

"Hello Ari!" Ruka ran up to give her a hug.

"Good to see you again, although we always meet whenever I go to the guild." I scratched my head wearily.

Sometimes luck can go out in my favor, and that's a good sign that nothing unfortunate will happen, at least for now. is what I had hoped, no cliched moments either today, which was another positive sign of a good day; and was this a big gamble of a lifetime, well, best not to dwell too much into it.

"Here you guys go, your tailored and custom made clothes." Ariel said while handing us our outfits, "be sure to clean them well every once in a while!"

"We most certainly will!" Ruka and I agreed.

We got into them moments later, Ruka who decided to braid her hair in a stylish way with buns, which was nice, and her clothing having this kind of majestic wanderer appearance that fits her well, for my clothes, I guess it's more of an old nomad appearance with few ripped parts here and there, but it also quite fits me, though my cyan hair being messy as it is flows perfectly with it the palette of the nomad clothes, and least not forget the ponytail which is tied down.

"Very handsome I might say." Ruka gave a nudge to my arm.

"Same to you, it looks pretty on you." I gave her a thumbs up, only for her to turn her head in embarrassment.

I didn't get punched or even stung by words, was this a gamble of luck, I wasn't sure yet, but rather it matters or not, it's been a good day by far, no noise to interrupt me either which was a positive thing.

Ariel stood before asking something of us, "Alright, since you two got suited up in those fabulous outfits, could you complete this quest that's been up for a few days?" and magically showed us the quest.

"Velvet... Ariel is something else, she's just able to poof! something out for us." she whispered in my ears.

"Don't say something like that, at least she's a lovely guild attendant of mine." I told her to shush and not say anything weird like that about Ariel ever again.

"My mistake." Ruka frowned.

We accepted the quest after and made our way to the location. What the quest was, well. Me and Ruka would soon find out much later, or at least we would right this moment, which put us in a dangerous situation the next thing over.

"So... how did we fall down into this layer, with all these monsters surrounding us." I wondered for a brief moment before getting snapped back to reality by Ruka.

"Don't worry, I got you covered!" she panicked as she shielded in front of me and cast a spell which disintegrated all the monsters which left me astonished, but scared at the same time.

"That's.. a pretty amazing skill Ruka." I said while sweating.

"Right?" she proudly grinned while crossing her arms.

"So how do you assume we get out?" I asked her directly.

"I haven't thought about it this far, how far below in the dungeon did we fall too?" she questioned herself, trying to remember.

"Ninety." I told her, "floor ninety is where we are located." I stated it again.

"That far down?" A widened face appeared on Ruka, who again, panicked.

By now my luck should have played a part for us, and that's correct, it very much did after Ruka suddenly pushed down a button in the middle of the dungeon, which is a large circular platform with strange patterns, which teleported us all the way back up to floor zero.

"Well that's unexpected to say the least." I stood up after being knocked down from the wobbly levitation feeling I had while transporting here.

"My head hurts." Ruka wobbled before regaining her vision and stood up moments later.

"Should we go back to the guild and bring the items to Ariel." I asked while patting Ruka's back, who seemed as if she was about to throw up.

"Yeah, let's go ahead with that." she gagged before feeling better after we went to rest for a bit on a rock, "don't you think we can drive this rock by any chance do you?" she asked a silly question.

"By magic, yes you can, but why?" I questioned in confusion.

"Why not?" she replied with a very straight face on her face.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes, forgetting she's like this.

Luck is but a gamble, a good one came about today, but who knows when a negative one will later reveal itself, well, I'm not one to think about it much as long as the day went by quite smoothly, a little bit disastrously yes, but all works out in the end. Or so I hoped.

"We're back Ariel!" we called out to her as we were nearing the entrance to the guild.

"Ah, welcome back-" she paused while looking up from a document she's reading and saw a massive bag full of items that we were carrying.

"We left her speechless." Ruka looked at me.

"We most certainly did." I looked back at her.

Ariel took a moment to regain her composure, and finally spoke, "Can we go somewhere more private? Everyone here seems to be curious about it." She said as eyes and ears peered toward our direction.

"Let's do that then." I laughed the stares off.

After going somewhere isolated from others, Ariel my guild attendant handed us a lot of money as she took the large bag and transported it somewhere, how we got the items is because, in a way, defeating monsters will automatically store their items in a pocket dimension that magicians have access to, me having that class makes it convenient to retrieve and store items.

"Well, thank you for completing the quest, I'll stamp it right now and hand it over to the authorities." Ariel said before bidding us farewell for now.

"That was a long day, wasn't it Ruka?" I held her instinctively in my arms.

"A-ah, yes it was." she stuttered and blushed.

"Oh, my mistake." I instantly backed away, "didn't mean to do that on purpose." I chuckled a bit.

She didn't take that lightly it would seem and walked me back to my place for a surprise I didn't expect, nor didn't think would turn out that way with my usually blank mind, and so I Velvet Goon Kaiser once again regretted the sub-ability of luck.

"We can talk about this, yes?" I quivered in fear.

"Not a chance, Vel." she licked the palms of her hands as she sat on me.

How horrid it is to have the day ruined by having my precious first time taken; how unmanly of me as I sighed in despair as of what's about to come next.

Thoughts are a concept of deciding what to pick from and say/type it, but to keep thoughts nice and simple, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

The chapters are heating up though.. and quick at that?!

If you are? *o*

Hatsu_Poralucreators' thoughts