
Chapter 21 - Gods of Destruction

Their fists connected, shaking the universe and neighboring ones along with it. They both got pushed back by the shockwave, sliding acros the ground. Hirota smirked, looking at his hand.

"Amazing! I'll definitely do some experiments with this later."

"Less talking and more fighting!" Kefla shouted.

She rushed towards him, throwing a red ki blast as she did so. Hirota, however, simply slapped the blast away before using his leg to clash with Kefla's punch.

"A very futile effort, Kefla."

"Shut up!"

Kefla threw another punch, but Hirota swiftly ducked under it. He quickly countered with an attack of his own, unleashing an uppercut with devastating force. The impact was cataclysmic, a shockwave of energy that rippled outward with unrestrained power. The very ground trembled beneath the force of the blow as the shockwave radiated outward, leaving destruction in its wake.

The planet's surface fractured and splintered into countless fragments, and the once-solid ground reduced to a chaotic storm of debris.

"ARGH!" Kelfa yelped in pain.

Hirota quickly followed it up and grabbed her by the face, smashing her head into the ground. Still holding her by the face, he shot out a powerful beam that engulfed her, sending her flying into multiple planets.

"Heh. I'm interested to see now if you'll survive for 10 minutes, let alone the entire chapter." Hirota chuckled.

Kefla stopped herself, smashing her fist into a mountain and roaring in anger. Her aura unleashed a torrent of destruction that shattered the planet into fragments.

Hirota teleported behind her, grinning widely.

"Dumbass says 'what the-!' "

"What the-!" Kefla turned around, jumping backward.

Hirota snapped his fingers. The resulting gust of wind carried a surprising impact, striking Kefla in the abdomen with unexpected force. The sudden blow disrupted her balance and sent her hurtling through space, her body flying with immense speed. The power of his snap hurled Kefla into an entirely different universe altogether.

"Dumbass!" He laughed.

With a burst of energy, he quickly followed after her, shooting off. Kefla quickly caught herself, getting more pissed off as the fight continued. She fired a red energy beam towards Hirota. But Hirota easily countered it, firing a single ki blast that pushed back her beam.

Kefla quickly dodged out of the way, getting seemingly more angry as the fight progressed.

"Damn you!"

Kefla's power surged as she concentrated an immense amount of ki energy into her hands. The sheer intensity of her gathering energy created an overwhelming pressure that caused the very fabric of the universe to tremble.


Kefla unleashed a devastating beam of energy from her hands. The beam shimmered with a dazzling array of colors, a radiant display. As it surged towards Hirota, its mere presence was enough to wreak havoc in its wake. Nearby planets crumbled and disintegrated, obliterated by the overwhelming force of the approaching beam, even before it made contact with them. However, despite how powerful the beam was...

It meant nothing.

Hirota held up his hand, blocking the blast with just his index finger. He moved his finger ever so slightly, sending the beam further into the vacuum of space above before erupting in a brilliant explosion, a celestial burst of light and force that painted the cosmos with a dazzling display of power.

"H-How!?" Kefla looked on in shock and terror.

"I must thank you Kefla, saving me the time getting the potarra earrings myself. But, I think It's my turn now."

In an instant, he appeared in front of her, delivering a devastating punch to the gut that knocked her out of her form. He quickly followed it up, punching her in the jaw. The force behind it sent her flying, crashing into another planet.

"AGH!!" She spat up a mouthful of blood.

Before she could recover, he flew down at an insane speed, landing on her and caving her chest in with his feet.

"Though, I have had enough fun with you, saiyan. Sayonara!"

He charged a small ki blast, preparing to erase Kefla from existence. The air seemed to thicken with tension as the energy crackled around him. But just then, he could feel a presence behind him. He quickly turned around, slapping a hakai ball away and into the distance.

"Champa...don't you think you're too overweight for this?" He chuckled.

Then, other people began appearing, surrounding Hirota.

"I see you've brought your friends too. So what's your plan here?"

"It's to get revenge for my brother! Beerus!" Champa clenched his fist.

"All this for just a measly cat?"


In a burst of fury, Champa charged towards Hirota, his massive frame propelling him forward with great speed. He swung a powerful punch. However, Hirota reacted swiftly, countering Champa's attack with a punch of his own. The collision between their punches sent shockwaves through the planet, causing it to rupture and explode in a cataclysmic burst of energy.

Hirota leaped back from the explosion, smirking. But then, his demeanor shifted as he suddenly looked upward. In a split-second reaction, he turned his head to the side, narrowly dodging an energy card by Belmod that blitzed past him.

"A 12v1 eh? How about we do a 12v12 instead?"

Hirota smirked again before swiftly clapping his hands together. In an astonishing display of power, twelve identical clones of himself materialized in unison. The empty field of space was suddenly crowded with the doppelgangers, each one bearing the same formidable aura as the original Hirota.

"Now this is more fair, isn't it?"


Champa rushed towards Hirota once again.

short chapter, yeah I know

TheOtakuGodcreators' thoughts
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